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A Compendious Exposition on the Topic of Mental Illness, its Origins, Manifestations, and Relationships to Capitalism [effortpost]

Alright, lemme preface this by saying that this is basically a reworked version of a comment I posted a few years ago. It's not entirely original.

Edit: I should've known to drop a tl;dr here. The premise is that mental illness is real, and not an illness. It's a normal reaction to an abnormal world, and psychiatry is cope. This is explored in more detail in the "Why the Biochemical Basis Theory of Mental Illness is Bunk" section. Quit taking this as a personal attack. I'm not trying to invalidate your LiVeD eXpErIeNcE. I'm saying that you feel the way you do because of a combination of an alien, indifferent environment, a lack of community, an inability to control your emotions (a learned skill), and unhealthy lifestyle choices. Some things are in your control and others aren't, but being aware of this is very important. Quit whining.
Edit 2: several of you have insinuated that I myself am mentally ill. Peak irony. Yes, at 16 I was diagnosed with bipolar 2 and a host of pettier disorders. Like most normal human beings, I grew out of being a moody teenager. My life is together, I'm not on any psychiatric medications, and no, I'm not mentally ill. Lol.
Edit 3: oh, cool, this got pinned. I feel honored.
So, right off the bat, I'm posting this because I've seen an increasing number of posts and comments (similar to the one on the front page right now) wondering about why mental illness is a thing. Why it's so prevalent these days, why it's such an intransigent issue to treat, why its practitioners seem to pride themselves on their diagnoses, and why any criticism of psychiatry is met with rabid, seething hatred.
This piece seeks to examine mental illness through the lens of evolutionary anthropology and psychology, and might not be the most neatly or cohesively written, but where it lacks in those regards I hope it is sufficiently supplemented by ample citations. Here, I seek to examine the why of modern mental illness, how the industry perpetuates mental illness, and how it grooms patients to believe they're broken. I hope to also elucidate why criticism of psychiatry or pharmaceutical companies is often received so horribly, and why psych patients tend to take this criticism very, very personally.
Some sections are not heavily supported by citations because they're new or heavily revised. I can hunt down supporting sources on request or just leave it as is, and you can take it with a grain of salt; I don't much care either way, because revising this draft already took a decent amount of time and I'm not publishing it in a journal or anything.

Some Groundwork About the History of Modern Psychiatry
Briefly, and less importantly, psychiatry emerged in the 50s and 60s as a distinct medical practice. It drew from Freud's and Jung's theories of psychology, and those some of their philosophical descendants. Previously, psychiatry was pretty much just throwing people into madhouses, where they were basically tortured to death. Think, AHS: Asylum type shit, but in the 1800s and early 1900s.
Come 1940, lobotomies were having their heyday - that fun lil outpatient procedure that involved destroying the prefrontal cortex (the part of the brain that makes you, well, a person) with an icepick. These were popular through to the 1960s.
Come 1950, Thorazine came out. This is a milestone in modern psychiatry, and its use criteria basically set the standard for all of modern psychiatry. This shit is heavy. Worse than lithium, worse than prozac, worse than haldol: one shot of this shit, and you're a zombie all week. And it was this ethos that modern psychiatry continues to lean on: a fucked up definition of "normal" and a fucked up definition of "improvement". Back in the 50s and 60s, modern psychiatry was used often as a tool to suppress deviants, minorities, and political dissidents.
Thorazine was touted as a miracle treatment for schizophrenia (which originally was basically something you diagnosed angry black men with to get em thrown in the loony bin). See, when your diagnostic criteria for mental illness include anger, violence, and the like, and you've got a drug that renders any patient you stick with it a drooling zombie, well, obviously, that's an improvement, right? We'll come back to this in a bit.
Then came the DSM. I'm sure you're familiar with the DSM. It's the bible shrinks swear by. It defines and lists symptom criteria for every mental malady recognized by medicine. It's founded on sound evidence produced by reputable scientists... right? In James Davies' interview of Robert Spitzer, chairman of the DSM Taskforce charged with producing the 3rd iteration of the DSM, perhaps the manual's most influential version - Spitzer revealed that diagnoses, codified mental illnesses, were decided by consensus. In some cases, Spitzer et al. directly polled members of the APA about what symptoms certain disorders ought to include. In his defense, he was attempting to produce a rigorous checklist, a proper diagnostic tool to measure mentality. However, he substantiated few of the disorders that made it into the manual by evidence:
>"it was just a consensus. We would ask clinicians and researchers, 'how many symptoms do you think patients ought to have before you would give them the diagnosis of depression,' and we came up with the ***arbitrary*** number of five".
>"There are only a handful of mental disorders in the DSM[III] known to have a clear biological cause. These are known as the organic disorders [like epilepsy, Alzheimer's, and Huntington's]. These are few and far between [...] No biological markers have been identified."
So we have the dude that revolutionized the DSM and plugged it into the culture admitting both that the DSM diagnoses he added and revised are mostly unsubstantiated by any rigorous study or lab research, and that practically none of the so-called "mental illnesses" in the DSM have any biological markers (technically, this doesn't lead to the conclusion that there is no basis, only suggests it). One unnamed committee member actually said, verbatim, "No, we can't include that as a symptom! *I* do that!"

Diagnostic Techniques and Their Accuracy (Why is Everyone Mentally Ill Now?)
Even if you believe everything in the DSM is valid and holy and irrefutable (just hypothetically, here, I know this is a ridiculous position for anyone to take) - ground-level shrinks and psychiatrists can't diagnose worth shit. According to research done by PJ Caplan, the same case received the same diagnosis from two different clinicians about two-thirds of the time, and an experiment by Dr. David Rosenhan in the 70s revealed that hospital psychiatrists misdiagnosed confederates presenting with hallucination of a disembodied voice repeating the word "thud" in their head repeatedly with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. After the fact, a hospital challenged Rosenhan to send pseudopatients to them to see if they would be identified. After 3 months, the hospital identified 41 patients as impostors and 42 as suspected impostors out of 193 admissions. Rosenhan had sent zero pseudopatients to the hospital.
So shrinks can't diagnose worth shit - you'll argue that it's because we were working with diagnostic techniques of decades ago, but further research has found that it's less a matter of diagnostic precision that determines consistent diagnoses and more a matter of intrinsic bias on the part of clinicians treating and diagnosing patients.
"But!", you say, a little confused we've gotten this far, "but! Research shows that rates of diagnosis of almost every disorder are increasing in every country! Surely, this is a result of increased awareness of and improved diagnostic techniques for mental illness!"
Well, sorry, no; actually what we find is that overprescription and overdiagnosis rates are correlated with aggressive drug advertisement - a mechanism coined "disease mongering". In the late '90s and early '00s, depression diagnoses skyrocketed in Japan with the start of an incredibly aggressive marketing campaign by GSK. The strategy involved catering to Japanese culture: the Japanese had a popular notion of catching a cold of the soul, "kokoro no kaze" before GSK came in. GSK hired anthropologists to develop a particular effective method of marketing Paxil, tying it to the preexisting cultural belief in "kokoro no kaze", which had no recognized treatment and was understood to commonly be temporary. By conflating the western conception of depression with kokoro no kaze, GSK was able to double or triple its sales of Paroxetine in just a few years as depression diagnoses skyrocketed. This even altered the manifestation of depression in the Japanese population: the phenomenon ceased to be a matter of transient sadness, a trait which in Japanese culture has signified profound thought and of self-reflection, and instead mutated into a westernized ailing mind, whose symptoms included weight loss, weight gain, insomnia, hypersomnia, sadness, and suicide. The marketing campaign perpetrated by GSK created western style depression in Japan.

