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Getting so frustrated now, missing all the nights at the pub playing darts and all the league nights, even going to watch the darts. I’ve watched everything YouTube has to offer on darts and I need more.I struggle to practice on my own and do much better with others in a pub environment🙃🎯

submitted by Shearsbyy to Darts [link] [comments]

To get into the Christmas mood for tomorrow I tried The Polar Express on GameCube for the first time, and now have one of the fastest longplays on YouTube of it. What did you think of the game? I think it's one of the better movie adapted children's games I've played.

To get into the Christmas mood for tomorrow I tried The Polar Express on GameCube for the first time, and now have one of the fastest longplays on YouTube of it. What did you think of the game? I think it's one of the better movie adapted children's games I've played. submitted by PowerGloveisAwesome to Gamecube [link] [comments]

Played pubg for 2 mins ...longing for it to end now, so, I canceled the program instantly. Watching chess rush on youtube...waste of time. Better just read my Forbes Asia on my ipad.

Gaming isn't fun. I rewired my mind to be like this.
What I think is fun is going jogging. Playing soccer is awesome.( still playin Fifa 18) Plus, meditating to find out more about yourself.
submitted by viperalis to StopGaming [link] [comments]

Hey guys I m just now getting started on YouTube. I managed to get ten subs but hope to get more. Here is my league of legends video but I also play Minecraft and silent Hill!!! Any tips on how to make my vids better or what to do or play next just let me know.

Hey guys I m just now getting started on YouTube. I managed to get ten subs but hope to get more. Here is my league of legends video but I also play Minecraft and silent Hill!!! Any tips on how to make my vids better or what to do or play next just let me know. submitted by A_man_forgotten to YouTube_startups [link] [comments]

I went to a Orthodox Jewish Bar Mitzveh a few years back and the boy and his siblings had a family band. I remembered they played the office theme song as the intro to the set they played... just found the video on YouTube. I feel like they should play it again now since they’re a lot better.

I went to a Orthodox Jewish Bar Mitzveh a few years back and the boy and his siblings had a family band. I remembered they played the office theme song as the intro to the set they played... just found the video on YouTube. I feel like they should play it again now since they’re a lot better. submitted by berniebaby321 to DunderMifflin [link] [comments]

New to the game dont no what best heros are or really how to play correct. Not much on chest pulls or up to date youtube videos on YouTube. I have bought a t1 oracel chest now i have a t2 oracel chest i can get for 300+ gold i think or i can get a patriots chest for 399 gold. What is the better 2 do

submitted by insanenative to HeroHunters [link] [comments]

Question does madden 18 look better than 17 ? Like how does the field look , players & equipment ? I know there are videos on YouTube of the game but I wanna hear from people that's actually playing now

submitted by sandynocheeks66 to Madden [link] [comments]

How is that people could play CS and get better on their own in 1.6 and CS:S and now they need youtube tutorials?

According to video of Steel I understand his point of view. I don't get it why nowadays people need someone, to tell them what is the game about. FPS games aren't that hard in basics to ask others about them. Maybe it's about society? Laziness? I can't believe that gamers community is less smarter than community few years ago. If u analize your basic gameplay it's not hard to see what you're doing wrong. Of course, uncommon grenades or some tricks are useful, but I don't see the point of posting lecture about how to operate weapons.
submitted by kreAtoRRRRRR to GlobalOffensive [link] [comments]

Shameless plug...You should check out my channel on youtube if you enjoy pokemon related stuff! Battles and let's plays. I have a Nuzlocke of white going right now that would be awesome if you checked out. Here's some Pokemon Online as a sample videos...My Let's Play is better though!

Shameless plug...You should check out my channel on youtube if you enjoy pokemon related stuff! Battles and let's plays. I have a Nuzlocke of white going right now that would be awesome if you checked out. Here's some Pokemon Online as a sample videos...My Let's Play is better though! submitted by Moosen444 to pokemon [link] [comments]

I having unwanted thoughts while watching a video

I’m watching a YouTube video about something educational, however, I can’t help but overlook how gorgeous the interviewer is. She’s dressed in a very professionally way, which makes me question why im so distracted. I feel disgusted looking at her sexually and It upsets me. Porn never made me feel this way, I never felt disgusted because I never had these thought. I used to watch videos without being so easily aroused . I really enjoy her YouTube channel because it’s so informative, I just don’t getting distracted by her, I only want to hear what they have to say.
submitted by Nofap122 to NoFap [link] [comments]

Gamestop Big Picture: The Short Singularity Pt 3 - WTF edition

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. This entire post represents my personal views and opinions, and should not be taken as financial advice (or advice of any kind whatsoever). I encourage you to do your own research, take anything I write with a grain of salt, and hold me accountable for any mistakes you may catch. Also, full disclosure, I hold a net long position in GME, but my cost basis is very low (average ~$67--I have to admit, the drop today was too tasty so my cost basis went up from yesterday)/share with my later buys averaged in), and I'm using money I can absolutely lose. My capital at risk and tolerance for risk generally is likely substantially different than yours. In this post I will go a little further and speculate more than I'd normally do in a post due to the questions I've been getting, so fair warning, some of it might be very wrong. I suspect we'll learn some of the truth years from now when some investigative journalist writes a book about it.
Thank you everyone for the comments and questions on the first and second post on this topic.
Today was a study in the power of fear, courage, and the levers you can pull when you wield billions of dollars...
Woops, excuse me. I'm sorry hedge fund guys... I meant trillions of dollars--I just briefly forget you control not just your own but a lot of other peoples' money too for a moment there.
Also, for people still trading this on market-based rationale (as I am), it was a good day to measure the conviction behind your thesis. I like to think I have conviction, but in case you are somehow not yet familiar with the legend of DFV, you need to see these posts (fair warning, nsfw, and some may be offended/triggered by the crude language). The last two posts might be impressive, but you should follow it in chronological order and pay attention to the evolution of sentiment in the comments to experience true enlightenment.
Anyway, I apologize, but this post will be very long--there's just a lot to unpack.


Disclaimer: given yesterday's pre-market action I didn't even pay attention to the screen until near retail pre-market. I'm less confident in my ability to read what's going on in a historical chart vs the feel I get watching live, but I'll try.
Early in the pre-market it looks to me like some momentum traders are taking profit, discounting the probability that the short-side will give them a deep discount later, which you can reasonably assume given the strategy they ran yesterday. If they're right they can sell some small volume into the pre-market top, wait for the hedge funds try to run the price back down, and then lever up the gains even higher buying the dip. Buy-side here look to me like people FOMOing and YOLOing in at any price to grab their slice of gainz, or what looks to be market history in the making. No way are short-side hedge funds trying to cover anything at these prices.
Mark Cuban--well said! Free markets baby!
Mohamed El-Erian is money in the bank as always. "upgrade in quality" on the pandemic drop was the best, clearest actionable call while most were at peak panic, and boy did it print. Your identifying the bubble as the excessive short (vs blaming retail activity) is money yet again. Also, The PAIN TRADE (sorry, later interview segment I only have on DVR, couldn't find on youtube--maybe someone else can)!
The short attack starts, but I'm hoping no one was panicking this time--we've seen it before. Looks like the momentum guys are minting money buying the double dip into market open.
CNBC, please get a good market technician to explain the market action. Buy-side dominance, sell-side share availability evaporating into nothing (look at day-by-day volume last few days), this thing is now at runaway supercritical mass. There is no changing the trajectory unless you can change the very fabric of the market and the rules behind it (woops, I guess I should have knocked on wood there).
If you know the mechanics, what's happening in the market with GME is not mysterious AT ALL. I feel like you guys are trying to scare retail out early "for their own good" (with all sincerity, to your credit) rather than explain what's happening. Possibly you also fear that explaining it would equate to enabling/encouraging people to keep trying to do it inappropriately (possibly fair point, but at least come out and say that if that's the case). Outside the market,

You Thought Yesterday Was Fear? THIS is Fear!

Ok short-side people, my hat is off to you. Just when I thought shouting fire in a locked theater was fear mongering poetry in motion, you went and took it to 11. What's even better? Yelling fire in a theater with only one exit. That way people can cause the financial equivalent of stampede casualties. Absolutely brilliant.
Robin Hood disables buying of GME, AMC, and a few of the other WSB favorites. Other brokerages do the same. Even for people on 0% margin. Man, and here I thought I had seen it all yesterday.
Side note: I will give a shout out to TD Ameritrade. You guys got erroneously lumped together with RH during an early CNBC segment, but you telegraphed the volatility risk management changes and gradually ramped up margin requirements over the past week. No one on your platform should have been surprised if they were paying attention. And you didn't stop anyone from trading their own money at any point in time. My account balance thanks you. I heard others may have had problems, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt given the DDOS attacks that were flyiing around
Robin Hood. Seriously WTF. I'm sure it was TOTALLY coincidence that your big announcements happen almost precisely when what has to be one of the best and most aggressive short ladder attacks of all time starts painting the tape, what looked like a DDOS attack on Reddit's CDN infrastructure (pretty certain it was the CDN because other stuff got taken out at the same time too), and a flood of bots hit social media (ok, short-side, this last one is getting old).
Taking out a large-scale cloud CDN is real big boy stuff though, so I wouldn't entirely rule out nation state type action--those guys are good at sniffing out opportunities to foment social unrest.
Anyway, at this point, as the market dives, I have to admit I was worried for a moment. Not that somehow the short-side would win (hah! the long-side whales in the pond know what's up), but that a lot of retail would get hurt in the action. That concern subsided quite a bit on the third halt on that slide. But first...
A side lesson on market orders
Someone printed bonus bank big time (and someone lost--I feel your pain, whoever you are).
During the face-ripping volatility my play money account briefly ascended to rarified heights of 7 figures. It took me a second to realize it, then another second to process it. Then, as soon as it clicked, that one, glorious moment in time was gone.
What happened?
During the insane chop of the short ladder attack, someone decided to sweep the 29 Jan 21 115 Call contracts, but they couldn't get a grip on the price, which was going coast to coast as IV blew up and the price was being slammed around. So whoever was trying to buy said "F it, MARKET ORDER" (i.e. buy up to $X,XXX,XXX worth of contracts at any price). This is referred to as a sweep if funded to buy all/most of the contracts on offer (HFT shops snipe every contract at each specific price with a shotgun of limit orders, which is far safer, but something only near-market compute resources can do really well). For retail, or old-tech pros, if you want all the contracts quickly, you drop a market order loaded with big bucks and see what you get... BUT, some clever shark had contracts available for the reasonable sum of... $4,400, or something around that. I was too stunned to grab a screencap. The buy market order swept the book clean and ran right into that glorious, nigh-obscene backstop limit. So someone got nearly $440,000 PER CONTRACT that was, at the time theoretically priced at around $15,000. $425,000 loss... PER CONTRACT. Maybe I'm not giving the buyer enough credit.. you can get sniped like that even if you try to do a safety check of the order book first, but, especially in low liquidity environments, if a HFT can peak into your order flow (or maybe just observes a high volume of sweeps occurring), they can end up front running your sweep, pick off the reasonable contracts, and slam a ridiculous limit sell order into place before your order makes it to the exchange. Either way, I hope that sweep wasn't loaded for bear into the millions. If so... OUCH. Someone got cleaned out.
So, the lesson here folks... in a super high volatility, low-liquidity market, a market order will just run up the ladder into the first sell order it can find, and some very brutal people will put limit sells like that out there just in case they hit the jackpot. And someone did. If you're on the winning side, great. It can basically bankrupt you if you're on the losing side. My recommendation: Just don't try it. I wouldn't be surprised if really shady shenanigans were involved in this, but no way to know (normally that's crazy-type talk, but after today....peeking at order flow and sniping sweeps is one of the fastest, most financially devastating ways to bleed big long-side players, just sayin').
edit *so while I was too busy trying not to spit out my coffee to grab a screenshot, piddlesthethug was faster on the draw and captured this:
Ok, so I guess my in-the-moment mental math was off by about 10%. Man, that hurts just thinking about the guy who lost on that trade.*
Back to the market action..