The Anthropological Viewpoint
"Alright," you think, a little unsettled, "but the fact that the Japanese already had a term for depression proves that mental illness exists, but just is known by many names among many cultures!" Well, yes and no. This touches the topic of symptom pools. In a study by Lise Ehlers, the idea of a cultural symptom pool is discussed. Are you familiar with hysteria diagnoses? Mass faintings? Temporary leg paralysis? The proposed theory that explains these phenomena, which make a fiery, spectacular entrance into cultures and burn out in less than the span of a generation is the "symptom pool". The idea is that every culture has a set of commonly recognized expressions of distress. Humans are inherently social creatures, and the majority of our communication is nonverbal. It makes sense, then, that once a given expression of emotion becomes popularized and well-known, it becomes a standard signal for any person belonging to the culture that that symptom is known to. Mass shootings are another example of this: in the 1600s, Malay men were running berserk, murdering their families, neighbors, and friends, before killing themselves. It was known as "running amok" and exited the culture as abruptly as it had begun. It manifested when Malay men experienced a personal slight - this was the catalyst. This slight or insult was followed by several days of disengaged brooding, and perhaps planning, and the whole behavior culminated in an act of egregious, seemingly inexplicable violence. Temporary, contagious mental disease? Or cultural phenomenon? Which is more likely?
In America, women have been expressing and diagnosed with strictly female hysterical (descending, of course, from the greek word for uterus). It was commonly recognized in the 1800s that women under great emotional strain would lose sensation and use of one or both of their legs, sometimes permanently. This particular symptom disappeared within a few decades. In the 20th century, women received a diagnosis of hysteria proper, manifesting broadly from nervousness, horniness, irritability, lack of appetite, and more; this ailment was treated by hysterical paroxysm - doctors masturbating suffering women.
So, just as mental illnesses appear to manifest differently from culture to culture, a product of cultural perceptions and beliefs about expressions of distress or emotional turmoil, so too do these mental illnesses fall in and out of favor just as fads do. The manifestation of these diseases depend on a few factors: legitimate psychological distress; cultural expectations; and mutually recognized symptoms of distress (ie, the symptom pool, or symptoms of disorders), which are subject to change.
With this in mind, the larger picture begins to take shape: mental illness is in fact a result of emotional disturbance, but the course it takes is largely dictated by the beliefs we have regarding the symptoms of this distress and the attributes of the persons experiencing that distress (autonomy, self-will, emotional volatility, etc). Now, let's talk a little about how our cultural perceptions and treatment of these so-called "mental illness" results in worse outcomes for patients than in "less-developed" nations where western-style psychiatry has less influence.
In America, those diagnosed with schizophrenia report hallucinating hostile, angry, terrifying voices and experiencing frightful delusions of government spying or conspiracy against them. In Zanzibar, as Ethan Watter investigates in Crazy Like Us: The Globalization of the American Psyche schizophrenics report hallucinating communion with ancestors' spirits and experiencing delusions of divine contact. Overall, these patients report their more symptomatic experiences as being generally positive, and furthermore can expect much more positive prognoses in the course of their illness than can American schizophrenics. Similarly, Mexicans diagnosed with schizophrenia are less stigmatized, and less commonly medicated. Sufferers are often included within the community rather than institutionalized, and the ailment is often colloquially minimized by the diminutive term "nervios", or nerves.
And again, hearkening back to the importation of western-style depression into Japan, seasonal/periodic bouts of melancholy (which differs vastly from suicidal depression) or melancholic personalities were transmuted by GlaxoSmithKline into a disease whose symptoms include social withdrawal, self-mutilation, and suicide.
In Sri Lanka, in the aftermath of the 2004 Tsunami that claimed thousands of lives, trauma specialists flocked to the ruins to minister to survivors. What they found, however, was that Sri Lankans didn't need any help coping with the tragedy that had befallen them: in point of fact, they were very much befuddled by the idea that psychic healing would be brought about by talk therapy or medication. So strong was the emphasis their culture placed on communal solidarity and grieving that despite hundreds of ambulance-chasing shrinks actively aching to pin PTSD diagnoses on a whole nation, many survivors recovered without any psychological intervention. In fact, the conduct of many of the trauma specialists on site was incredibly unethical; different groups of researchers set up different aid camps and actually tried to lure children from competing research cohorts with fucking candy so that they could test their own pet trauma models on them. Unfortunately, I can't find the citation for this particular snippet (it's in a book I've since loaned out \[*Crazy Like Us*\]), but come the fuck on.

The Efficacy (and Dangers) of Modern Psychiatric Drugs (And the Horrifying, Unscrupulous Practices of the Industry that Produces Them)
Alright, so our psychiatry doesn't really work in other cultures. That's not to say it doesn't work in ours, right? Studies show that antidepressants are proven to benefit at least *some* portion of the medicated population, right?
Well, no. Popular SSRIs have been shown to be about as effective as placebos in treating depression. You might contend that if it helps some people, why not use them? Well, because this: side effects may include irritability, aggression, panic attacks, anxiety, unpredictable mood, impulsive behaviors, compulsive behaviors, insomnia, hypersomnia, sexual dysfunction, depressed mood, and suicidal ideation. And, uh, in case you haven't noticed, that's pretty much all the symptoms of depression as defined by the DSM, *and then some*. And that's just SSRIs, which are like the anklebiters of pharmacy.
You wanna talk mood stabilizers? Hooooly shit. They descend from Thorazine, which was TOUTED AND ADVERTISED TO PSYCHIATRISTS as a "chemical lobotomy"- yeah, that's how they marketed it, like a pill whose effects on behavior emulated those of demolishing the part of the brain responsible for personality, planning, decisionmaking, empathy, and judgement. All the antipsychotics and mood stabilizers today lean on the ethos of the Thorazine prescription from the 50s: if they're not screaming at the walls, they're "better", never mind the fact that side effects of antipsychotics like Haloperidol include shit like blunted affect, confusion, mood changes, FUCKING HALLUCINATIONS, worm-like movements of the tongue, poor balance, lips puckering and smacking, seizures, inability to move eyes... and the list goes on and fucking on. Half of these are actual symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and the other half are shit that, if you saw someone doing them, you'd think "yep, they're goddamn crazy".
Depakote, an anticonvulsant prescribed for off-label use in treating the manic side of bipolar disorder has something around a 7% incidence of uncontrollable convulsions or tardive dyskinesia, which is irreversible impairment of motor functioning. GSK, the producers of Paxil (paroxetine) (legally) (but unethically) manipulated a study into Paxil's efficacy in the treatment of depression in adolescents. They cherrypicked data that supported their thesis and dispensed with the critical results that revealed Paxil produces extremely severe side effects in adolescents with alarming regularity.
You'll say, this is just one study, and it's just one drug, and one company, and it's an outlying data point, but no it's not. It's a pervasive and nefarious practice in the industry which has nearly become the standard in pushing drugs through the pipeline to be approved by the FDA.
Oh, and drug companies are free to rebrand their drugs and market them to different demographics with little fear of repercussions: Eli Lilly, in the early 2000s, renamed Prozac to Sarafem and marketed it do women through OBGYNs as a treatment for PMS without informing patients that it was an SSRI antidepressant medication. GlaxoSmithKline rebranded Wellbutrin (bupropion) as a smoking cessation aid.
And sadly, most people are on multi-drug regimens, even just for a fucking depression diagnosis: Abilify (an antipsychotic) is often prescribed as an "augmentation" in medication regimens for depression patients. You take a drug to treat your problem, because your doctor says you have a problem, and society has convinced you that being sad is a problem, then you take another drug to augment or balance the first drug, then a third drug for treatment of occasional acute symptoms of your disorder (which will be exacerbated by the first two drugs you're taking), and then a fourth drug to counteract the side effects of the first three drugs, and then a fifth drug to quell your concerns that you're on too many drugs.
And they're prescribing these drugs to children as young as 3 or 4 years old - thousands of toddlers are prescribed amphetamines such as Adderall (dextroamphetamine) to treat ADD- thousands of children barely older than infants are being prescribed METH because they have short attention spans. Tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of adolescents and preteens are prescribed antidepressants and antipsychotics and anxiolytics. The benzo family of anxiolytics is notorious for being incredibly addictive and includes, and I bet you didn't know this, Rohypnol - goddamn, motherfucking roofies. We're putting preteen girls on roofies and preteen boys on meth and wondering whence came this apparent sexual assault epidemic?
And benzos aren't even the only addictive ones! Though they may be some of the most neurotoxic in the long run, and some of the most addictive, antidepressants and antipsychotics are physically addictive as well, with the majority of patients reporting difficulty discontinuing their medications and experiencing significant withdrawal symptoms analogous to those experienced during withdrawal from illicit narcotics.
Worst of all is, we don't know how these fucking things work. Whinge at me all day about how we know SSRIs increase serotonin in the brain, and schizophrenia sufferers have low levels of dopamine - these are all catchy miracle-explanations spoonfed to you by pharmaceutical propaganda, perpetuated by sensationalist media and pop psych apologists.
SSRIs by definition actually lead to withdrawal symptoms: with repeated, excessive exposure to serotonin, serotonergic receptors lose their affinity for serotonin and, after discontinuation of an SSRI, serotonergic receptors, exposed to a lower baseline level of serotonin, receive less than baseline and produce effects analogous to a fundamental serotonin deficiency. So, alright, we know that SSRIs flood your brain with serotonin - what does that do? The answer is: no one fucking knows, because we don't even know the average distribution of serotonergic receptors in the brain. Without knowing the concentrations in which the receptors are expressed (which vary on an individual basis and with age, etc), there is no way to accurately predict the influence any drug (SSRIs, LSD, cocaine, Thorazine) will have on a human brain with any degree of accuracy through the duration of the drug's effect or thereafter.

Why the Biochemical Basis Theory of Mental Illness is Bunk
A good, but very simplistic, analogy to draw is this one: imagine your brain's a computer. Its operating system, the mind, is written in assembly, and the assembly is assembled into machine code - binary. A psychiatric medication (or any drug, really) goes into the millions of lines of binary code and, at random, switches a few thousand 1s to 0s and vice versa. Is the computer going to run Windows using this code? No. Fortunately, the brain has a great many more redundancies and is far more adaptable than a computer, but that's essentially the effect that a psych medication is going to have on your brain. We have no idea how it works, and drugs are scattershot solutions that are just as likely to harm you as help you.
The dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia in particular arose from the flawed line of reasoning that, because the behavioral effects of excessive doses of dopamine reuptake inhibiting drugs such as cocaine or amphetamines mimic the symptoms of psychosis, that schizophrenia may be influenced or partially resulting from an imbalance of excess of dopamine. Look, I don't need to dissect this to explain to you why this is dangerously and ludicrously flawed logic, and if I do, fuck you, this whole dissertation is too high brow for you. Go read a coloring book.
As for the cornerstone of modern psychiatry, the biochemical theory of mental illness, well... This one is thorny, but pretty easy to argue against, because the burden of proof is on the proponents of this theory. There is, however, ZERO evidence for a biological basis for mental disturbances of any flavor. Proponents of psychiatry will argue that there are MRI studies indicating differences in activity between depressed brains and healthy brains or what the fuck ever, but what they misunderstand, because they're not terribly well informed, is that MRI and fMRI scans don't show the physiological structure of the brain - they reveal blood flow and oxygen concentrations to different regions of the brain - transient, state-dependent metrics that say nothing one way or the other about the actual architecture of the mind. There is no way to prove that mental illness is caused by a chemical imbalance, and the fact alone that, if you actually had an imbalance of neurotransmitters in your brain (or body by extension), you would be comatose, on the floor, and at death's door. That's just a fact. You would literally die.

Speculation On the Collective Stockholm Syndrome of Psych Patients
This is going to be purely speculative, though one could probably look at that recent study about TIV for scholarly support, lol.
The reasons why people latch on to psychiatry and psychiatric diagnoses are manifold, but I feel the most important reasons are these: the increasing atomization and alienation of the proletariat; a relentless onslaught of individualist propaganda; a relentless onslaught of pro-psychiatry propaganda; the pathologization of an increasingly broad range of human behaviors, and consequent narrowing of what is considered to be "normal" or "acceptable".
As organic community structures have been eroded - religion, local government, the public commons - top-down social structures have emerged to take their place: mass media, social media, psychiatry, et cetera. As workers become increasingly distrustful of their neighbors, and increasingly connected online through common synthetic cultural narratives (see: capeshit), they rely less and less on real personal interaction. Now, this is not to say this is the root cause for the explosion of psychiatry since the 80s, but it's certainly a factor in why everyone's so fucking miserable now.
Humans are social creatures, and heavily rely on social interactions to release those good-good brain chemicals (yeah, they're absolutely real - just, psych meds don't help).
Furthermore, American capitalism has deliberately fostered a cultural sense of individualist pride - and created an economic machine that disenfranchises the majority of the population. Naturally, then, people fail - but when they do, they blame themselves, rather than the system. This is a helluva pill for anyone to swallow, and, rather than assign the blame to the economy, the government, the capitalists, or to their own selves - as in, their autonomous, free-willed selves -, it is more convenient to buy into the story that psychiatry weaves about magic brain bugs that you have no control over. It's easier to cede your autonomy and buy the narrative that you literally have no control over your own mind, thoughts, or behaviors.
As human nature is increasingly pathologized, rather than acknowledged to be the gorgeous, kaleidoscopic intersection of a million different axes of personality, a smaller and smaller definition of "normal" emerges, and pills are peddled to square that circle for you. The thought of work makes you want to vomit? You might have anxiety. Take these benzos. You don't have the energy to go mountain biking on the weekends anymore? Probably depression. Here's a bottle of prozac. You're moody after a three-day-long drinking binge because your job has you working twelve hour shifts? Buddy-boy, you've gotta try our new antipsychotics for that bipolar disorder.
So, the industry and the media have succeeded in convincing people that their behaviors are out of their control, and when you try to explain to psych patients that the pills are making them worse, what they're really hearing is "pull yourself up by your bootstraps, you big whiny baby: your life isn't that hard, and you're not suffering. You're just not trying hard enough."
This is the reason why you can't tell the blue-haired Twitterati that their depression isn't real. It comes across as a personal attack. They've been taught that nothing they feel or think or do is their fault, and if you try to tell them that they do, in fact, have agency and a responsibility to manage their own emotions, it's a boulder of a pill to swallow. You can try as hard as you want to couch it in soothing terms, relating it to capitalism why they feel so bad all the time, whatever. You're never going to get through to them. They're hostages to the myth of their own powerlessness. It's unfortunate, but that's the gist of it.
And this shit works for capital. They've groomed several generations to believe that the capitalist hellscape around them isn't the problem: the problem is actually in their own heads! Literally!