A Ray of Light Through the Darkness

So I was worried watching the crazy downward movement for two different reasons.
On the one hand, I was worried the momentum pros would get the best discounts on the dip (I'll admit, I FOMO'd in too early, unnecessarily raising my cost basis).
On the other hand, I was worried for the retail people on Robin Hood who might be bailing out into incredibly steep losses because they had only two options: Watch the slide, or bail. All while dealing with what looked to me like a broad-based cloud CDN outage as they tried to get info from WSB HQ, and wondering if the insta-flood of bot messages were actually real people this time, and that everyone else was bailing on them to leave them holding the bag.
But I saw the retail flag flying high on the 3rd market halt (IIRC), and I knew most would be ok. What did I see, you ask? Why, the glorious $211.00 / $5,000 bid/ask spread. WSB Reddit is down? Those crazy mofos give you the finger right on the ticker tape. I've been asked many times in the last few hours about why I was so sure shorts weren't covering on the down move. THIS is how I knew. For sure. It's in the market data itself.
edit So, there's feedback in the comments that this is likely more of a technical glitch. Man, at least it was hilarious in the moment. But also now I know maybe not to trust price updates when the spread between orders being posted is so wide. Maybe a technical limitation of TOS
I'll admit, I tried to one-up those bros with a 4206.90 limit sell order, but it never made it through. I'm impressed that the HFT guys at the hedge fund must have realized really quickly what a morale booster that kind of thing would have been, and kept a lower backstop ask in place almost continuously from then on I'm sure others tried the same thing. Occasionally $1,000 and other high-dollar asks would peak through from time to time from then on, which told me the long-side HFTs were probably successfully sniping the backstops regularly.
So, translating for those of you who found that confusing. First, such a high ask is basically a FU to the short-side (who, as you remember, need to eventually buy shares to cover their short positions). More importantly, as an indicator of retail sentiment, it meant that NO ONE ELSE WAS TRYING TO SELL AT ANY PRICE LOWER THAN $5,000. Absolutely no one was bailing out.
I laughed for a minute, then started getting a little worried. Holy cow.. NO retail selling into the fear? How are they resisting that kind of price move??
The answer, as we all know now... they weren't afraid... they weren't even worried. They were F*CKING PISSED.
Meanwhile the momentum guys and long-side HFTs keep gobbling up the generously donated shares that the short-side are plowing into their ladder attack. Lots of HFT duels going on as long-side HFTs try to intercept shares meant to travel between short-side HFT accounts for their ladder. You can tell when you see prices like $227.0001 constantly flying across the tape. Retail can't even attempt to enter an order like that--those are for the big boys with privileged low-latency access.
The fact that you can even see that on the tape with human eyes is really bad for the short-side people.
Why, you ask? Because it means liquidity is drying up, and fast.

The Liquidity Tide is Flowing Out Quickly. Who's Naked (short)?

Market technicals time. I still wish this sub would allow pictures so I could throw up a chart, but I guess a table will do fine.

Date Volume Price at US Market Close
Friday, 1/22/21 197,157,196 $65.01
Monday, 1/25/21 177,874,00 $76.79
Tuesday, 1/26/21 178,587,974 $147.98
Wednesday, 1/27/21 93,396,666 $347.51
Thursday, 1/28/21 58,815,805 $193.60
What do I see? I see the shares available to trade dropping so fast that all the near-exchange compute power in the world won't let the short-side HFTs maintain order flow volume for their attacks. Many retail people asking me questions thought today was the heaviest trading. Nope--it was just the craziest.
What about the price dropping on Thursday? Is that a sign that the short-side pulled a miracle out and pushed price down against a parabolic move on even less volume than Wednesday? Is the long side running out of capital?
Nope. It means the short-side hedge funds are just about finished.
But wait, I thought the price needed to be higher for them to be taken out? How is it that price being lower is bad for them? Won't that allow them to cover at a lower price?
No, the volume is so low that they can't cover any meaningful fraction of their position without spiking the price parabolic almost instantly. Just not enough shares on offer at reasonable prices (especially when WSB keeps flashing you 6942.00s).
It's true, a higher price hurts, but the interest charge for one more day is just noise at this point. The only tick that will REALLY count is the last tick of trading on Friday.
In the meantime, the price drop (and watching the sparring in real time) tells me that the long-side whales and their HFT quants are so certain of the squeeze that they're no longer worried AT ALL about whether it will happen, and they aren't even worried at all about retail morale to help carry the water anymore.
Instead, they're now really, really worried about how CHEAPLY they can make it happen.
They are wondering if they can't edge out just a sliver more alpha out of what will already be a blow-out trade for the history books (probably). You see, to make it happen they just have to keep hoovering up shares. It doesn't matter what those shares cost. If you're certain that the squeeze is now locked in, why push the price up and pay more than you have to? Just keep pressing hard enough to force short-side to keep sending those tasty shares your way, but not so much you move the price. Short-side realizes this and doesn't try to drive price down too aggressively. They can't afford to let price run away, so they have to keep some pressure on at the lowest volume they can manage, but they don't want to push down too hard and give the long-side HFTs too deep of a discount and bleed their ammo out even faster. That dynamic keeps price within a narrow (for GME today, anyway) trading range for the rest of the day into the close.
Good plan guys, but those after market people are pushing the price up again. Damnit WSB bros and Euros, you're costing those poor long-side whales their extra 0.0000001% of alpha on this trade just so you can run up your green rockets... See, that's the kind of nonsense that just validates Lee Cooperman's concerns.
On a totally unrelated note, I have to say that I appreciate the shift in CNBC's reporting. Much more thoughtful and informed. Just please get a good market technician in there who will be willing to talk about what is going on under the hood if possible. A lot of people watching on the sidelines are far more terrified than they need to be because it all looks random to them. And they're worried that you guys look confused and worried--and if the experts on the news are worried....??!
You should be able to find one who has access to the really good data that we retailers can only guess at, who can explain it to us unwashed masses.

Ok, So.. Questions

There is no market justification for this. How can you tell me is this fundamentally sound and not just straight throwing money away irresponsibly?? (side note: not that that should matter--if you want to throw your money away why shouldn't you be allowed to?)
We're not trading in your securities pricing model. This isn't irrational just because your model says long and short positions are the same thing. The model is not a real market. There is asymmetrical counterparty risk here given the shorts are on the hook for all the money they have, and possibly all the money their brokers have, and possibly anyone with exposure to the broker too! You may want people to trade by the rules you want them to follow. But the rest of us trade in the real market as it is actually implemented. Remember? That's what you tell the retailers who take their accounts to zero. Remember what you told the KBIO short-squeezed people? They had fair warning that short positions carry infinite risk, including more than your initial investment. You guys know this. It's literally part of your job to know this.
But-but-the systemic risk!! This is Madness!
THIS. IS. THE MARKET!!! *Retail kicks the short-side hedge funds down an infinity loss black hole\*.
Ok, seriously though, that is actually a fundamentally sound, and properly profit-driven answer at least as justifiable as the hedge funds' justification for going >100% of float short. If they can be allowed to gamble INFINITE LOSSES because they expect to make profit on the possibility the company goes bankrupt, can't others do the inverse on the possibility the company I don't know.. doesn't go bankrupt and gets a better strategy from the team that created what is now a $43bn market cap company (CHWY) that does exactly some of the things GME needs to do (digital revenue growth) maybe? I mean, I first bought in on that fundamental value thesis in the 30s and then upped my cost basis given the asymmetry of risk in the technical analysis as an obvious no-brainer momentum trade. The squeeze is just, as WSB people might say, tendies raining down from on high as an added bonus.
I get that you disagree on the fundamental viability of GME. Great. Isn't that what makes a market?
Regarding the consequences of a squeeze, in practice my expectation was maybe at worst some kind of ex-market settlement after liquidation of the funds with exposure to keep things nice and orderly for the rest of the market. I mean, they handled the VW thing somehow right? I see now that I just underestimated elite hedge fund managers though--those guys are so hardcore (I'll explain why I think so a bit lower down).
If hedge fund people are so hardcore, how did the retail long side ever have a chance of winning this squeeze trade they're talking about?
Because it's an asymmetrical battle once you have short interest cornered. And the risk is also crazily asymmetrical in favor of the long side if short interest is what it is in GME. In fact, the hedge funds essentially cornered themselves without anyone even doing anything. They just dug themselves right in there. Kind of impressive really, in a weird way.
What does the short side need to cover? They need the price to be low, and they need to buy shares.
How does price move lower? You have to push share volume such that supply overwhelms demand and price therefore goes down (man, I knew econ 101 would come in handy someday).
But wait... if you have to sell shares to push the price down.. won't you just undo all your work when you have to buy it back to actually cover?
The trick is you have to push price down so hard, so fast, so unpredictably, that you SCARE OTHER PEOPLE into selling their shares too, because they're scared of taking losses. Their sales help push the price down for free! and then you scoop them up at discount price! Also, there are ways to make people scared other than price movement and fear of losses, when you get right down to it. So, you know, you just need to get really, really, really good at making people scared. Remember to add a line item to your budget to make sure you can really do it right.
On the other hand..
What does the long side need to do? They need to own as much of the shares as they can get their hands on. And then they need to hold on to them. They can't be weak hands either. They need to be hands that will hold even under the most intense heat of battle, and the immense pressure of mind-numbing fear... they need to be as if they were made of... diamond... (oh wow, maybe those WSB people kind of have a point here).
Why does this matter? Because at some point the sell side will eventually run out of shares to borrow. They simply won't be there, because they'll be safely tucked away in the long-side's accounts. Once you run out of shares to borrow and sell, you have no way to move the price anymore. You can't just drop a fat stack--excuse me, I mean suitcase (we're talking hedge fund money here after all)--of Benjamins on the ticker tape directly. Only shares. No more shares, no way to have any direct effect on the price whatsoever.
Ok, doesn't that just mean trading stops? Can't you just out-wait the long side then?
Well, you could.. until someone on the long side puts 1 share up on a 69420 ask, and an even crazier person actually buys at that price on the last tick on a Friday. Let's just say it gets really bad at that point.
Ok.. but how do the retail people actually get paid?
Well, to be quite honest, it's entirely up to each of them individually. You've seen the volumes being thrown around the past week+. I guarantee you every single retailer out there could have printed money multiple times trading that flow. If they choose to, and time it well. Or they could lose it all--this is the market. Some of them apparently seem to have some plan, or an implicit trust in certain individuals to help them know when to punch out. Maybe it works out, but maybe not. There will be financial casualties on the field for sure--this is the bare-knuckled capitalist jungle after all, remember? But everyone ponied up to the table with their own money somehow, so they all get to play in the big leagues just like everyone else. In theory, anyway.
And now, Probably the #1 question I've been asked on all of these posts has been: So what happens next? Do we get the infinity squeeze? Do the hedge funds go down?
Great questions. I don't know. No one does. That's what I've said every time, but I get that's a frustrating answer, so I'll write a bit more and speculate further. Please again understand these are my opinions with a degree of speculation I wouldn't normally put in a post.

The Market and the Economy. Main Street, Wall Street, and Washington

The pandemic has hurt so many people that it's hard to comprehend. Honestly, I don't even pretend to be able to. I have been crazy fortunate enough to almost not be affected at all. Honestly, it is a little unnerving to me how great the disconnect is between people who are doing fine (or better than fine, looking at my IRA) versus the people who are on the opposite side of the ever-widening divide that, let's be honest, has been growing wider since long before the pandemic.
People on the other side--who have been told they cannot work even if they want to, who wonder if congress will get it together to at least keep them from getting thrown out of their house if they have to keep taking one for the team for the good of all, are wondering if they're even living in the same reality.
Because all they see on the news each day is that the stock market is at record highs, or some amazing tech stocks have 10x'd in the last 6 months. How can that be happening during a pandemic? Because The Market is not The Economy. The Market looks forward to that brighter future that Economy types just need to wait for. Don't worry--it'll be here sometime before the end of the year. We think. We're making money on that assumption right now, anyway. Oh, by the way, if you're in The Market, you get to get richer as a minor, unearned side-effect of the solutions our governments have come up with to fight the pandemic.
Wow. That sounds amazing. How do I get to part of that world?
Retail fintech, baby. Physical assets like real estate might be a bit out of reach at the moment, but stocks will do. I can even buy fractional shares of BRK/A LOL.
Finally, I can trade for my own slice of heaven, watching that balance go up (and up--go stonks!!). Now I too get to dream the dream. I get to feel connected to that mythical world, The Market, rather than being stuck in the plain old Economy. Sure, I might blow up my account, but that's because it's the jungle. Bare-knuckled, big league capitalism going on right here, and at least I get to show up an put my shares on the table with everyone else. At least I'm playing the same game. Everyone has to start somewhere--at least now I get to start, even if I have to learn my lesson by zeroing my account a few times. I've basically had to deal with what felt like my life zeroing out a few times before. This is number on a screen going to 0 is nothing.
Laugh or cry, right? I'll post my losses on WSB and at least get some laughs.
Geez, some of the people here are making bank. I better learn from them and see if they'll let me in on their trades. Wow... this actually might work. I don't understand yet, but I trust these guys telling me to hold onto this crazy trade. I don't understand it, but all the memes say it's going to be big.
...WOW... I can pay off my credit card with this number. Do I punch out now? No? Hold?... Ok, getting nervous watching the number go down but I trust you freaks. We're still in the jungle, but at least I'm in with with my posse now. Market open tomorrow--we ride the rocket baby! And if it goes down, at least I'm going down with my crew. At least if that happens the memes will be so hilarious I'll forget to cry.
Wow.. I can't believe it... we might actually pull this off. Laugh at us now, "pros"!
We're in The Market now, and Market rules tell us what is going to happen. We're getting all that hedge fund money Right? Right?
First, I say maybe because nothing is ever guaranteed until it clears. Secondly, because the rules of The Market are not as perfectly enforced as we would like to assume. We are also finding out they may not be perfectly fair. The Market most experts are willing to talk about is really more like the ideal The Market is supposed to be. This is the version of the market I make my trading decisions in. However, the Real Market gets strange and unpredictable at the edges, when things are taken to extremes, or rules are pushed beyond the breaking point, or some of the mechanics deep in the guts of the Real Market get stretched. GME ticks basically all of those boxes, which is why so many people are getting nervous (aside from the crazy money they might lose). It's also important to remember that the sheer amount of money flowing through the market has distorting power unto itself. Because it's money, and people really, really, really like their money--especially when they're used to having a lot of it, and rules involving that kind of money tend to look more... flexible, shall we say.
Ok, back to GME. If this situation with GME is allowed to play out to its conclusion in The Market, we'll see what happens. I think all the long-side people get the chance to be paid (what, I'm not sure--and remember, you have to actually sell your position at some point or it's all still just numbers on your screen), but no one knows for certain.
But this might legitimately get so big that it spills out of The Market and back into The Economy.
Geez, and here I thought the point of all of this was so that we all get to make so much money we wouldn't ever have to think and worry about that thing again.
Unfortunately, while he's kind of a buzzkill, Thomas Petterfy has a point. This could be a serious problem.
It might blow out The Market, which will definitely crap on The Economy, which as we all know from hard experience, will seriously crush Main Street.
If it's that big a deal, we may even need Washington to be involved. Once that happens, who knows what to expect.. this kind of scenario being possible is why I've been saying I have no idea how this ends, and no one else does either.
How did we end up in this ridiculous situation? From GAMESTOP?? And it's not Retail's fault the situation is what it is.. why is everyone telling US that we need to back down to save The Market?? What about the short-side hedge funds that slammed that risk into the system to begin with?? We're just playing by the rules of The Market!!
Well, here are my thoughts, opinions, and some even further speculation... This may be total fantasy land stuff here, but since I keep getting asked I'll share anyway. Just keep that disclaimer in mind.

A Study in Big Finance Power Moves: If you owe the bank $10,000, it's your problem...

What happens when you owe money you have no way to pay back? It's a scary question to have to face personally. Still, on balance and on average, if you're fortunate enough to have access to credit the borrowing is a risk that is worth taking (especially if you're reasonably careful). Lenders can take a risk loaning you money, you take a risk by borrowing in order to do something now that you would otherwise have had to wait a long time or maybe would never have realistically been able to do otherwise. Sometimes it doesn't work out. Sometimes it's due to reasons totally beyond your control. In any case, if you find yourself there you have no choice but to dust yourself off, pick yourself up as best as you can, and try to move on and rebuild. A lot of people had to learn that in 2008. Man that year really sucked.
Wall street learned their lessons too. Most learned what I think most of us would consider the right lessons--lessons about risk management, and the need to guard vigilantly against systemic risk, concentration of risk through excess concentration of leverage on common assets, etc. Many suspect that at least a few others may have learned an entirely different set of, shall we say, unhealthy lessons. Also, to try to be completely fair, maybe managing other peoples' money on 10x+ leverage comes with a kind of pressure that just clouds your judgement. I could actually, genuinely buy that. I know I make mistakes under pressure even when I'm trading risk capital I could totally lose with no real consequence. Whatever the motive, here's my read on what's happening:
First, remember that as much fun as WSB are making of the short-side hedge fund guys right now, those guys are smart. Scary smart. Keep that in mind.
Next, let's put ourselves in their shoes.
If you're a high-alpha hedge fund manager slinging trades on a $20bn 10x leveraged to 200bn portfolio, get caught in a bad situation, and are down mark-to-market several hundred million.. what do you do? Do you take your losses and try again next time? Hell no.
You're elite. You don't realize losses--you double down--you can still save this trade no sweat.
But what if that doesn't work out so well and you're in the hole >$2bn? Obvious double down. Need you ask? I'm net up on the rest of my positions (of course), and the momentum when this thing makes its mean reversion move will be so hot you can almost taste the alpha from here. Speaking of momentum, imagine the move if your friends on TV start hyping the story harder! Genius!
Ok, so that still didn't work... this is now a frigging 7 sigma departure from your modeled risk, and you're now locked into a situation that is about as close to mathematically impossible to escape as you can get in the real world, and quickly converging on infinite downside. Holy crap. The fund might be liquidated by your prime broker by tomorrow morning--and man, even the broker is freaking out. F'in Elon Musk and his twitter! You're cancelling your advance booking on his rocket ship to Mars first thing tomorrow... Ok, focus--this might legit impact your total annual return. You need a plan, and you know the smartest people on the planet, right? The masters of the universe! Awesome--they've even seen this kind of thing before and still have the playbook!! Of course! It's obvious now--you borrow a few more billion and double down again first thing in the morning. So simple. Sticky note that Mars trip cancellation so you don't forget.
Ok... so that didn't work? You even cashed in some pretty heavy chits too. Ah well, that was a long shot anyway. So where were you? Oh yeah.. if shenanigans don't work, skip to page 10...
...Which says, of course, to double down again. Anyone even keeping track anymore? Oh, S3 says it's $40bn and we're going parabolic? Man, that chart gives me goosebumps. All according to plan...
So what happens tomorrow? One possible outcome of PURE FANTASTIC SPECULATION...
End of the week--phew. Never though it'd come. Where are you at now?... Over $9000\)!!! Wow. You did it boys, and as a bonus the memes will be so sweet.
\)side note: add 8 zeros to the end...
Awesome--your problems have been solved. Because...



Now it's EVERYONE's problem. Come at me, Chamath, THIS is REAL baller shit.
Now all you gotta do is make all the hysterical retirees watching their IRAs hanging in the balance blame those WSB kids. Hahaha. Boomers, amirite? hate when those kids step on their law--I mean IRAs. GG guys, keep you memes. THAT is how it's done.
Ok, but seriously, I hope that's not how it ends. I guess we just take it day by day at this point.
Apologies for the length. Good luck in the market!
Also, apologies in advance for formatting, spelling, and grammatical errors. I was typing this thing in between doing all kinds of other things for most of the day.
Edit getting a bunch of questions on if it's possible the hedge funds are finding ways to cover in spite of my assumptions. Of course. I'm a retail guy trying to read the charts and price action. I don't have any special tools like the pros may have.
submitted by jn_ku to investing [link] [comments]

Gamestop Big Picture: Market Mechanics

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. This entire post represents my personal views and opinions, and should not be taken as financial advice (or advice of any kind whatsoever). I encourage you to do your own research, take anything I write with a grain of salt, and hold me accountable for any mistakes you may catch. Also, full disclosure, I hold a net long position in GME, but my cost basis is very low, and I'm using money I can absolutely lose. My capital at risk and tolerance for risk generally is likely substantially different than yours.
Rather than doing a writeup of Friday, I think the time I have at the moment would be better spent going over some conceptual market mechanics. As I mentioned in my previous post that covered some light analysis of the week, my first glance was that Friday was a low conviction, low volume day where momentum traders/and volatility arbitraging HFT algos were skirmishing, and a slightly deeper look tells me that's probably the case for almost the entire day, up to the last minutes before close.
There was a bit of a push toward the end of the day just to extract maximum interest charge pain. Keep in mind also that on Friday many of the retail brokerages still had issues with GME, and GME price was also protected from aggressive short-side attack due to the uptick rule.

Capital Flow, Liquid Float, and Price

Ok, so let's go with a diagram I put together while thinking about how to best answer a ton of questions related to the mechanics behind triggering a squeeze. This is not very formal--just conceptual to help you think about the relationship between price, liquid free float, and capital required to move things around.
Capital Flow to Price Volatility Leverage Conceptual Diagram
As you can see in the diagram, I figured it would be conceptually clearest to model the relationship kind of like a seesaw.
On the left you can see that people selling tends to increase liquid float, moving the fulcrum of our conceptual seesaw to the right, except in the case of selling to people who are planning to buy and hold, which moves the fulcrum to the left.
The lower the liquid free float, or the further to the left the fulcrum goes, the greater the likely impact of any particular capital flow (net selling or buying) on share price. Importantly, as the diagrams on the right half show, it's not a linear relationship. The closer the liquid free float comes to 0%, the faster the price volatility increases... theoretically approaching infinity as liquid free float approaches 0%.
I find it sometimes help to think of the extreme case to help clarify. On the extremely liquid side, if you have all of the tens of millions of GME shares in play, dropping $10,000 in to buy shares probably doesn't even register on the ticker. On the other extreme, if what if there was only 1 share in play? That same $10,000 instantly prices GME at $10,000 a share--if you can even get the person holding it to sell!
Since company value is estimated mark-to-market, GME would instantly become rated one of the most (if not the most) valuable companies in the world. This is in no way true, of course, as you could not subsequently sell all the rest of the shares at that price, but as far as a whole bunch of market mechanics and market participants are concerned, they would have to treat it that way until another transaction took place to re-price the company.
So, in the grand scheme of things, in terms of difficulty of initiating what magnitude of a squeeze, the primary factor is locking up actively traded/liquid free float. Also important to keep in mind, locking up the float is only very gradually noticeable until you get very close to locking it all down, and you reach a point where suddenly each fraction of free float being locked up has parabolically greater impact on price volatility, reaching its limit where going from 2 actively traded shares to 1 actively traded share doubles price volatility sensitivity to capital flow by just locking up a single additional share.
So simple, right? Actually, yes. However, don't mistake simple for easy (absolutely not the same thing in this case).

Market Games

So, GME and other high short interest stocks are looked at in two ways by many market participants. On the one hand, you have normal investors and traders who don't really pay attention to it at all, and, if they do, they see it as a tool for price discovery that is otherwise neutral and dampens volatility (people tend to short stocks as price goes up, and cover shorts as price drops, so normal shorting activity is at least in theory supposed to help keep price stable).
Then you have what I'll call market gamers. These are people who are willing to look through the veil of what various mechanics in the market are theoretically intended to accomplish, and just pay attention to what they actually do. There are a number of market mechanics that get really strange in extreme circumstance, and shorting is one of them, as using it to the extreme can absolutely crush a company's share price and actually harm the company badly. The counter to that is the increasing risk of a squeeze, which gets worse with extreme price volatility.
Imagine it this way. Short interest in a stock is like the stock comes with a very strange feature--a closed wormhole portal into the brokerage account of the short position holder that, if slammed with a high enough day or week end price, blows open and sucks their account capital through, and possibly their broker's capital too, until they've patched it closed again with shares of stock they were short.
That's not how you're supposed to look at it, but that's kind of how it actually works in practice. Most wall street types would find it appalling and wrong to think about it that way, but with Millenials and younger jumping in to the market we're talking about generations of people who grew up watching things like people doing 4 minute speed runs through games intended to take~100 hrs to complete, using nothing but the mechanics of the game in ways entirely unintended by the developers. That's kind of what GME is like, from a certain point of view--a speed run through the market, blitzing and confusing everyone watching--throwing a ton of money at hedge funds' short interest until you blow a hole in their account and suck the capital out with the force of a black hole. Of course people are getting jumpy.

Battleground - Strategy and Tactics

In a way, GME has turned into a battleground stock in the minds of many wall street people. Wall Street vs WSB is basically the way it's been depicted in the media, and a number of them seem to be taking it personally.
With a battleground stock I find it helpful to think of it like a literal battleground, but with territory marked out by stock price. It helps you consider the impact on each 'side', what their motives are, and tactical and strategic implications. The reason I think this way is that once a stock becomes a battleground, the issue is no longer about price discovery--it's about proving a point or accomplishing a specific goal, which changes the dynamics of the trade.
In my opinion, the retail strength/defensive line is at the $148 level as mentioned in my previous post analyzing the week. This is based on the majority of volume being in the runup from $30 to $148, which triggered the first squeeze.
My guess is short-side strength hardens at the $350 level, based on that being the level at which the whale plugged the first squeeze. What this means is that you can expect some short-side people to actively short more at that level, possibly following through on momentum, as many of them want to prove a point that GME is a <$20 stock, as stated by a number of them on CNBC. $350 might seem like a low number given Friday's close, but remember that Friday trading was subject to the uptick rule, so the short effectively could not push back, and was instead fighting a rearguard action to bleed the long-side advance as much as possible, and lure them off their strength as much as possible.
Say what? Is there a point to those analogies like that? Why yes, of course, because those analogies are very good mental models for what is going to happen in a short squeeze campaign.
Remember, in the grand scheme of things, the goal of the long side is first and foremost to lock up liquid float. That means buying and holding shares. The question is.. how much will it cost you to move the needle on that, so to speak. the higher the price the short side can force you to pay to lock up float, the longer it'll take and the more expensive it will be. It is also like fighting far from your supply lines in that respect, in that there will be weaker hands mixed in far beyond hard support levels, such that quick pushes by the short side will shake them out, loosening float back up.
How about on the long side? You want the short side to overextend themselves by shorting the price down on momentum, and hopefully get them to keep building up short interest at the lowest price at which they will do so. This means having to have the patience to see the price go as low as you can tolerate before you start losing your key support to despair. Why? Because it means you're buying the shares they throw at you at a lower price (costs less to move the needle on locking up liquid free float) and also that their short position is at a lower average price, lowering the price it will take to trigger a squeeze.
The above is why, in some cases, you will see a sharp dip before the vertical move in a squeeze. You can essentially lure the short side into an ambush by falling back to lower and lower price points, which allows you to continue to lock up free float at ever cheaper prices while the short side thinks it is winning. Once you think you've accumulated enough to prevent covering without a parabolic price move, you spike the price back the other way and it's effectively game over. It can take some time to play out to its conclusion, but that is the essence of it.
Let's make it concrete and put some numbers to it. let's say you need to lock up 10mio more shares for the squeeze (no idea, just using the number for easy math). If you can buy it all skirmishing at the $200 line, you'll pay $2bn to do it. If instead you've extended to the $300 line, you're going to pay $3bn. If you're an alpha-seeking whale, why pay 50% more to accomplish the same thing if you can get away with it? If you recall, I referenced seeing what I thought looked like this type of ticker behavior in my 3rd post.
That being said, you might not mess around with those types of tactics at this point if you think you're already close to blowing up the next short interest holder.
If you think you're close, then you're looking at the most efficient way to make the last tick at trading close as high as possible.
That is very similar to the price action we saw on Friday at the end of the day, as mentioned earlier. If you think about it, if the goal is the have the price at/above a certain point at the end of the day, what is more efficient? Rush in the morning, then have to pay that higher price level for the whole day to maintain it, or wait until later in the day, as late as you think you can manage, and then push to that point at the very last tick?
That, at least, is a very high level view of what you're trying to accomplish, but it gets very complicated in the details. If you're dueling with a good HFT algorithm, you can run into things like the price getting spiked to trigger halts to run out the clock (kind of like fouling someone in basketball), which gets harder in the final minutes of trading due to the wider LU/LD allowances, but still doable, even if you have to do it by sucking price level up (maybe to give you 5 mins to call your buddy at Blackrock to dump shares onto the ticker or something like that).
Another thing to keep in mind. One of the reasons these things can roll on for a long time, is it might not be a one and done blowout (possibly on purpose). Think about it--if you can get people to keep piling short interest in--particularly for emotional reasons, you can ring the register as many times as they are willing to keep doing it to ultimately prove their point. Think of the Citron guy who re-shorted back in around what.. $90 or $100 I think? All because he wanted to make his point when he got blown out at the move off of $30. There are people piling back in right now. Who knows how many times they're willing to reload the short float.
Ok, so this post is much longer than I originally intended anyway, but I think the diagram and some of the descriptions above should provide a good amount of food for thought and discussion. A number of people asked me why I said that price to squeeze was secondary at this point. If you haven't already figured out why, try to think about it, or maybe ask in comments and someone can help with a further discussion.
A couple of final points:

input TrailingPeriodLength = 5; input CircuitBreakerPercent = 10.0; input GuardMultiplePercent = 70.0; def trlAvg = Average(close, TrailingPeriodLength); plot trailingAverage = trlAvg; plot upperStop = trlAvg * (1 + CircuitBreakerPercent / 100); plot lowerStop = trlAvg * (1 - CircuitBreakerPercent / 100); plot upperRail = trlAvg * (1 + CircuitBreakerPercent / 100 * GuardMultiplePercent / 100); plot lowerRail = trlAvg * (1 - CircuitBreakerPercent / 100 * GuardMultiplePercent / 100); 
Also, I got a comment in another post telling me to get a job lol. Actually I have one, so I'm not sure how much I'll be able to post from Monday forward. As I've mentioned in a few comments on prior posts, I actually am not active on social media normally. I just created this account to try to help people use this probably once-in-a-lifetime event and the intense interest it's generating to help people learn to become better investors and traders. I'll try to keep posting, but maybe not as regularly, and probably shorter (which I know some of you will be happy about :)).
Hope you all have a good rest of the weekend. Good luck in the Market on Monday
submitted by jn_ku to investing [link] [comments]

Bungie, the January 14th TWAB Has Further Tipped Players and Content Creators Against Sunsetting. References Included.

Well folks, this recent TWAB has seemingly caused even more community outrage than what it probably set out to resolve.
The issue at hand, once again, is sunsetting. It's a topic of conversation that has continued from the time it was announced, through the time it was implemented, and now after a few seasons of it having taken effect. In this particular case, sunsetting in relation to reissued loot.
Note: If you are from /all, I left a small section at the end explaining what sunsetting is. Welcome!

Forsaken and Shadowkeep Sunsetting

Since the beginning of sunsetting, one of the top complaints was the sunsetting of loot tied to the Forsaken and Shadowkeep expansions. Some feedback was specific to Forsaken and Shadowkeep by name, while some said that DLC loot should not be sunset. While not the main topic of discussion here, it should be noted that some players may have different interpretations of what "DLC" includes, so keep that in mind.
Nevertheless, Bungie sunset the loot anyway, much to the disappointment of others.

Reissuing of Forsaken and Shadowkeep Loot

First, I want to make something perfectly clear here: a lot in the community did request that Bungie add new perk options to weapons if they were going to be re-issued. This is what Bungie has done in the reissuing of Dreaming City and Moon weapons by introducing them with new perk options, some tied to specific dungeons.
Yet, this still triggered pain points in players for a few reasons:
  1. Players are unable to raise the infusion caps of existing weapons and armor that they have.
  2. Due to (1), players having to re-grind for weapons and armor that they already have completely invalidates grind-time already invested.
  3. Not all loot was reissued: loot that could be targeted via the Lectern of Enchantment was completely ignored. This leaves a lot of expansion weapons still sunset.
  4. For weapons that were reintroduced, there is no guarantee that players will be able to obtain a roll as-good or better than their existing rolls.
Let us not forget the blaring issue here: Forsaken and Dreaming City loot was sunset just two (2) months ago, and the player base is now being asked to re-grind again for the sake of grinding.

Content Creator Fatigue and Unrest

In what appears to be a rare instance in Destiny's entire franchise history, the player base and content creators are more or less completely united on the feelings of sunsetting. The recent TWAB has functioned as a tipping point.
While some do not care for or do not agree with content creators, they are still very important for a video game. Content creators were responsible for Among Us going from virtually no players to having hundreds of thousands on Steam alone, and millions when considering its other platforms. The truth is, content creators function effectively like a marketing engine for games. While they are playing a game they enjoy, they are also advertising the game to their audiences. Content creators largely do not play games they do not enjoy, and do not play games their audience does not enjoy.
For the past two months now, many prominent content creators have taken to their respective platforms to discuss sunsetting, and with the exception of perhaps CammyCakes and a small handful of others, most have changed from being pro-sunsetting to indifferent or outright against it. These content creators collectively account for all areas of the game, as some focus on PvE, PvP, or both.
Some were against it from the start and had to endure loads of "internet abuse" for putting their foot down so early. Here are some examples:
Bonus: In Bungie's tweet for the TWAB, there is quite a bit of feedback about sunsetting and reissued loot.
This should be a no-brainer: content creators actively criticizing the game is not a good look. Even worse are content creators announcing that they are taking breaks from Destiny for an indefinite amount of time, or outright quitting. This markets to their audiences that the game is not fun to play. Destiny should be a fun game.

Players Putting Down Destiny

Due to the introduction of sunsetting, it has fatigued players to the point that they have quit the game, indefinitely.
Joe Blackburn made a point in his "Rewards" TWAB post to the effect of wanting to make every season a good season to get started in Destiny. I feel that this goal was already partially achieved through the availability of viable seasonal loot, as well as the availability of targeted loot farms, such as Nightfall-specific loot (which is now sunset). Sunsetting has the opposite effect as intended, as any returning player will face the reality that their gear is no longer viable. Without sunsetting, they may have not had the newest gear, but their current gear could be used in the meantime. Sunsetting means that all old gear is obsolete, period. When Bungie raises the power floor next season, all gear sunset at the end of Season of Arrivals will likely not be viable even in the base Strike playlist, leaving only the Crucible and possibly the PvE portion of Gambit.
Even targeted loot farms such as the Wrathborn Hunts are no longer appealing. It no longer makes logical sense to put any more time than absolutely necessary to obtain a weapon, because any additional time is additional waste through sunsetting. I can personally attest to this. I have given up on getting a Blast Battue with Spike Grenades, Clown Cartridge, and Chain Reaction. There is no point in me wasting time grinding for a perfect roll when the weapon will be sunset. I surely am not going to waste my time grinding a Blast Battue just to have it sunset and then reissued so that I can have the pleasure of grinding it again.
Player fatigue will continue to build as seasons go on. Paul Tassi argued this point perfectly. Every single season will be about loss instead of gain. Season of Dawn weapons are about to head out the door. Will these weapons be reissued two months later with the expectation that players grind them again? How about Season of the Worthy? Seventh Seraph weapons are some of the sleekest looking in the game and work well with shaders. They are also an integral component of the ecosystem of Warmind Cells. Will these weapons be sunset? Hopefully sunsetting will be reversed by then.
We are now two seasons into sunsetting in its current state. Seven months and counting. The feedback is immense and the damage it is causing to the game is becoming irreparable with players permanently quitting and content creators seriously considering whether they should abandon ship and move on to something else.
Bungie, for once I believe you need to actually listen to the community instead of simply hearing. Sunsetting, while may have made logical sense in some respects, has been a complete and utter failure in implementation. It is time to revert sunsetting and return to the drawing board. Try something else. This is not the way. It really feels like the game is collapsing in on itself, like a black hole. As a person who really got hooked on this game in August 2020, it is a horrible sight to see.


I am amazed and truly grateful for all the feedback and attention given to this post. It is my hope that this catches the attention of the community managers Cozmo23 and dmg04, as it provides yet another hub of community and content creator feedback.
I spent my entire morning reading all of your comments. There are simply too many stories of friends losing other friends and clanmates, one-by-one, due to the state that the game is in. Personally, I cannot even get friends to try the game in its current state. They refuse to touch it. Sunsetting has scared new players away.
It is my hope that this is the turning point for Bungie.
For users visiting from /all who are not familiar with the game:
For users who think that I should have written more about the community and less about content creators:
Got you covered. This post has a section on content creators because it seems that content creators and a majority of the community are seemingly unified on this one issue, unseen since Curse of Osiris.
I wrote the following a little over a month ago, in response to the "Rewards" TWAB by Joe Blackburn: Bungie, I really appreciate the “Rewards” update, but it seems that some community sentiments were completely missed
A note about Bungie Forums:
In the Destiny 2 forums, almost every post in the top ~10 is about sunsetting. Just wanted to include a shout-out to those folks as well!
submitted by Techman- to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]


Hello everyone. First and foremost I'm hoping everyone is safe and sound during this time.
Welcome to the world of trading. I will make this post very simple and straight to the point because newcomers that I am aware of are making me CRINGE by the way they speak and are investing into stocks, not only in this sub, but including people I personally know. Here it goes:
  1. DO NOT spill your life savings into trading. You have worked very hard to make that money. The last thing you need is all that money disapearing in a blink of an eye. Start off with an amount you can truly play around with - and do not jump into the get rich quick scheme by dumping everything. Even if it's just $100.00, it's a great amount to get a feel for the market.
  2. DD - Due Dilligence This means to investigate on a particular stock you are interested in investing into. How so? View their accessible financial records, see how they have performed in the previous years, what situation they are in, etc; That doesn't mean, "Oh, someone told me Daddy Tesla tweeted about a Woof Woof currency so I'm going to dump my money there." Or another example is with people claiming that a certain stock will jump extremely high so "get in right now!!! 🚀." NO. Just no. I am not saying ALL those individuals are ill-minded or trying to get you, but if you come across something like this, then research "Pumping and Dumping". PLEASE, do your own research. I understand everyone wants to make money, especially during this horrific time, but you must do your own part as a trader and not ENTIRELY rely and leech of others. Be Smart.
  3. Set a target price and limit for a stock and don't be GREEDY. As you see the stock you have invested in is slowly increasing in value, your mouth will get watery. Pretty soon it will get to the point where it gets high that in an instant it can DROP, causing water to now come out of your eyes. I know we want more and more, but if you're especially trading for short term, set a price you would want to sell at. Example:
BAD: Let us purchase this stock at $0.25, we shall sell at $0.30. Oh wow it's at $0.30, okay let's sell at $0.32, it will surely hit. Ah shit, it dropped $0.22, we have to sell this just so it doesn't go lower.
Set a limit order ! This will automatically sell at the target price you want it to. Once you get your profits, take off and don't look back saying you wish you invested much more and longer, if the stock value decides to increase. Be happy! Any profit is better than no profit and/or losses!
  1. Educate yourself Read up on stocks ! How they work, the meaning of stocks, puts, NASDAQ, ETF's, etc; Familiarize yourself with trading terms. Watch YouTube videos on how to get comfortable with the market, beginner videos on trading, live trading with professionals, etc; Feed yourself knowledge. The more educated you get, the more serene your experience will be within the market. "Any fool can know. The point is to understand." ~ Albert Einstein.
  2. Handling losses. If you are losing a substantial amount of money from what you have deposited and it is affecting you mentally, physically or is causing you to be in a depressive state you can't escape, then you shouldn't be trading anymore. You have to learn to handle losses. Every trader goes through a loss or failure as so does every human being excluding trading. It was your idea to get into trading, so you should be aware of risk consequences. Learn to enjoy the whole journey man regardless of what happens. Have fun every step of the way and don't let certain things get to you. I've had my losses in the market and I am glad to say it hasn't bothered me one bit. Life is meant to be enjoyed, not to be lived with sadness.
Best of luck to all of us traders and I wish you nothing but success for this brand new year and the years to come. Please feel free to post other pieces of advice as I am fairly new to the stock market as well (roughly one year). Thanks for reading.
submitted by mvlli to pennystocks [link] [comments]

Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury - Review Thread

Game Information

Game Title: Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury
Developer: Nintendo
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 89 average - 94% recommended - 50 reviews