In closing...
Look: the DSM is an opinion piece, not a reliable scientific reference. It was formed by committee by a privileged club of opinionated shrinks with pet theories. Psychiatrists and psychologists are systemically plagued by personal biases that interfere with accurate diagnostic practices, to the point where you're about as well off just flipping a fucking coin. We've found that diagnosis and prescription rates are tightly correlated with advertising campaigns, and that nefarious marketing practices can actually influence a culture's conception of illness, skewing it toward a belief system that generates profit rather than emphasizing community, openness, and emotional regulation.
We've found that mental illness is as fluid as commonly held opinions, and that the manifestations thereof depend heavily on public perceptions of a particular disorder. We've found that American psychiatry curiously and ironically cripples patients while more holistic approaches (community support and inclusion, minimization and destigmatization, etc) that have developed organically in less westernized cultures produce better prognoses in patients with similar diagnostic criteria. We've discussed the dubious efficacy of commonly prescribed psychiatric medications, and their disproportionately negative side effects, and the crafty practices pharmaceutical companies have engaged in to prevent the revelation of these truths to the public.
We've briefly touched on the fundamental lack of scruples and the opacity in the pyschiatric pharmaceutical industry as a whole which, alone, ought to be reason for pause for people considering taking medications or making changes to their regimen. We've covered the risks and side-effects associated with stacking medications, and the fact that there's little-to-no conclusive research which explains the effects these drugs have on global brain functioning, much less a multitude of these drugs.
Lastly, we've made an effort to explain why the biochemical theory of mental illness is erroneous and is reached via criminally faulty logic, and that, at the very least, there is such an alarming dearth of substantiating research for this theory that agreeing to consume these poorly-understood drugs is irrational and dangerous. Unfortunately, I didn't get to delve into the solutions to some of these dilemmas, such as making lifestyle changes, engaging in meditation, taking responsibility for emotional health, or emphasizing interpersonal relationships.
submitted by joesockthree to stupidpol [link] [comments]

Monthly Merchandise Megathread #4!

Monthly Merchandise Megathread #4!

Hello everyone! This is a mega thread for merchandise sales in which /Neopets members can advertise and find sales of Neopets merchandise with ease here. This thread will not be pinned after today, but it will be added to the sidebar.
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Is Selling NC Cards/Merch/Codes Neo-Legal?

Hi, TNT. While I was browsing through eBay, I found Neopets trading cards for sale. There are so many, and I was interested in buying some, but wouldn't that be against the rules? I don't really think it would be, but I'd rather ask than risk my account. I'm not 100% sure, but can't you redeem codes from the cards in the packs and get items? Would that then be considered buying items? ~i_luv_cows12345
No, physical merchandise produced or officially licensed by us is just fine to buy, sell, or trade online. This includes stuff like real life plushies, action figures, TCG cards, etc. Codes are considered a legitimate part of these items. Items you cannot buy or sell online are virtual items, Neopoints, Neopets, or accounts.
Hi, TNT! I have an odd question for you.... about commissions. Now, I know taking them in exchange for anything on Neopets is against the rules, as is doing commissions with Neopets characters. However... what about real-life merchandise? I'm the sort that's willing to take trades, and I was wondering: could someone pay me in Neopets plushies? What about rare item codes, or Neocash? (the cards, not actual on-site NC items) I mean, people sell the item codes on eBay all the time, so wouldn't that be okay? As far as NC cards go, if I'm just going to buy them anyway, why not save a step? Would these be against the Terms & Conditions because they give things on the site itself? I mean, obviously, it still wouldn't be okay to do a commission OF Neopets, but in exchange for merchandise, where do you guys stand? (please remove my username) ~username removed
As you said, as long as you aren't taking commissions of Neopets intellectual property, you're welcome to trade or sell your real-world merchandise however you'd like. According to Lawyerbot: "Trading plushies, rare item codes, NC cards, etc. for real-life merchandise is fine. I once traded my brother's turtle to a friend for a Shadow Uni Plushie.

Can I just send the Space Faerie Code, but keep the items?

Hi, TNT! So, I had a question about gifting rare item codes, Space Faerie codes, site theme codes (like Puzzle Adventure), etc. I know it is against the rules to ask for anything like "tips" or compensation in return for gifting a code, as well as selling codes. However, is it against the rules to ask someone to return the item that they got from the code itself? Say someone receives a plushie from redeeming a code. Is it okay to ask that they return the plushie, or would it be better to say something like, "I would greatly appreciate if you return the item, but it's not required" since non-requested thank you gifts are allowed? I just wanted to be sure. Thank you for your time! Also, a side note: I LOVE YOU, TNT. I HAVE BEEN PLAYING FOR 9+ YEARS NOW AND NEOPETS IS AWESOME. spreads love Please remove my username. ~username removed
If the receiver is kind enough to return the item from the code, we wouldn't consider it any sort of "tip" due to the nature of Rate Item Codes. That said, once you give away the code, it is up to the codebearer to decide what to do with the item. You can ask them as you phrased the example above, but code gifting is an unsupported transaction and we will likely be unable to assist if the person chooses to keep the item.

Where can I redeem codes?

What Neopets Merchandise gives out the Space Faerie challenger?

Products that can reward the Space Faerie challenger are:
  • Old Neocash Mystery Capsules Codes
  • Fun Pak Codes
  • Comic-Con Codes
  • Newer Merch Codes (Overpowered, 20th Anniversary, etc.), etc.
  • TCG, Current Neocash, and Promotional Rare Item Codes do not reward the Space Faerie challenger.
submitted by Fruit_Loopita to neopets [link] [comments]

Never. Ruin. Your. Sister's. Prom. Dress.

Disclaimer: Its not my story, its a friend's. I dont condone it either, so please don't shoot the messenger. I make no claims of nobility in her actions, nor do I defend them.
So this takes place when I was 16, wide-eyed, full of wonder and (much to a lot of judges displeasures) unable to be tried as an adult. I had myself a big brother we'll call Elio. And like many big brothers at the time, he was coming to terms with his flowering sexuality (among other things that went shooting up from otherwise flat surfaces whenever Robin appeared onscreen in Batman Forever). He did his best to keep it a secret, plastering playboy centerfolds over his Ariana Grande posters, and stoically sitting through the game with my dad during superbowl parties (albeit through gritted teeth probably wishing he could watch a Britney Spears music video instead). But much like a Nintendo switch under the tree on Christmas Eve you can't keep something this major under wraps for long where nosy kids are involved. The nosy kid in this case being me.
Like many twinks who came before him upon discovering an alternative lifestyle from the rigid confines of toxic heterosexual masculinity, Elio took it upon himself to explore his feminine side with all the zeal and passion of a prophet with a message. (Mount Hira in this scenario being a nightclub bathroom while the Angel Jibril was a 6'6 YMCA trainer who spelled his name Johnni with an i). Ironically this eagerness to play up the girly shtick was how he came to succumb to the worst sin you can commit as a brother- stealing your sister's clothes. (A message to all the gay men reading this. Her wardrobe is not your experimental laboratory, and you ain't Dr. Frankenstein).
Now in my defense if Elio had the decency to just ask me to borrow my stuff, under the guise of shopping for some made up girlfriend with the same shoe size/colors/height as myself, I'd have happily obliged. Heck, if he had just offered himself up as a sacrificial lamb modeling for my startup "clothing line" (sixteen year old me considered herself a fashionista with a penchant for designing outfits and recycling her wardrobe to bring them to life) id have been all to eager to be his guide into the world of women's fashion. But the two-faced bastard opted to sneak into my closet and try on my stuff without permission. He thought he was being slick putting them back when he was done, but I was a petite womens zero and he was a mens medium. Now had he simply owned up to being incompatible with my measurements and admitted his crime to me the first time, I might have restrained from the retribution I'd go onto unleash. But instead he continued to indulge in his deluded fantasy that we were the same size and for weeks, I'd try on my clothes only to find them grotesquely stretched out of shape, with no explanation. I tried hiding my clothes in parts of the closet i didn't think the thief would check, only for him to find them. I began sleeping with my favorite clothes like a stuffed animal, but even my embrace couldn't protect them from being warped beyond wearability. I started hiding my junior prom dress under the bed. At one point I was lowkey starting to consider the possibility that I was beginning to shrink. And had I not come home early from a cancelled SAT prep session one afternoon (my tutor got wind of a family emergency halfway through), this story might have otherwise ended with me in a straight jacked begging some burned out shrink to save me before I went microscopic. But fate had other plans. I made a beeline for my room to find sounds coming from behind the door. Upon realizing that I was bearing witness to the dastardly clothing deformer, I hid in the bathroom in the corridor and peeked through a crack in the door for the culprit to leave my room. Imagine my shock when I discovered it was Elio. To my horror, I watched him go under my bed to place something there and upon his departure my worst fears were confirmed- he had tried on my beloved prom dress! (Earlier in the week I had bragged to him about the lengths I had gone to hide it from the "closet ghost" thinking it would go through one ear and out the other with him, and just wanting an excuse to flex on how smart I was to take extra precautions). I storm in, demanding to know why he was wearing my clothes. He condescendingly tells me that he looks better in them than I do.
I was heartbroken to find that the zipper had broken and the fit was horribly mangled! I went down in tears begging for my mom to tell me it could be salvaged, only for her to tell me what I prayed she wouldnt). She wasn't particularly sympathetic, thinking i had done the damage myself, and refused to buy me another one. I demanded that Elio pay me back for the dress so I could buy another but he gave me less than half of what it cost. He refused to believe that it cost more than what I said it did, and unfortunately, my mom didn't have the receipt to prove it on account of being a bit scatterbrained when It comes to keeping track of payments. When I threatened to tell her that he was the one who ruined the dress, he laughed and said they'd never believe me. In spite of my rage and fury sending me into a frenzy of hysterics, I still knew he was right (the two faced bastard deserved an Oscar for his straight facade and even if he was prancing around in a rainbow unitard singing born this way by Lady Gaga, my folks were the type who would deny his gayness right up until the moment they came home to find him getting jackhammered on the kitchen table by a Puerto Rican bodybuilder). I realized that if I wanted to get even, I needed my own plan or action. And that was to hit him where it hurt. But where exactly is the weak spot on your brother when his standard boy ones have long since gone numb from an overuse of fleshlights, and his rectal cavity as a storage unit? The answers lay in his phone.
After several weeks of casually walking behind the couch every time Elio whipped out his phone on it, I finally figured out his phone pin. He always locked his room, but thanks to some youtube tutorials on how to pick a basic door lock with a Bobby pin, that problem quickly resolved itself. Every time Elio went to shower, I'd sneak in and hack his phone, giving myself a fifteen minute crash course on all things valued by ur typical bottom. It turns out he fancied himself the next biggest thing in the drag scene. He was using my outfits to cement his status as "the rising star of the social media drag scene". I thought about deleting his account but I didn't want him suspecting me of it and tattling to my folks. Besides, he could always just create a new one and start over again.
He liked drag race, Kpop and iced coffee, but i couldn't exactly ruin his chances of getting on the show, and in the digital age, he had no cds to smash or switch out. Of course there was always the option of spiking his coffee with something nasty but I wanted him to feel the pain I did. And that pain simply wasn't comparable to a wasted $5.99 plus tax. I was about to concede defeat after about 2 weeks of trying to find something, when I discovered he downloaded grindr.
After my initial revulsion to the app (no not because of I was a homophobe. But because his profile and was full of his nudes) Regardless of what he was into, I didn't find my brothers ding dong appealing. I doubt any sister does). Elio wasn't really into hookups, but apparently he did like sending nudes to whoever asked for them. Its important to note that he always blurred or blacked out his face for privacy, and he appeared to color in the background of all his pictures with the image editing on his phone post production, and he always kept his location on "Never". I suddenly understood why he had taken to hogging the bathroom for up to 20 minutes over the weekend. I just assumed that he was just paying the price for going to Chipotle every Friday with friends but now I knew. He was basically trying to find the best angles for his customers. And just like that I finally had a plan.
What I did next was not something Im proud of but I was bitter, hurting, and desperate for payback. Not making excuses just telling it like it is. I downloaded grindr onto my own phone, and created a fake account. I used some stock photo of a six pack for my profile and punched in a bunch of fake info including a spoof GPS location (shoutout to the internet for walking me through the process!). I knew it would really make a difference to my brother. He didn't really seem to care who was getting his naughty pics so much as how "cute" he looked in them. The boy fancied himself a bit of a male model and I guess he decided grindr was the best place to get a feel for the industry.
Anyways, over the course of several weeks I became one of his regulars, routinely asking him for pics (all of which I promptly deleted upon receiving). I messaged him so frequently and stroked his ego the way I knew he liked it to be stroked (I had gone through enough of the chats backed up on his phone to know what kind of compliments made him more likely to keep sending stuff instead of just getting bored and blocking someone after the second or third time he sent them pics, before moving on to someone else). I boiled what made him tick down to a science and it wasnt long before I had him eating out of the palm of my hand). Eventually I had earned a spot in his heart as one of his "exclusives". At my suggestion, we'd start having "sessions" where we'd schedule times for him to "flood my basement", sending me caches of pics he'd taken over the course of the week while I would live chat my reaction as to the effect they had on me. It was gross and I always felt nauseous afterwards, but I wasn't going to let squeamish scruples stand between my revenge. Not after how far I'd come.
The next phase of my plan involved my search on pornhub for a pornstar who sounded similar to my dad, with a nice loud "battle cry" (do you guys see where this is going? If you want to back out now, no one will blame you) who was typically paired up with pillow princesses with considerably softer Eventually after several fruitless searches ending with me crying in a fetal position asking myself how much longer I could keep this up, and if it was worth it followed by the world's most twisted pep talk about how "I was a fighter who could do it" (basically think that scene from Joker where Arthur puts on his clown makeup crying and you've got something of an allegory for my struggle), I finally found a guy who sounded similar enough to my dad. I downloaded several videos featuring him roughhousing with some anorexic twenty somethings onto my laptop, strung them together with some crude online video editing app, converted it to audio, and separated my leading man's climactic hollers from the soft whimpers. I saved the file on my computer under the codename "Brand new Take on Oedipus".