Critic Reviews

Destructoid - Chris Carter - 10 / 10
To be clear, I'd still wholly recommend this version of 3D World even without Bowser's Fury. The tweaks are small overall, and Bowser's Fury isn't going to sate the most hardcore of Mario fans looking for a brand new game, but the package as a whole is magical. If you were one of the many who missed out on this Wii U classic, fix that.
Digitally Downloaded - Matt Sainsbury - 5 / 5 stars
An exceptional first release for Nintendo in 2021
GamesBeat - Mike Minotti - 5 / 5 stars
You can play a lot of 3D Mario games on your Switch. Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is just as good as any of them. It contains makes the Wii U game feel better than you remember, and the bonus campaign makes the package one of the best ports Nintendo has brought to the Switch.
God is a Geek - Adam Cook - 10 / 10
Despite multiplayer now being online, it still feels superfluous, but otherwise Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury might just be one of those fabled "perfect" games.
Nintendo Life - Chris Scullion - 10 / 10
Super Mario 3D World remains one of the better linear Mario games, and anyone playing it for the first time is in for an absolute treat. Add to that the curious bonus adventure that is Bowser's Fury and you've got a package that provides great value for money. It isn't without its flaws, but most of these (online multiplayer, repetitive missions in Bowser's Fury) relate to the new additions; the main game itself remains as pure and perfect as it was seven years ago. Had it just been Super Mario 3D World on its own, we'd be thoroughly recommending it anyway; Bowser's Fury is just the cherry on top.
VG247 - Alex Donaldson - 5 / 5 stars
Bowser’s Fury is a short experience – it’ll take a competent player a couple of hours to see all it has to offer, and a few hours more to drive it all the way to 100% completion – but it’s completely worthwhile. It has some great surprises, which is why I talk about it in such generalized terms. Bowser’s Fury would’ve made a great download-only, budget-price stand-alone – so as a bonus included with an already excellent game, its value can’t really be overstated.
Atomix - Alberto Desfassiaux - Spanish - 98 / 100
The best way to play on of the greatest Mario's games. Also, Bowser's Fury is an ambitious expansion with a lot of new ideas.
PowerUp! - Leo Stevenson - 9.8 / 10
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is a showcase of the game design mastery which has made Nintendo the best in the business.
Nintendo Blast - Eduardo Comerlato - Portuguese - 9.5 / 10
Super Mario Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is a package that offers two different ways to experience one of the best 3D Mario adventure, making it ideal for the franchise’s 35th anniversary celebration. There is no doubt that the game is a two-way diversion, able to preserve elements of the past and paint majestic novelties around it, as Bowser Jr. does with his paintbrush in the new and fascinating Bowser’s Fury. - Matúš Štrba - Slovak - 9.5 / 10
Super Mario 3D World is still great, fun and really rich in content. Bowser's Fury adds new layers of gampleay inspired by Sunshine to enjoy.
The Games Machine - Stefano Calzati - Italian - 9.5 / 10
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is an explosive pack. 3D World returns with an improved pace, while retaining the stellar gameplay that characterized it when it first launched, and of course being still as hilarious as it was back then. Bowser's Fury takes the lesson a step further, creating a small and dense open world that will put you to the test with a sense of urgency unlike any other Super Mario game. The result, needless to say, is pure, unadulterated joy.
Game Informer - Brian Shea - 9.3 / 10
This package combines tried-and-true gameplay and level design with unique concepts (plus an all-new game) to earn its place among the elite games in the franchise
Hobby Consolas - David Martinez - Spanish - 93 / 100
It´s not one, but two great platformers for Nintendo Switch. One of the greatest Wii U games (with improvement such as online multiplayer and photo mode) and a new Mario 3D game, not as big and ambitious as previous games, but equally fun and full of surprises.
Spaziogames - Valentino Cinefra - Italian - 9.3 / 10
If you love platforming (and cats) this is an absolute gem.
Video Chums - A.J. Maciejewski - 9.2 / 10
Super Mario 3D World is an excellent game so if you still haven't played it or simply want it on Switch, this will make a wonderful addition to your gaming library. Oh, and you also get a fantastic bonus game with Bowser's Fury so how could you go wrong?
Wccftech - Rosh Kelly - 9.1 / 10
Super Mario 3D World shows why Mario is an ageless franchise, with the seven-year-old game providing fresh fun and a delightful experience. Bowser's Fury is the exact opposite, showing just how exciting and experimental the series can be.
Critical Hit - Brad Lang - 9 / 10
Super Mario 3D is a great game to play solo or with friends and shows off some of Nintendo's best level design yet, while Bowser's Fury is an inventive take on the Mario formula that's more generous with its content than it ought to be. Both games make for a fantastic bundle and should be checked out by fans and non-fans alike.
GameMAG - Александр Копанев - Russian - 9 / 10
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury for Nintendo Switch effectively handles two important tasks: introducing new players to the classic game that came from the Wii U, as well as pleasing hungry fans with new great content. Definitely a must-play for all Super Mario fans!
GameSpew - Kim Snaith - 9 / 10
Aside from some repetition between the two titles, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is a joy from start to finish.
GameSpot - Steve Watts - 9 / 10
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury packages one of the best recent Mario games with a delightfully odd new experience.
Gameblog - Thomas Pillon - French - 9 / 10
Thans to its many clever tweaks, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury give the player many reasons to enjoy a great 3D platformer, now a little bit faster, and with friends around the globe online. Let's not forget Bowser's Fury, a tiny open world adventure which rightfully mixes gameplays from the Wii U and Switch episodes, and delivers a strong experience with a twist.
GamesRadar+ - Sam Loveridge - 4.5 / 5 stars
Quirky, creative, and constant good fun, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury blends Mario gameplay old and new with great success, creating a title that feels worthy of his 35th birthday celebrations.
IGN Italy - Mattia Ravanelli - Italian - 9 / 10
Simple and immediate, beautiful to see and fun even in multiplayer, Super Mario 3D World is the "what if" of the history of Super Mario. But with obvious limitations compared to Super Mario Odyssey and the other chapters in 3D. Bowser's Fury tries to beat new paths, without avoiding a few slips.
Metro GameCentral - 9 / 10
One of the best modern Super Mario titles is made that little bit better and accompanied by a brand-new game that bends the formula in new and exciting ways.
NintendoWorldReport - Neal Ronaghan - 9 / 10
If you've never played 3D World before or haven't touched it since the Wii U days, this is well worth the price of admission. Prospects get a little tougher if you're not interested in going through 3D World, because while Bowser's Fury is amazing, it's still approximately less than 10 hours of gameplay even if you do everything. But no matter what: Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury might be one of the strongest Mario games available on Switch. The base game is fun and varied, while Bowser's Fury offers a distinctive, inventive, and superb open-world 3D Mario experience.
PCMag - Jordan Minor - 4.5 / 5 stars
Super Mario 3D World is an incredible and underplayed Wii U adventure that's now available on Switch. But Bowser’s Fury steals the show with its exciting and fresh take on a 3D Mario game.
Press Start - Shannon Grixti - 9 / 10
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is a fantastic package that showcases what makes Nintendo games so special. Super Mario 3D World is just as good as when it released, and Bower's Fury is a surprisingly good standalone adventure that paves the way for the future of Mario.
Screen Rant - Riley Little - 4.5 / 5 stars
Bowser's Fury adds so much to the Wii U port.
Stevivor - Ben Salter - 9 / 10
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is a delightful double act. Super Mario 3D World holds up well, and offers a unique multiplayer experience that works particularly well on Switch. Its opening worlds are designed to cater for that varied audience, while the second half injects some much needed difficulty and is best played solo. Bowser’s Fury is experimental in nature, and offers something completely different with a fully open world housing plenty of Shines to collect at a rapid pace. While neither quite reaches the dizzying heights of Super Mario Galaxy or Odyssey, it is a double dose of Mario doing things differently, and a fitting finale to Super Mario’s 35th anniversary.
The Digital Fix - Stephen Hudson - 9 / 10
Near-perfect platforming, gorgeous visuals and a joy-filled soundtrack make Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury one of the best Mario titles of all time, and an essential purchase for all Switch owners.
TheGamer - Dave Aubrey - 4.5 / 5 stars
Ultimately, Super Mario 3D World, in this package, is the best that game has ever been, with the increased speed and ease of multiplayer access making it far more enticing than ever before. Bowser’s Fury, meanwhile, is essentially the Super Mario Odyssey DLC that never was. It feels like Odyssey’s level and game design sensibilities, but placed in the Super Mario 3D World game engine, with all of the power-ups and quirks that game has to make something truly unique. Putting both of these games in one package is the best decision that Nintendo has made in a long while, as Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is one of the best Mario offerings available on Nintendo Switch, which is lofty praise given the existence of Super Mario Maker 2. Now it just needs the option to play again, but as Luigi.
TheSixthAxis - Jason Coles - 9 / 10
I can't really recommend Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury enough. Whether you've played the original game before or not, the addition of online multiplayer is a big win, while Bowser's Fury is a testament to just how pure a Mario game can be while still feeling fresh and exciting. Put simply; this is an essential game for Mario fans.
TrustedReviews - Jade King - 4.5 / 5 stars
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is both a welcome return for a platforming classic and a novel expansion of what made the game so special back on the Wii U. There's a solid chance that millions of players missed out on its excellence back in 2013, so now is the perfect time to take it for a spin.
Twinfinite - Chris Jecks - 4.5 / 5
The real star of the show, however, was Bowser’s Fury, which innovates on the foundations laid by previous 3D titles, to provide some of the most enjoyable, open-world platforming I’ve had the pleasure of playing. This is a must-buy for Switch owners and Mario fans alike and is sure to tide you over the next couple of months.
IGN Spain - David Soriano - Spanish - 8.8 / 10
Super Mario 3D World has aged quite well. It is still a very enjoyable adventure, updated in its rhythm and different enough from Super Mario Odyssey for those who came to Switch without going through Wii U to discover it. The big surprise is Bowser's Fury, which transcends the concept of simple DLC and adds mechanics and novelties of epic dimensions.
AusGamers - Kosta Andreadis - 8.6 / 10
It's also as strange as Mario's team-up with a sentient hat that for some reason lets him Being John Malkovich a dinosaur.
COGconnected - James Paley - 80 / 100
These two titles offer distinct, yet familiar, Mario experiences.
Cubed3 - Az Elias - 8 / 10
Super Mario 3D World may not have had much added to it aside from an online function that is limited to only saving progress for the host, but it didn't necessarily need much else. Nintendo successfully found a way to evolve the 2D classics without going open world, and the result is one of the most consistently fresh and enjoyable games around, which, despite lacking the challenge of the NES games, has something for just about everyone. The bonus Bowser's Fury solo adventure is an absolute delight with a brilliant core idea that adds a crazy tension to Mario platforming, but it is hard to present a case for purchasing this pack just to play it. Whilst full of great content, it is too short-lived to feel worth the asking price, and really needs a standalone purchase option. When taking both games into account for those that have not played the original Wii U title, though, this is a cracking bundle of Mario goodness that encapsulates what everyone knows and still loves about the moustachioed hero after an enduring thirty-five years.
Daily Mirror - James Ide - 4 / 5 stars
Bowser's Fury offers some great new ideas and is much more than a simple DLC. It's a great Mario game in its own right, with enough to entice those who played 3D World before with a wholly new and compelling experience, as well as offering one of the most epic showdowns in Nintendo history.
Bowser's Fury is a great take on 3D Mario and finally makes Bowser the menacing villain he deserves to be. The game's only flaw is that it left me wishing there was more of it.
EGM - Michael Goroff - 8 / 10
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is the Wii U port that Switch owners have been waiting for. Besides the inclusion of online multiplayer, 3D World is the same good game that players already experienced on the Wii U, and fans of the series who missed it the first time around will enjoy its hybridization of 2D and 3D Mario gameplay. But the highlight of the package is Bowser's Fury, a scaled-down but surprisingly robust mini 3D Mario game that actually takes some chances. - Leonidas Mastellos - Greek - 8 / 10
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury achieves its goal as a package and not as individual experiences
Guardian - Keza MacDonald - 4 / 5 stars
One of the brightest and cutest Mario games with a novel adventure as a side dish
Telegraph - Tom Hoggins - 4 / 5 stars
This Switch remaster of the Wii U outing for Nintendo's famous plumber comes with online co-op and the strangest Mario adventure yet
Washington Post - Jhaan Elker - 75 / 100
Even with the Bowser’s Fury miss, the content is worth it. If you want one of the best and most versatile multiplayer experiences to date for the Nintendo Switch, online or offline, go with Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury.
CGMagazine - Jordan Biordi - 7 / 10
I don’t think Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury annoys me as much as it did on the Wii U, since the Switch already has the best Mario ever made on it; and I do think there is fun to be had with these games, even though I find them to be fairly frustrating. I would still recommend them if you enjoyed the originals, or maybe wanted to play them with younger gamers. Even though I might not go back to it very often, I don’t regret the time spent with it.
IGN - Cam Shea - 7 / 10
Two solid platformers in one; neither of which approaches the franchise's most dizzying heights.
Ars Technica - Kyle Orland - Unscored
Bowser’s Fury works just fine as an added bonus packaged with an under-appreciated platforming gem from the Wii U era. If you’ve never played 3D World before, this is a great chance to catch up on a fresh take on 3D Mario design. If you’re mainly interested in Bowser’s Fury, though, maybe wait until the strong ideas get expanded into a full, standalone game.
Eurogamer - Martin Robinson - Recommended
3D World's feast of all things Mario is joined by a fittingly experimental, hugely enjoyable - if slightly scrappy - expansion.
Kotaku - Ian Walker - Unscored
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is essentially the same game on Switch that some of you may have experienced on Wii U. While there’s no denying that the new hardware can’t keep up with the game’s ambitions at times, this bundle is at its core another fantastic Mario experience.
Polygon - Chris Plante - Unscored
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is a fantastic double feature
submitted by wekapipol to Games [link] [comments]