Last but not least, I approach my dad under the guise of needing his help for a school project, while my brother is off with his friends. I tell him I'm acting out a one woman play for my drama midterm and I need him to be the voice of my protagonist's off screen father. I ask him to recite a series of lines for me to record on my phone, all the while encouraging him to "say them naturally". These lines include but aren't limited to "I told you not to disturb me. What is it?" "Is everything alright?", "now isn't a good time to talk", and most importantly "I finished my work so I think I'll head out to join the rest of the family at the movie theatre. See you later". I move the audio files onto my laptop and eagerly anticipate approaching the turning point of my master plan.
One Saturday morning, I had arranged for a "session" in which my folks would be out of the house and I'd be with them. Or so Elio thought. You see, my mom, dad, and younger brother were all going to the park near my house on a typical family outing. We'd go to the park, then take a walk around the local lake, and maybe catch a movie if we felt like it. We usually go around 4-5 ish and come back at night. I know that today will be a movie day because my baby brother has been nagging my folks to go see some kids movie for a while (which he learned was out this weekend courtesy of yours truly ;) Before I left the house, I made sure my bedroom door was wide open (important for later). While at the park, I asked to play on my dads phone, citing a low battery on mine to explain why I couldn't use it. Then I sent Elio a text telling him that "dad" had just recieved a call from his boss telling him he had some extra work he needed to finish. "I" was going to be in my office across the hall from his room, and could not under any circumstance be disturbed as I had a lot of stuff to do and very little time to finish it before the deadline. I waited to make sure he had read the text and sent me a thumbs up emoji in response before I told my folks that I wanted to head back home on account of me getting an early visit from the "lady in red". Not one to stand between a lass and her time of the month, my dad let me go home.
Feeling like a ninja, I returned to the house, all the while sending Elio my reactions to what we'll call his "cute little peach" (we had technically already started the "session" fifteen minutes ago). I crept into the house, snuck into my room on tiptoes. Thanks to my open door, I didn't have to worry about Elio hearing the creak of it from inside his room (they were next to each other), praying he didn't come out for any reason in time to find me, I retrieved my laptop and the Bluetooth speaker I used to listen to music in the shower, and tiptoed into my dads office, now making sure to close the door and lock it with enough force for him to hear from inside his room where I knew he was sending me the pics. I then send Elio a text apologizing for "being stuck doing something stupid. But now you've got my undivided attention baby". Now its time for the grand finale (in more ways than one). First I connect my currently muted laptop to my Bluetooth speaker (which I've put at maximum volume in advance). Then, I open the Oedipus file and start to run it, while I text more and more raunchy and unhinged reactions to the incoming pictures. Just as we're approaching the end of the video containing the loudest yell (I saved the best for last), I text Elio that he's "making me cum so hard like the little slut he is" just in time to turn up the volume to the loudest setting on my laptop, riiiight before the tarzan like whoop of passion I know is around the corner.
The scream played loudly enough to break the sound barrier. Calling it merely loud was the understatement of the century. It was enough so for me to have to cover my own ears despite putting on earplugs in advance. I wouldn't have been surprised if the neighbors heard. I wouldn't be surprised if people in Siberia heard. But one thing was certain. There was no way my brother didn't. I shut off the Oedipus file, lower the volume, and keep my finger on the recordings of my dads voice.
At first nothing happens. All is silent not unlike the universe before the big bang. The mounting tension would have been enough to send me into a heart attack had I implemented this scheme in my 50s. It takes every ounce of my will not to scream from the suspense. The agony is pure torture. I feel paralyzed in anticipation but I force myself to turn my attention to the grindr chat... I will myself to repeatedly punch in questions asking why Elio stopped sending pics all of a sudden, while keeping my ears alert for any hint of a noise from beyond the door. Time crawls to a standstill. Then.... just when I begin to wonder if the lack of results stems from me losing my grip on reality from the stress of waiting.... I hear the creak of a door turning on its hinges. The sound is faint enough to make me question its existence. By now I'm almost painfully adjusted to the waiting period. Enough to the point where part of me almost wants to deny hearing it out of fear of whether or not I'll react subtley enough not to blow my cover if its real.... but it can't possibly have been real... and then I hear something else. Footsteos across the room.. Its soft, timid and hesitant, but very much present.... knock knock knock. I take a deep breath and prepare to play one of the tapes. The following conversation ensues: Elio- Elio on the other side of the door Dad- Dad's prerecorded voice
Elio: Dad... are you in there? Dad: I told you not to disturb me. What is it? Elio: ... How long have you been in there? Dad: I've been in here for a while. Elio: I um... I heard a scream. Is everything ok? Dad: Oh yeah... I screamed because I dropped something on my foot. (I specifically encouraged my dad to say this line like he was hiding something). I'm ok now though. Don't worry about me. Elio:.... Ok... if you say so... Dad: I love you Elio: Yeah me too I guess?
I hear Elio go back into his room and within seconds I hear a notification for the grindr chat. He apologizes for the delay and like the putty in my hands I know he is, says exactly what I was banking on him to. Elio: You're not gonna believe this but my dad is in the next room and I heard him screaming at the same time you told me you were cumming lol.
And now commences what I believe the French refer to as the pies de resistance. I leave him on read and tiptoe downstairs with my apparatus while he waits for a response. Quiet. As. A. Mouse. Then I set up my laptop and speaker for one last audio blast. I put on my shoes and chill out for a few minutes watching his texts get more and more hysterical, begging me to respond with "lol thats so wierd" and to assure him it was all a coincidence. A merciful sister would have realized that avenging her dress shouldn't come at the cost of her brothers peace of mind, and come clean about the prank. I sent the following text to him. "Elio we are never going to speak of this. Not to your mom, not to your siblings, not to me. If you attempt to bring it up, you will no longer be allowed to stay in this house. We are going to put this incident behind us and go about as if nothing happened. I want you to delete your account on this website and every single picture that you posted on it. If you know what's good for you, never go back on the app again while living under my roof"
Then I blocked him before the final phase of my plan. From downstairs, I blast up both volume settings and fire up the last line I asked my dad to record; "I finished my work so I think I'll head out to join the rest of the family at the movie theatre. See you later". This time I hear Elio respond "Wait, what?" From upstairs, I can hear him coming down. Now its time to kick it into high gear. I shove my laptop and speaker under into a cabinet under the sink, jam my feet into my shoes, and sneak out through the back door and hide behind the shed.
After a few hours, my folks appear in the driveway and I rush out to welcome them back and come inside, as though I was with them the whole time. His relationship with my dad was never quite the same afterwards and many a night for years to come i overheard father bemoan his nonexistent relationship with his little slugger. Elio ended up moving out less than a year after the prom dress incident. He finally came out via a Facebook post a week after settling in to his new apartment. He blocked my parents on every social media platform and went completely NC. Any attempts on my dads part to reignite their father son bond was met with cold apathy and indifference when Elio wasn't flat out refusing to talk to him. For years the only time they ever met in person was at extended family get togethers. I felt a bit bad for my dad but it worked out in the end. Elios determination to distance himself from my dad resulted in him growing closer to me as a result. I think he didn't want to risk losing his other kids the way he did his oldest.
In all honesty, I'd have been happy to let Elio fester in guilt and shame for the rest of his life (we were never really close growing up and the prom dress incident was nothing more than the tiniest of tips on the largest of icebergs). But over the years our relationship slowly mended and perhaps it could have evolved into something that roughly resembled a healthy sibling relationship had he not tried to take over my wedding planning and revealed his own plans to get a free engagement ceremony/coming out party by hijacking my reception with a proposal to his then boyfriend. I tried to reason with him but his unyielding stubbornness forced me to pull the uno reverse card I hoped I'd never have to use. I sent him a text revealing that all this time dad had no idea he was gay, and that I was the one talking to him on grindr. I concluded my message with a warning if he showed up, I'd have security escort him out and afterwards I'd tell the whole family that he sexted his sister in high school and I had the nudes to prove it (I never kept any but he didn't know that) . He might have been able to reveal i was a liar had he not deleted his old grindr from back then. I then blocked him on all platforms before he had a chance to reply. He didn't come to the wedding, I never saw him again, and my quality of life greatly improved as a result of his absence in it.
TLDR: my closeted brother secretly starts wearing my clothes in order to boost his presence as a social media drag personality. He ruins my prom dress as a result and refuses to pay me back for it when confronted. I catfish him on grindr and trick him into believing he was sending nudes to my dad. His relationship with my family falls apart after I threaten him to never speak of what happened. I let him boil alive for years with what he thinks is his scandalous little secret, until i get engaged, and he tries to take over my wedding and use it to propose to his boyfriend. I reveal to him that I was the one pretending to be our dad all those years ago then threaten to show his boyfriend and the rest of my family all the nudes he sent me and accuse him of being an incestuous perv if he comes to the ceremony, before I block him
submitted by AutumnGemstone to ProRevenge [link] [comments]

i'm gonna sing songs to the whole entire world !!!

WISH IN WHAT WORLD DOES GOING NOT MATTER D Unilateral Reggae Clause, 3D 3D. 3D, But, But "Dear CBS D YOU So Then, Then It EXTREMELY ONLINE 3D See Just Just Maybe 3D. Bbmaj9, F9sus4 But That Because (EXCEPT A, B Capital NOT But, The Esus4/G#, Amin9 2D, 2D 3D, Shrekleback: Chad Krogre 'La Something Because 3D So So Want So It's Just Now We And So Another So Then And G, Bb Amin F C G B+7 CCmin/EbB-7Esus4A-7Dsus4G WACKY But Dadd4 If 3D 3D C G D VR U'N'I Then First C: 2D The There Sometimes 2D 2D G G Emin. Bb Sometimes WRONG F E So, Mount Helens Mount Helens Mount St Helens. Mount Helens MEDIUM! AND, Actually Tuesday Unless But Well, Tuesday But So So Now So 3D The Half Then NO And I And GO So, And, So etc). 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OH LORD HEAVENS PRAISE THE HUMBLE AND MIGHTY FEASIBILITY SIZE FEW Actually, SOMETHING, HOPEFULLY This FORWARDS "It's Everything You Need" But, WHEN Then, I So Well First If Just Then Then It's AT TEMPO But NOT It's 'Winston Churchill' WITHOUT Anger INCLUDING Wednesday, October PM tRAD What You Won't Do For Love BUT, Robert Redford And But C7 F7, F7. F But, So As ANYTHING THEN B Sometimes HATE, HOWEVER, Thindiana Earth B. A B F# Tuesday TOO POSSIBLE C, Aminor7, Adominant7. Aminor7, C A7 C# RLLR-RLLR OKness ~bEsT oF bOtH wOrLdDs~ INWARD DENTS? And Even ANYONE TO EVEN BE AWARE YOU ARE DOING IT CONTROLS OR, INTO eArTh MORE HIGHS AND LOWS lOoKiNg Greenland, Scotland Now, The The 3D Eb: Eb6 if F: F9sus4 if G: Cmin7/G if Ab: Abmaj9 if Bb: Cmin7/Bb if C: Cmin7 it's C E D F G AROUND World's Best Mug CDs SHOULD 'Thursday Paint', So Thursday Paint.' 'That Thursday Paint Shiat.' 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MY NEW FAVORITE SONG, GIVE ME THAT SONG OH MY GOODNESS WOW, THIS SONG, (POINTS TO SONG) NEW FAVORITE SONG RIGHT HERE" (ANY Another Whatever Here's For Then OR Guiness Book World Records Or, The "HOW ABOUT MAKING IT TIMES MORE BETTER" But, What So CLICK CLICK CLICK Also, So Hopefully So Well, This Most It's Most But, LOT ESPECIALLY This It's This This More This Again, But OR, ENTIRE BARS. Now, Well, However, MOMENTARILY, Or, Music But Less This Now, Four AND, NOT Library Congress Sometimes THEM, MIGHT Earth Why hLg Tootsie Roll Wait, Sunday, August AM NASA NO ONE The NOT So So So But WHICH IS NOT TRUE BACK DON'T Shrekelback, Chad Krogre INSIDE To Actually WORDS AND SITUATIONS. So WILD MAY CONTAIN EVERYTHING SOMEHOW story). You Can Well, ABSOLUTELY What And FROM And Earth, If Situations/words 3D IN WHAT WORLD IS THAT NOT THE WHOLE POINT OF 'MUSIC THEORY' YOURSELF, Flat Earth A B, Bb C, B C#, C D YOU TURMOIL TERRIFYING Everything ABABABAB TIME BUT AND Don't COUNT OFF! RESTRAINT, OTHER Bsus7 B7sus4, Bsus4 NOTHING IS FORGOTTEN TOTALLY CRAZY aLL oVeR AgAiN Tuesday, August PM SOMEWHAT EXCLUDES NOT EVEN CLOSE Tuesday, August PM IN TRIP AND FALL, AND MESS UP BY MISTAKE AND NOT ACHIEVE THEIR GOALS WITHOUT Let NOT ASK PLANET EARTH GRAVITY Sunday, August PM LARGE DO YOU ACTUALLY THINK IT'S A COINCIDENCE THAT THE RE-ARRANGED LETTER IS BRIGHT GREEN NOTHING YES 3D NOT Then Try Colliders WORLD First, So Add And If F C G Denmark Egyptians DON'T YOU GET IT, FEELING IS MEANINGFUL AND MEANING IS FEELINGFUL BOREDOM IS EFFORTLESSLY KEPT AT BAY WHEN YOU ARE CRIPPLED BY THE WEIGHT OF YOUR OWN AGENDA OH HELL YEAH OH HELL YEAH TV Christopher Lloyd's ARGUE WITH YOURSELF DAY AND NIGHT OVER WHETHER IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE POSSIBLE TO DO EVERYTHING Bullions, Going Are But BACKWARDS, And ABC So So Q Everything CD CD 'Alphabet Shuffle' Gretchen, EW NO THAT SOUNDS LIKE SOME SORT OF TERMINAL DISEASE BEFORE For If And Extremely Unless, If What NATURAL REASONABLE. 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This If Or, DOUBLE, Or Numbers So What So NOT Next Already At So UNDER Next So NOT ARE, So, This But, Now HAVE And But, ANYTHING You So You Then, THAT BUT Because You DIS MORE So, So BUT So So So Hope It But SPARKLES YES, OH HELL YEAH But So This ARKit By If AW HELL NAH Then WOW Making All Options Are On The Table Internet "I #DemandTruthNow A Some Doing It's Would OH THAT SOUNDS DELICIOUS And, And IMPOSSIBLE WILL DON'T NOT Also, A PSRs Most QUESTIONS, SUNG EARTH C, G7 F G F C C Bollywood Bob Brad F NOT ENOUGH SHEER TERROR AND AGONY ESPECIALLY IN THE MORNINGS F#min11 MORE Earth You 3D Science Saturday Disney Disney A And B Ohio Tootsie Roll Good Morning America Good Morning America Fmin7, Fmin9 Mensa, Let Yukon FLOATIVATE Possible However, Unite AARGH This President, Bursar Comptroller Lifelessness. CD, CD, CD Unicycle "Sure, This LOD Brazil SLOW Also, California "I A=440 Tidy, ✓Fair, Balanced Most The Force, HATCHED If Real Universe Soul Humanity 'David Foster' 'David Foster' C F F, Fminor Atlantic What's X Tuesday Tuesdays O's Marvel GPS Apple Apple Apple WITH Q Lyrics "If Sunday, June PM Soul Humanity EVERYWHERE Songs And Other Things Both, Together Intertwined And Mingled Big, Friendly YOUR At START 3D 3D NO ONE OK Objective Powerful. Powerful Day Tuesdays, Logical, Tuesday, YES Wednesday, June PM Extravaganza amahaY Waffcakes Disney The News SONGS 3D Rubric 3D Flat Earth Could 'Do Extremely This A TIME Disney (Azores) 2D So, By Half But, But But, So So So But But Now This In So And, And OR It's 3D Literacy, Presumably, Or, Logic Science Earth, THINK AGAIN OH You Average Animal, HOW DID YOU KNOW LFO LFO Wednesday, June PM Voyager Edition South New Canaan Then IS B Store Mart C G B D 14-DVD 3D India Japan Geometry, Wrong Angle NORMAL 'F' F Y eARTH A.I. Friday, June AM F Then ONLY NOT "Shapes", It 3D Google You'd Now, NO, When But YOU This When So No, ONLY TO Now DON'T THINK Well, OTHER THINK ELSE A YOU You Bm7, Bm9. Also, Bm7(#9). But X X O O X 3D NJ NOW WHAT? HOW DID YOU KNOW Weekend WAIT OH MAN YOU ALMOST GOT ME WITH THAT ONE AGAIN, THIS HAS NOT