Weekly Stock Market News🚀 | GOOG / AMZN / PINS / SQ / PYPL / COST & other Stock Market News [02-08]🚀

The stock market finished a terrific week at record highs🚀🚀🚀 Companies like Google, Pinterest, Amazon & others smash earnings reports while Jeff Bezos bows out🚀🚀🚀 Let’s talk about this & other stock market news
Hello everyone! So, let’s start with the recap of last week, as we saw all 3 major indexes finish the week with big gains with the SP500 & Nasdaq Composite finishing at new record highs while the Dow Jones did also rise for 5 straight sessions. For the week the DOW gained 3.9%, the SP500 rose by 4.65% and the Nasdaq Composite outperformed gaining just over 6% in what was the best week since early November 🚀🚀🚀
The Volatility Index dropped every day last week as it now seats just above 20, with this being a huge level that hasn’t been broken in a long while.
We saw all 11 SECTORS finish the week in the green, with Energy leading the way followed by Consumer Discretionary, Communications & Financials also gaining more than 6% 🚀
Here is the HEAT MAP from last week, as we saw a hole lot of green in pretty much every sector, with big tech names gaining huge while the biggest lagging sector was Health Care. The big tech names just continue to increase their % of the SP market cap as technology is likely to continue to be one of the best performers in the next decades.
We also saw some interest economic data last week, as manufacturing continue to recover in January as both the ISM index and the PMI Index came in pretty solid and continued to stand in expansion territory.
Also, the ISM Services Index came in better-than-expected rising above expectations due to an increase in employment & new orders.
In terms of Job numbers, we saw ADP coming in way better than expected as over 170K jobs were added after a big drop in December. We also saw initial jobless claims dropping even more than expected while the continuing jobless claims fell to under 4.6M last week.
This WEEK is pretty quiet in term of economic data, with core CPI, Consumer indexes and jobless numbers being the biggest ones while the EARNINGS season continues with some of the most interesting earnings coming from Twitter, Coca-Cola, GM, Uber & PepsiCo while we also have to see how Disney subscriber numbers are continuing to evolve after hugely upgrading their expectations. One other thing that I am also interested to watch is the PayPal investors day on Thursday in which they are expected to provide a 3-to-5-year financial outlook.
In some other stock market news, it seems that most of the RBNHD retail investors that have jumped ship are going to Square’s Cash APP with almost 40% of investors choosing the app. We have to see if this trend continues now, after RBNHD removed limits on all stocks, but regardless, I think Square is a nice FinTech play despite their huge valuation right now, as they will also benefit from the jump in digital currencies and more companies planning to increase investments in integrated POS providers just like Square 🚀
We also had a lot of interesting earnings last week with Amazon crushing expectations, beating by almost $7 and almost $6B on revenues as this was the first time Amazon passed the $100B mark in a quarter as the holiday & e-commerce demand combined to give Amazon a 44% increase y/y in sales. The other big thing we got from Amazon was that Bezos will step down as CEO as Andy Jassy the current AWS leader will become the next CEO. This news caused some uncertainty for the company, but I believe this is still a long-term buying opportunity as Amazon will remain one of the best companies to own in the world 🚀
Also, one of the biggest fintech companies out there, PayPal showed great strength in their numbers, beating both the top & bottom line as their total payment volume and new active accounts showed continued strength in the move to more & more online payments solutions 🚀
The other big earnings report we saw last week was from Alphabet, which also beat by more than $6 and $4B in revenues as they surprised most of the analysts with great beats in most of the segments as their operating margin came in 5% better than expected. The biggest income generator remained the Search & YouTube business as they are still investing huge in their Cloud platform that is still bleeding money, but is very likely to pay out in the long-run 🚀
Other companies also smashed earnings with Pinterest beating expectations after a 76% revenue growth and a 37% user growth while Ford, which was expected to post a loss, turned out positive earnings of $0.43 despite a 9% decrease y/y in total revenues, as the last 2 quarters of the year provided strong evidence that Ford is progressing into turning around the company🚀🚀
Meanwhile, though they didn’t have an earnings report, COSTCO reported a rise in sales of almost 18% in January as the total comparable same store sales which rose by 15.9% crushed the analyst expectations of just 11.7%. I believe Costco is one of the best retailers to own despite it trading always at a premium, as the company is also jumping on the e-commerce trend, with a 107% increase in e-commerce sales in January🚀
And finally, let’s hope for a good day as the world stock markets and the US Futures are pointing to a good open with the Nasdaq leading the way after the Treasury Secretary pushed for more fiscal aid to help the economy & the unemployment fully recover as fast as possible.
Thank you everyone for reading🙏 Hope you enjoyed the content! Be sure to leave a comment down below with your opinion on the stock market! Have a great day and see you next time❗
submitted by 0toHeroInvesting to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury Review Thread

Game Information
Game Title: Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury
Developer: Nintendo
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - -1 average - -1% recommended - 1 reviews
Critic Reviews
Destructoid - Chris Carter - 10 / 10
To be clear, I'd still wholly recommend this version of 3D World even without Bowser's Fury. The tweaks are small overall, and Bowser's Fury isn't going to sate the most hardcore of Mario fans looking for a brand new game, but the package as a whole is magical. If you were one of the many who missed out on this Wii U classic, fix that.
Nintendo Life - Chris Scullion - 10 / 10
Super Mario 3D World remains one of the better linear Mario games, and anyone playing it for the first time is in for an absolute treat. Add to that the curious bonus adventure that is Bowser's Fury and you've got a package that provides great value for money. It isn't without its flaws, but most of these (online multiplayer, repetitive missions in Bowser's Fury) relate to the new additions; the main game itself remains as pure and perfect as it was seven years ago. Had it just been Super Mario 3D World on its own, we'd be thoroughly recommending it anyway; Bowser's Fury is just the cherry on top.
PowerUp! - Leo Stevenson - 9.8 / 10
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is a showcase of the game design mastery which has made Nintendo the best in the business.
Nintendo Blast - Eduardo Comerlato - Portuguese - 9.5 / 10
Super Mario Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is a package that offers two different ways to experience one of the best 3D Mario adventure, making it ideal for the franchise’s 35th anniversary celebration. There is no doubt that the game is a two-way diversion, able to preserve elements of the past and paint majestic novelties around it, as Bowser Jr. does with his paintbrush in the new and fascinating Bowser’s Fury.
Video Chums - A.J. Maciejewski - 9.2 / 10
Super Mario 3D World is an excellent game so if you still haven't played it or simply want it on Switch, this will make a wonderful addition to your gaming library. Oh, and you also get a fantastic bonus game with Bowser's Fury so how could you go wrong?
Gameblog - Thomas Pillon - French - 9 / 10
Thans to its many clever tweaks, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury give the player many reasons to enjoy a great 3D platformer, now a little bit faster, and with friends around the globe online. Let's not forget Bowser's Fury, a tiny open world adventure which rightfully mixes gameplays from the Wii U and Switch episodes, and delivers a strong experience with a twist.
Press Start - Shannon Grixti - 9 / 10
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is a fantastic package that showcases what makes Nintendo games so special. Super Mario 3D World is just as good as when it released, and Bower's Fury is a surprisingly good standalone adventure that paves the way for the future of Mario.
AusGamers - KostaAndreadis - 8.6 / 10
It's also as strange as Mario's team-up with a sentient hat that for some reason lets him Being John Malkovich a dinosaur.
COGconnected - James Paley - 80 / 100
Quote not yet available
Cubed3 - Az Elias - 8 / 10
Super Mario 3D World may not have had much added to it aside from an online function that is limited to only saving progress for the host, but it didn't necessarily need much else. Nintendo successfully found a way to evolve the 2D classics without going open world, and the result is one of the most consistently fresh and enjoyable games around, which, despite lacking the challenge of the NES games, has something for just about everyone. The bonus Bowser's Fury solo adventure is an absolute delight with a brilliant core idea that adds a crazy tension to Mario platforming, but it is hard to present a case for purchasing this pack just to play it. Whilst full of great content, it is too short-lived to feel worth the asking price, and really needs a standalone purchase option. When taking both games into account for those that have not played the original Wii U title, though, this is a cracking bundle of Mario goodness that encapsulates what everyone knows and still loves about the moustachioed hero after an enduring thirty-five years. - Leonidas Mastellos - Greek - 8 / 10
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury achieves its goal as a package and not as individual experiences
submitted by AidThisFellowUser to nintendo [link] [comments]

3 LEVELS OF ELEMENTAL REACTIONS - In-Depth Guide For Everyone (Written)

3 LEVELS OF ELEMENTAL REACTIONS - In-Depth Guide For Everyone (Written)
Hey everyone!
Yesterday, I posted about a guide I'd made on youtube on elemental reactions, approaching subjects as easy as what the elements are, then working my way to more complex subjects like elemental gauge and internal cooldown. The reception was very mixed, with half the comments telling me not to self advertise.
Considering the fact I put over 15 hours of work into that (non-monetized by the way) video just on writing the script, recording and editing, without including the research I'd made prior, I was somewhat distraught that this was the only thing people took away from my attempt at making an educational guide. Since I'd written a script for the video, I figured I might as well just work on the format of the script and transform it into a written guide, because there's no way I'm letting all that effort go to waste when I just wanted to make a resource people could refer to. With that said, enjoy the guide!
(If you want to watch the video, I'll include a link at the end)


  • New Player level
  1. Elements
  2. Elemental Resonance
  3. Elemental Reactions
  4. Aura VS Trigger
  • Casual Player level
  1. Multiplicative Reactions : Melt and Vaporize
  2. Transformative Reactions
  3. Overloaded
  4. Electro-Charged
  5. Frozen/Shatter
  6. Superconduct
  7. Swirl
  8. Crystallize
  • Theorycrafter level
  1. Internal Cooldown (ICD)
  2. Elemental Gauge
  3. Gauge in Overloaded and Superconduct
  4. Gauge in Multiplicative Reactions
  5. Gauge with Diluc
  6. Gauge with Ganyu
  7. Gauge with Tartaglia (Childe)
  8. "Gauge" with Bennett
  9. Gauge with Klee
  10. Gauge with Xiangling
  11. Other reactions
  12. Gauge in Swirl and Crystallize
  13. Gauge with Ningguang, Sucrose and... Xiao??
  14. Decay Rate + Aura Extension
  • Conclusion



There are currently 7 elements in the game. Players can currently play as characters of the following elements :
  • Hydro : Barbara, Mona, Tartaglia (Childe), Xingqiu
  • Pyro : Amber, Bennett, Diluc, Klee, Xiangling, Xinyan
  • Electro : Beidou, Fischl, Keqing, Lisa, Razor
  • Cryo : Ganyu, Chongyun, Diona, Kaeya, Qiqi
  • Anemo : Jean, Sucrose, Traveler (Anemo), Venti, Xiao
  • Geo : Ningguang, Noelle, Traveler (Geo), Zhongli, Albedo
However, we currently don’t have any dendro units. When using certain talents from those characters, you can apply their respective element to enemies or trigger elemental reactions.

Elemental Resonance

While building your team, you can benefit from a bonus called "Elemental Resonance" if you use certain elements. Using units of certain elements will give you the following buffs :
  • 2 Anemo units (Impetuous Winds) : Decrease Stamina Consumption by 15%, increase Movement SPD by 10% and shorten Skill Cooldown by 5%. This resonance isn't particularly strong in combat, but it can be very nice to use while exploring, meaning using two anemo units in an overworld team is recommended when doing exploration-related things, like hunting chests, anemoculi or geoculi.
  • 2 Hydro units (Soothing Water) : Increase incoming healing by 30%. Your characters will also be affected by Pyro for 40% less time. This means that, when you're hit with a pyro ability, you'll be affected by the Pyro aura for 40% less time. We'll get into what auras are a bit later. This resonance isn't particularly useful, since most healing-dedicated units (Barbara, Bennett, Diona, Jean, Qiqi) already heal enough without that 30% bonus to keep you alive. There are still units that can benefit from it, namely Xingqiu and Noelle, but I don't recommend building teams without one of the healers mentioned earlier so the uses for this resonance are very limited.
  • 2 Pyro units (Fervent Flames) : Increase ATK by 25%. You will also be affected by Cryo for 40% less time. This resonance looks very strong, but it should not be overestimated. While 25% ATK is definitely useful, keep in mind this kind of ATK buff only applies to base ATK, i.e. the white number on the left when you click on your attributes and look at your attack. Base ATK is calculated from your character's base ATK and your weapon's base ATK, meaning artifacts won't change it. This means that if you have 800 base ATK and 1000 bonus ATK from your artifacts, the 25% ATK bonus will only give you 200 more ATK, going from 1800 to 2000. It is still definitely useful, and definitely the most versatile buff, but not as strong as it initially appears.
  • 2 Cryo units (Shattering Ice) : Increase your CRIT Rate against enemies that are Frozen or affected by Cryo by 15%. You will also be affected by Electro for 40% less time. This buff is VERY strong in teams where the condition is easily met, but it unfortunately doesn't work in many teams. It is mostly useful in Perma-Freeze comps, that don't trigger reactions to take the Cryo aura away from enemies, or in comps that deal most of their damage through melting Cryo-affected enemies, like the Bennett DPS comp, which we will be explaining later.
  • 2 Geo units (Enduring Rock) : Increase your resistance to interruption. Increase your DMG by 15% when you're protected by a shield. This buff affects DMG, not ATK, making it generally stronger than the Pyro buff, however it should be noted that its condition isn't easily met in every team. Also, this will only increase the damage of your on-field character, unlike the Pyro resonance, which will increase the damage of ALL your characters, so it's mostly good for hypercarries that deal most of their team's damage.
  • 4 units of different elements (Protective Canopy) : Increase your Elemental and Physical RES by 15%. Since this is a defensive buff, it isn't particularly useful in a game where the difficulty comes in the form of short timers instead of strong enemies, so you shouldn't be aiming for this buff.

Elemental Reactions

Don't make the mistake of prioritizing Elemental Resonance over everything else. While it can be good, it shouldn't be your main focus when building your team. Your main focus should generally be on elemental reactions, that happen when using two DIFFERENT elements on enemies :
  • Electro-Charged : Hydro + Electro. Damage over time effect which can spread to nearby enemies in certain scenarios.
  • Frozen : Hydro + Cryo. Stops enemies from moving. Attacking those enemies with a heavy attack (Geo attack, Claymore attack or Plunge attack) will cause Shatter, dealing physical damage.
  • Vaporize : Hydro + Pyro. Amplifies the damage of the attack that triggers it.
  • Melt : Cryo + Pyro. Amplifies the damage of the attack that triggers it.
  • Superconduct : Deals a small amount of damage and reduces your foes' physical RES.
  • Overloaded : Deals a bigger amount of damage and knocks foes away.
  • Swirl : Hydro/Pyro/Cryo/Electro + Anemo. Spreads the initial element to nearby enemies, dealing some damage. Once you unlock the Viridescent Venerer artifact set, this will also reduce those enemies' elemental RES.
  • Crystallize : Hydro/Pyro/Cryo/Electro + Geo. Does not deal ANY damage, but generates a shard on the ground, which you can pick up to gain a shield.
You may notice there is no reaction for Geo + Anemo. In order to understand why that is, we have to understand the difference between an aura and a trigger.

Aura VS Trigger

An elemental reaction occurs when two elements meet each other. For this to happen, one element must be present on an enemy when attacking them with another element. The trigger element, as its name suggests, is the element that triggers the reaction, or the 2nd element applied. The aura element, on the other hand, is the element that is initially applied to an enemy, and which stays there as an aura. Aura elements don't do anything by themselves, with the exception of the Cryo Aura, which slows enemies down. The reason there is no Geo + Anemo reaction is simply that neither Geo nor Anemo can be an aura element. When using a Geo or an Anemo ability on an enemy, it will NOT leave a Geo or Anemo aura on them.
Aura VS trigger also matters in determining the damage dealt by elemental reactions. The damage of a reaction will ALWAYS scale with the trigger character’s stats, and NOT the aura character. You can easily demonstrate this by using a low level character and a high level character. When your trigger character is the high-level one, the damage is much higher than when your trigger character is the low-level one.


Multiplicative Reactions : Melt and Vaporize

Multiplicative reactions, also called amplifying reactions, are the most simple. They simply multiply the damage of the attack that triggers them. There are currently only 2 multiplicative reactions : Melt and Vaporize. Both of these reactions have different multipliers depending on the element that triggers them.
Triggering Melt with a Pyro ability will multiply its damage by 2 (Strong-Side), while triggering it with a Cryo ability will multiply its damage by 1.5 (Weak-Side).
Similarly, triggering Vaporize with Hydro multiplies its damage by 2 (Strong-Side), while triggering it with Pyro multiplies is damage by 1.5 (Weak-Side).
Multiplicative reactions are generally considered stronger late-game options, as since they multiply the damage of the attack that triggers them, they don’t ONLY scale with Elemental Mastery, but also scale with ATK, CRIT stats and DMG% stats.
Multiplicative reactions’ biggest weakness is how hard it can be to set them up properly, because of some interactions we’ll be talking about later.
Their biggest strength is the overall damage multiplier they bring to a team, as is the case in the following comps :
Bennett+Chongyun : Melt-focused comp, the only real late game Strong-Side team comp
Diluc+Xingqiu : Vaporize-focused comp, the most versatile Weak-Side team comp
Ganyu+Xiangling : Melt-focused comp, the highest DPS ceiling, and a Weak-Side comp

Transformative Reactions

Transformative reactions, on the other hand, deal damage based on your character’s LEVEL and ELEMENTAL MASTERY ONLY. This means their damage will not change depending on the attack you use to trigger them, simply on the character you use. For example, if you were to trigger superconduct with Kaeya and Lisa, you would get different numbers when using Kaeya as the trigger as you would using Lisa as the trigger, but you would get the SAME number using Lisa’s Normal Attack as the trigger as you would with Lisa’s skill.
Because Transformative reactions only scale with Level and Elemental Mastery, and since their base damage doesn't scale particularly well with level, they are generally considered weaker damage alternatives in the late game.


Level 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Base DMG 34 60 143 243 375 579 886 1287 1697 1924
The highest damage out of all the transformative reactions, it's also generally considered to be one of, if not the, weakest. In order to deal with enemies quickly, you generally want to keep enemies grouped together, letting you hit multiple enemies at once with your AOE (Area of Effect) attacks. However, Overloaded pushes enemies away from you, and most importantly, from each other. This makes it hard to deal with multiple enemies at once, and will often make you lose DPS (Damage per second), rather than making you gain DPS.
Overloaded still has some late-game uses : It can destroy geo shields and keep enemies away from the monolith. However, it isn't the fastest way to destroy geo shields, making it hard to justify. This means its only realistic late-game use is in the rare protect the monolith stage.


Level 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Base DMG 20 38 86 145 225 349 533 771 1019 1171
Electro-Charged actually works in a different way than other reactions, as you can have both a Hydro AND an Electro aura active on a character at the same time. This means you can use ONE ability to trigger TWO reactions on an electro-charged enemy. For example, you can use a pyro ability on an electro-charged target to trigger vaporize AND overloaded. The specifics on the inner workings of the Electro-Charged mechanic are slightly more complicated, so I'll be making a post in the future on the details. Electro-Charged isn’t an insanely strong reaction, but unlike Overloaded, it doesn’t have any actual downside, so you have no reason to actively avoid it.


Frozen immobilizes your opponent for a short duration, and will not deal any damage. However, any heavy attack on a frozen target will cause shatter, dealing physical damage based on the stats of the character who triggers SHATTER, not the character who triggers Frozen.

Level 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Base DMG 28 45 107 183 283 435 664 964 1275 1458
While an enemy is frozen, they are considered to be affected by a cryo aura for reaction purposes. This means you can trigger Melt with a Pyro ability, or Superconduct with an electro ability. However, the biggest strength of the Frozen reaction lies in keeping enemies frozen, without triggering another reaction or shatter. This will have two main benefits.
  1. Keeping certain enemies frozen prevents them from generating or using their shields, such as Fatui Skirmishers, who won't be able to generate their shields, and Mitachurls (Wooden Shield, Rock Shieldwall and Ice Shieldwall), against whom your attacks will ignore shields while they are frozen. It’ll also keep certain other enemies, such as the Eye of the Storm or Cicin mages, from running away from you.
  2. Keeping enemies frozen gives you access to the strongest situational artifact set in the game, Blizzard Strayer. The 4-piece set gives you 40% CRIT Rate against frozen enemies, which is an INSANE amount of stats if you manage to keep enemies in that state. Unfortunately, the Blizzard Strayer set is relatively weak on Claymore Cryo units, such as Chongyun, since his attacks will Shatter, making you lose out on the effect. The damage you get from Shatter is unfortunately not high enough to justify running Shatter comps over Perma-Freeze comps.


Level 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Base DMG 7 16 36 60 94 145 222 321 424 487
Superconduct, unlike the other reactions we’ve seen so far, deals completely insignificant damage. However, it makes up for that lack of damage with a very useful effect : It reduces the enemies’ physical RES by 40%. Note that RES reduction is only half as effective once the enemies’ RES is below 0, so using superconduct on an enemy with 10% RES would bring them to -15%, not to -30%, since the first 10% will be fully applied, then the remaining 30% will be halved.
Superconduct is used mainly for Physical carries such as Razor, Xiangling with Crescent Pike, or sometimes Keqing. Since the debuff lasts for a decently long amount of time, you don’t need to trigger it very often, letting you get away with high cooldown supports. Technically, Superconduct can have some sort of resonance effect, where it deals more damage if enemies are clustered together, but this isn’t practical, as the damage increase is only significant when multiple enemies are clustered together, and that’s generally quite hard to do with a very low payoff.


Level 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Base DMG 12 18 43 73 112 173 266 387 511 578
Swirl’s damage, much like Superconduct, is quite low. It can be used to spread elements, but once you reach Adventure Rank 25, you unlock the domain that can reward you with the Viridescent Venerer artifact set, which makes swirl a vital element to multiple late game teams. The 4-piece set bonus decreases opponent’s Elemental RES to the element infused in the swirl triggered by a unit that holds this set by 40%. This RES reduction works just like the RES reduction from Superconduct. That, paired with the fact the base damage is quite low, makes Swirl the elemental equivalent to Superconduct.


Crystallize is the only elemental reaction that does not deal ANY damage. It drops a shard of the element you crystallized, and the shield it generates is much more effective against that element.
Level 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Base Shield 91 159 304 438 557 715 896 1096 1277 1424
Unfortunately, crystallize shields are much weaker than shields generated by some units’ talents. On top of that, since geo characters don’t deal more damage based on their elemental mastery, making your crystallize shields stronger costs you the opportunity of dealing more damage, which is generally not a worthwhile tradeoff. Crystallize’s main usage is generating shields for units wearing the 4-piece Retracing Bolide set, or making use of effects that do something when elemental reactions are triggered, such as Fischl’s ascension 4 passive. It can also be used in conjunction with the 4-piece Archaic Petra set to buff your party’s elemental damage, although you have to make sure you pick up the crystal with the unit wearing the 4-piece Archaic Petra set in order to get the damage bonus.


Internal Cooldown

Internal Cooldown (ICD), the most simple of the two concepts, is about the principle that certain talents don’t always apply their own element. This can make it harder to trigger elemental reactions in quick succession. ICD is unique to every talent, which means you can trigger two reactions almost immediately if they do not share an ICD, but you can NOT cause reactions in quick succession if the trigger talent has an ICD.
I’ve found that the best way to visualize ICD is to test it against either the Anemo Hypostasis, as no matter how many reactions you trigger, it will not lose their innate element. You can then look for the time between every Swirl reaction, and that will give you a rough estimation of the ICD.
Kaeya's Burst and Fischl's Skill have long ICDs and don't swirl on every hit :
Xiangling's Burst has either a short ICD or no ICD at all, since it swirls on every hit. Xingqiu's Burst has a separate ICD for every time it throws swords, as it swirls every time a group of swords hits :
However, note that this is not always an accurate representation, as triggering multiple reactions in a row will not always show the reaction text even if the reactions do happen, as is the case when you use Chongyun’s burst.
Chongyun's Burst has no ICD, so it deals damage, but the reactions happen so fast the swirl text doesn't show up :
As you can see, different units often have different internal cooldowns on their talents, making it very hard to correctly assess the strength of a unit without testing.
Not understanding ICD might make you think certain combinations are much stronger than they actually are. A good example of this would be Kaeya+Xiangling. While Kaeya’s icicles hit enemies much faster than Xiangling’s pyronado, it also applies cryo at a much slower rate. This means that, when using Xiangling’s burst after using Kaeya’s, the first few hits from Xiangling’s burst will Melt, but since the pyro element is being applied faster than the cryo element, it will soon be Kaeya’s burst that starts triggering the Melts. Unfortunately, since the cryo application does have a relatively long ICD, only SOME of the icicles will Melt, leading to an overall poor use of elemental reactions that only ends up being a small damage boost.
Before we can talk about the ways we can use our knowledge of ICD to get damage boosts bigger than the ones we get from the Xiangling+Kaeya combo, we have to talk about the second concept in this section.

Elemental Gauge

Elemental Gauge is something that seems a bit scary to approach at first, but practically, it can be simplified as basically just glorified addition and subtraction.
Every talent that applies an element to enemies applies a certain amount of Gauge Units. This can be either 1, 2, or 4. As far as I’m aware, the only way to apply 4 Gauge Units is currently Beidou’s elemental Burst’s initial hit.
The higher the amount of Gauge Units, the longer the aura stays on an enemy :
  • A 1 Gauge Unit, which we’ll be calling 1U, or 1 unit, skill, will apply an aura for 9.5 seconds.
  • A 2U skill will apply an aura for 12 seconds.
  • A 4U skill will apply an aura for 16.8s seconds.
Timing the duration of an aura is the best way to figure out the Gauge strength of a talent, but if, like me, you’re too lazy for that, here's a table on every character and their respective talents’ gauge strength (Credits to IonFox).
Unit Normal Attack Charged Attack Elemental Skill Elemental Burst
Diluc Infused : 1U 1U 1U
Klee 1U 1U Bomb : 2U Mines : 1U 1U
Amber 2U 2U 1U
Bennett Press : 2U Hold : 1U 2U
Xiangling 1U 1U
Xinyan 1U 1U
Keqing Infused : 1U Initial : 1U Re-cast : 2U Explosion : 2U 1U
Beidou 2U Cast : 4U Buff : 1U
Fischl 1U 1U 2U
Lisa 1U 1U Press : 1U Hold : 2U 1U
Razor 2U Cast : 2U Buff : 1U
Mona 1U 1U 1U Cast : 1U Pop : 2U
Tartaglia (Childe) Riptide Flash : 1U Riptide Burst : 2U 1U Cast : 2U Infusion : 1U Riptide Slash : 1U 2U (every hit)
Barbara 1U 1U 1U
Xingqiu 1U 1U
Ganyu Arrow : 1U Bloom : 1U 1U 1U
Qiqi 1U 2U
Chongyun Cast : 2U Infusion : 1U 1U
Diona 1U 1U 1U
Kaeya 2U 1U
Jean 2U 2U
Venti 1U 2U 1U
Traveler (Anemo) 1U 1U
Sucrose 1U 1U 1U 1U
Albedo 1U 1U
Zhongli Cast : 2U Pulse : 1U 4U
Ningguang 1U 1U 1U 1U
Noelle Infusion : 1U 2U 1U
Traveler (Geo) 2U 2U

Gauge in Overloaded and Superconduct

This is where the subtraction comes in. Quite simply, the strength of the trigger is subtracted from the strength of the aura. That means that if you use a 2U aura, then a 1U trigger, the initial aura will stay on the enemy, because 2-1>0
Any other combination of 1U and 2U will remove the aura, because 1-1, 1-2 and 2-2 are all equal or under 0.
A 4U aura will not be removed by a 2U trigger, nor by 3 1U triggers, meaning you can get a lot of reactions done with a 4U aura. Unfortunately, we only have one 4U talent that can apply an aura and it’s on a burst, so practical applications of 4U auras are very limited.
There is one thing you have to keep in mind when trying to trigger multiple reactions without reapplying the aura : the elemental gauge’s strength goes down over time. This means if you wait for one of the units of a 2U aura to decay, a 1U trigger will remove the aura.
Technically, the decay rate isn’t exactly linear, but we can use an approximation here, since it’s almost linear and it generally won’t make much of a difference. Unfortunately, as I mentioned in the CASUAL section for transformative reactions, Overloaded and Superconduct generally don’t offer great late game scaling, making the practical uses of gauge knowledge in these reactions mostly irrelevant.

Gauge in Multiplicative Reactions

Here is where the practical uses of gauge knowledge come in. Much like transformative reactions, triggering multiplicative reactions removes a certain quantity of gauge from an enemy. However, unlike transformative reactions, a 1U trigger does NOT remove 1 unit of gauge. A 1U trigger will either remove HALF a unit or TWO units. Why?
Basically, just like melt and vaporize have different DAMAGE multipliers depending on the element that triggers them, they also have different GAUGE multipliers. This means triggering the WEAK side of a melt or vaporize reaction will divide the amount of gauge units REMOVED by that reaction by 2. Triggering the STRONG side of such a reaction will MULTIPLY the amount of gauge units removed by 2.
This means using a 2U cryo aura, you can only trigger ONE melt reaction no matter what trigger you use, because a 1U pyro trigger will be multiplied by 2 and remove both of the cryo units. The same could be said about 2U Pyro auras and Hydro triggers.
HOWEVER, when using pyro auras for melt or hydro auras for vaporize, you can EASILY trigger multiple reactions.
With a 2U aura, you can trigger more than one reaction with a 2U trigger, because 2-(0.5x2)>0. You could also theoretically trigger up to FOUR reactions with 1U triggers,
A good application of this is Chongyun’s Burst’s triple melt combo. This works because both Bennett’s burst and Bennett’s skill are 2U, meaning either can easily sustain the first two 1U triggers of Chongyun’s burst, leaving a pyro aura for the third trigger to melt, leading to a triple melt. This combo only works because Chongyun's Burst, unlike Kaeya's Burst, has no ICD, meaning you can trigger the three melts in quick succession.
Chongyun Triple Melt makes Pyro Plant go bye-bye (not exactly a 1 shot but my chongus is level 50 so i'll take it) :
If the aura is 1U, you won’t be able to trigger two reactions with 2U triggers, but you WILL be able to trigger two reactions with 1U triggers. Both of the units with the highest DPS ceilings in the game, Ganyu and Diluc, can actually use this mechanic to significantly increase their damage.
Every. Single. One. Of their talents apply a 1U gauge. This means that as long as you have a way to consistently apply 1U auras, you’ll be able to vaporize, in Diluc’s case, or melt, in Ganyu’s most of their damage. Let’s now take a look at a few comps that use elemental gauge mechanics quite well.

Gauge with Diluc

With Diluc, this is done by using Xingqiu. Xingqiu’s elemental burst will re-apply a 1U hydro gauge every time you use a normal attack with Diluc. This means you’ll be able to keep a hydro aura on the enemy as long as you weave in a normal attack between each of your elemental skills. Because Diluc’s normal attack has an ICD, some of his normal attacks will not vaporize, BUT most still will, and all of his uses of his Elemental Skill will also vaporize, as those have no ICD. This will SIGNIFICANTLY increase the damage you do, and is the main reason Diluc is considered to be one of the strongest carries in the game. Without this interaction, his damage is much closer to other strong carries like Keqing and Razor, but with it, he just skyrockets above the rest.
Showcase of how much the Diluc+XQ combo vaporizes, thanks to a friend's Diluc because I'm not bourgeois :

Gauge with Ganyu

With Ganyu, this is done by using Xiangling. Since both her Frostbloom arrow and the explosion are 1U, you can melt both with Xiangling’s 1U burst or skill. Just use Xiangling’s burst and then switch to Ganyu, and basically everything will melt. This is the HIGHEST theoretical DPS out of all the carries we currently have, but is not always better than other alternatives because of how hard it is to properly play and set up.
Ganyu's damage without artifacts by herself :
Ganyu's damage without artifacts with Xiangling :
You can see both the initial hit AND the bloom deal more damage, so even if Melt only shows up once, both parts are melting.

Gauge with Tartaglia (Childe)

Because of the gauge interactions with weak-side melt and vaporize, while they are weaker than strong-side for single instances of damage and impressive crits on abyss 7, most theorycrafters consider them to be stronger than strong-side for consistent team DPS. However, that does NOT mean you should step away from using pyro supports with hydro carries, or cryo supports with Pyro carries. What it DOES mean, is that, when doing this, you should keep in mind that THOSE units are going to be the ones triggering the reactions, so they won’t enable your carry to do more damage, they will BE enabled by your carry, and deal a lot of damage.
The team comp that makes the best use of this mechanic is a Childe team comp, where Childe is the on-field carry, while Xiangling is the enabled support. Since Childe’s Normal attacks and riptide slash have separate and short ICDs, it is unrealistic to use a pyro unit to vaporize childe’s DPS. However, you can use Childe to vaporize Xiangling’s Burst damage. Since Xiangling’s Burst has no ICD, by using her burst and then switching to Childe, you’ll be able to vaporize every single instance of damage she deals, for a significant damage upgrade if you’ve invested into your Xiangling.
WoW cHiLdE oP hE cAn KiLl CrYo PlAnT aT lEvEl 2 :
A late-game combo for this comp would be done by using Albedo and Bennett. You set up your buffs with Albedo and Bennett’s bursts, then use Xiangling’s burst. After that, you vaporize Childe’s Burst with the initial pyro aura, and then instantly use Childe’s skill and attack the enemy, to start vaporizing Xiangling’s burst. This makes great use of the knowledge we have of elemental gauges, to increase your team’s overall damage output by exactly a metric fuckton.
The combo in action without artifacts, because using artifacts, enemies get 1 shot too fast :

"Gauge" with Bennett

There is currently only one real exception that I know of that actual makes use of strong-side reactions in the late game, and that is the Bennett comp. Since most of Bennett’s damage comes form his burst and his skill, you want to build pyro damage on him. However, since his normal attacks don’t apply pyro, your applications of pyro will be quite slow. This enables the use of a cryo support, since your pyro applications will never happen fast enough for your cryo applications not to be able to keep up. In order to make good use of this, you need a cryo support that has near 100% uptime on his cryo application, so the best option is definitely Chongyun. Ganyu can also work, but you will have some downtime so I don’t recommend it.
You wouldn't think I have 70% CRIT Rate watching this clip, RNG pls :

Gauge with Klee

Klee, unlike Diluc, has more different sources of pyro applications, and some 2U talents. This means it’s much harder to consistently vaporize everything she does. Because of this, while Xingqiu is definitely still an amazing option, he isn’t head and shoulders above the rest as is the case in Diluc comps. Since Mona’s Hydro application is quite slow, she’s not as strong as Xingqiu in Diluc comps, but Xingqiu doesn’t have that edge in Klee comps, making Mona an amazing option in Klee comps.
Klee+Mona, courtesy of yet another friend :
Klee+Xingqiu, courtesy of that same friend :

Gauge with Xiangling

The last comp I want to talk about for multiplicative reactions is a comp that doesn’t actually have a main DPS. The on-field carry, Bennett, isn’t really dealing much damage in this comp, and is best to run with 4p Noblesse or 4p Instructor. The comp relies on Xiangling and Xingqiu working very similarly to the Childe comp I mentioned earlier. However, this comp allows you to generate a lot more pyro particles, more or less eliminating the need for energy recharge on Xiangling, and letting you build her with only damage in mind.
The reason this works is that you can use your skill on Bennett, and then change to Xiangling to catch the particles. You simply do this over and over until your burst is back up. There are many options for a 4th unit. You can use Albedo for the elemental mastery he provides, post-buff Zhongli to shred resistances, an anemo support for the same reason, Kaeya or Ganyu to convert some of the vaporizes to melts, although this variation can be harder to play properly, or Ningguang for the Petra bonus and the Thrilling Tales.
Xiangling’s burst deals damage based on her stats at the moment of casting, meaning even if Bennett’s ATK buff expires, Xiangling is still going to benefit from it. This also applies to the Instructor and Noblesse bonuses, the Thrilling Tales bonus, and Albedo’s bonus elemental mastery. This comp is not very strong in the current floor 12, because it has no real way to deal with shields, but it has very high damage potential so it might be worth considering.
I love the cryo domain, having enemies that take more than 2s to kill in the overworld is a godsend for testing : (I gave up on the mage because I was lazy)

Other reactions

As I mentioned earlier, Electro-charged is more complicated so I'll address it another day. Frozen has no real gauge applications as far as I know, since comps that include frozen are basically only perma-freeze comps, that don't trigger any other reactions. This leaves us with Swirl and Crystallize

Gauge in Swirl and Crystallize

Swirl and Crystallize both work VERY similarly to the other transformative reactions. However, much like weak-side multiplicative reactions, the amount of gauge units these reactions subtract is halved. This means a 1U anemo or geo talent will reduce gauge by only 0.5U, and a 2U anemo or geo talent will reduce gauge by 1U.

Gauge with Ningguang, Sucrose and... Xiao??

You might think that, since swirl and crystallize are both transformative reactions, gauge knowledge isn’t very useful for anemo and geo units, but that actually isn’t the case. Since swirl and crystallize work like weak-side reactions, this means it is much harder for them to remove an aura. This can be insanely useful when choosing artifact sets, as both the Geo and the Anemo artifact sets are tailored to supports. If you have an anemo or a geo DPS, you can consider using a 4-piece set of Thundersoother or Lavawalker, as it’ll be easier to keep the aura on enemies. On top of that, Fischl’s ascension 4 passive actually significantly improves her electro application, as it will apply electro whenever you trigger an electro-related reaction. It has an ICD, so it won’t ALWAYS reapply it, but it’s still quite useful. This means, when using Ningguang or Sucrose, you can actually keep your uptime on thundersoother with fischl or lavawalker with Xiangling close to 100%. This ALSO means those sets might just be one of the options for building upcoming anemo or geo characters, like Xiao.

Decay Rate + Aura Extension

That’s about it when it comes to practical uses of gauge. Here’s a quick summary of concepts that currently have no good practical uses but that might have some in the future.
1U, 2U and 4U auras decay at different speeds, where 1U takes 9.5 seconds per unit, 2U takes 6 seconds per unit and 4u takes 4.2 seconds per unit. If you use two different talents of the same element, you can cheat these timers, since only the decay rate of the first application stays, while the amount of units is that of the second aura. If you use a 1U followed by a 4U aura, such as Lisa’s normal attack followed by Beidou’s Burst, you’ll be able to make the aura last 38 seconds (4 units x 9.5 seconds). However, since the only 4U aura we can apply at the moment is electro, this doesn’t have practical late-game uses. If you use a 1U followed by a 2U aura, you’ll have a bit more time to trigger your reactions (2 units x 9.5 seconds for 19 seconds instead of 12 seconds), but the increase isn’t big enough to justify using it.


I'm torn between just hoping everyone enjoyed the guide and finds it useful and wanting to say fuck you to the people who shat on my previous post. Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed, and if, like me, you think text guides are a fucking terrible way to explain something and you still have questions, I explain it much better, with useful background footage, in the video.
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