CHANGED IN THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF HUMAN COMMUNICATION. A BROAD VARIATEY OF 'HUMOR' CAN ALWAYS BE FOUND, RANGING ALL THE WAY FROM COMPLETELY NON-RANDOM, TO SO-RANDOM-IT'S-USELESS, AND THEN OF COURSE THAT EVER SO GENTLE SWEET SPOT RIGHT IN BETWEEN SOMEWHERE HATCHED The Your Orion's Belt XtReMe PErsonaBLE BLAsT!!::!:::: Another EQ I IF ONLY I've I USA It's AWAKE Normality Regularness (William Shakespeare) Leonardo DiCaprio "Oh, "Fantastic!" "Wonderful!" aLiVe, XXtreme OH I FEEL ALL KINDS OF NORMALCY AND REGULARNESS COURSING THROUGH MY VEINS NOT "You Canada TV Now Bm7 (D) In Then Basically That Set Basically But Now If Less, As The Google If Vine, Anger gUeSs AgAiN Tootsie Roll Using But Check Basically Not So, By Half But, But But, So So So But But Now This In So And, And OR It's If The People's Project Neapolitan Neapolitan. If Neapolitan, Neapolitan. G ONLY TIME ASKED Fast Turns What So, Everything Because imagination'. Another I It But So So, So Often I And 3D Maybe What You NOT eXtReMe NOT "Do "How Jomphrey aMaZE, iNsPiRe Alaska New Zealand F# C LOD Fear Factor Windows Windows Yes TV Would Granddaddy 3D, 3D IF CORNERED AND PROVOKED Like Some To But Continue A Wyoming GGCG M It's L LOD Research, Science Ab Tom Cruise Tootsie Roll Old Testament Sign, "Welcome Africa", "Welcome Out Africa" Windows Top News Story- "PERSON THINKS THE WORLD IS FLAT" So "When "Older" "Stronger "Lift" "World" ALONE "You Seinfeld Bewildered Fact Try Bible Kreyjviciej &&~~&~~~Magnets;``` But, And A Reiley Tuesdays, The Right So For Well Now, 7. Here's quicker. Another no. To Seems Going But BELOW You And You South 2D 2D 3D 2D. 3D 3D. And 3D After Also NORMAL UXOSCRLFEIHXHOFHCGIIZBQKV And Then, This However, The AND, 'Communal Society' 'Comunionism' Wally, Probably Your My sPeCtAcULaR THEN Yes. For HATCHED This When Gates, **Peanut** IF F ENTICE It's Yes Respectable A Wonder Disease World Earth, My Huge Magazine HUGE F Internet Earth TV ANIMAL Telephones Huge Eggnut A+ Hi 1-800-OMGIMSOCOLLECTEDRIGHTNOW UV Wednesday, May PM Hell Heck EVERYWHERE ELSE. City (LOD) Here's Wednesday, May AM HATCHED sTrAnGe Shrekelback, Chad Krogre York. Zeeland Shoot RealD For And It 3D AR VR Thursday, April PM C Well, Time Thursday, April PM S S First E, E Eb Q G, G, A, B, C, D, E, F# D#. HUGE SOAP Actually OVERWHELMING POWERFUL Contain M.d.yy C F G Questions C7 F Tootsie Roll Telephones eXtreme Normalcy ALL Tuesdays A SPONTANEOUS AND DESPERATE RESOLVE TO ACCELERATE THE MUSIC VIDEO PRODUCTION TIME SCHEDULE TO WEEKS PER VIDEO, DESPITE THE FACT THAT IT HAD BEEN REPEATEDLY PROVEN PRIOR THAT IT WAS SHEERLY IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT WEEKS AT MINIMUM TOWER BRIDGE LONDON BRIDGE, It's WITH THE LYRICS USB MIDI MIDI Legs While ONLY fLaMbOyAnTLy OpEn sCrIpTaBiLiTy [Calculating].... For Most If But, oH hELL yHaE aAaAaAaAaaAA W I D E TIME OH HELL YEAH You DURING Brain Average MANUAL FOR LIFE World Science oH yOu mAy NoT ReALizE jUst HoW sOoN ThAt IS Friendship Well, TOADS ALSO, IN THAT CASE O NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Telephones WaLk ArOuND (F# C#) THERE IS NO DECISION TO PAUSE, I AM WORKING AS FAST AS I CAN, AKIN TO THE PACE ONE WOULD MOVE IF THEIR CHILDREN WERE ON FIRE [Calculating] WITH WHAT REPEATABLE PhD WHY Samsford IT HAS ENTERED MY LIFE NOT Freynolt YES THEY ARE ALL EXTREMELY BETTER AND WORSE THAN EACH OTHER, THAT IS PRECISELY THE PROBLEM 3D HATCHED hAtCh If 3D 3D yEeEeEsSsSsSsSsS You I Does You However, Have A G# G Lieetah But So A B A Bb. B A# thisSunday, April PM BUT Try mAkE mOrE MuSiC A IT HAS ENTERED A STATE OF HIGH ALERT My Properly OnLiNe NOT Thelonius YeS ACT SWIFTLY AND IMMEDIATELY Actually, Q WHERE ON EARTHLY HECK TO FIND SOAP In 3D 2D Bm7, E7#9, Am7, D9sus4. F# D A G D G# E C G G E C [Calculating] "Just "The Unless, DOF Monday, April AM, John Collins, LENGTH OF VIDEO PRODUCTION TIME ACTUALLY BEING SOMEWHERE NEAR COMMENSURATE WITH THE RATE AT WHICH I CAN HAVE IDEAS FOR THEM And NOTHING MaKiNg sOmE CoNtEnT But, 3D 3D 3D So ACTIVITY NOT INACTIVITY. PROJECTS REQUIRE ACTIVITY. THAT'S DOING STUFF. WITHOUT DOING STUFF, NO PROJ WOULD OCCUR. DOES THAT MAKE SENSE Friday, April PM F, C, G, BECAUSE I'M NOT LEAVING DO IT AT THE SAME TIME A U D I O V I S U A L C O N T E N T RAM Taren Van Hemert Craymond FROWNING C. D7, D D,F#,A,C. B,D,F#,C# At PM Yes NEVER That MUST BEFORE Recording WAY This This["Draw Pencil"].tool_settings.gpencil_paint.brush.gpencil_settings.pen_strength,["Draw Pencil"].gpencil_settings.pen_strength Surprise! Arizona [Calculating] TextEdit My Thing Velcro Thursday, March AM, You Friendship I WOULD HOPE TO IMAGINE SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F3. To F3 Another A' A', 'S' F3 TED Monday, March PM New Canaan, Zeeland Oprah Australia How To Make Money Off Millennials, Fund Snatcherson While Then, I The The Besides CDs Saturday, March PM, Yes At MEALS Oranges [Calculating] Thursday, March PM Father's Day [Calculating] 'L') AWAKE HOW, So, It's But Wednesday, March AM You B A Tuesday, March AM Universal Connor 'Connor' Conner 'Conner'. You You [Calculating] F. "A A B A". A 'B' 'B' A. AABA London MUSIC, MOSTLY CABBAGE, HOW ABOUT NOT DOWN. DOWN. EVERYWHERE Video Velcro NOT YES, P P Check Ok Being R R, RMS "A" ANY MUST However, To AND For Db, Eb, Gb, Ab, Bb J, K, Q, R, S. D B7 A: B: C: B C C H R N C E, C° C#min C C° C#min. C#min And C. Ok C F# Cdim C F# Cdim TV Monday, March AM AUDIO AND MUSIC NOT NOT Saturday, February PM Saturday, February PM C, F, G E, A, B, C, F, G, Δ ~~~YOU DECIDE~~~ LIFE. Welsh Tuesday, February PM, IIe "That's NOT NO 3D 2D 2D. RESPONSIBLY INTERESTING DO IT LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ME? ~~~YOU DECIDE~~~ RE INVENT SLEEP!!!!!! ~~~YOU DECIDE~~~ Bb. Eb MIGHT U Bb Bb. Bbmin, Fmin Ab). It's STUFF ABSOLUTELY Thinking AGE 5A IOR WORDS 'O' YOURS It's Ball, For Men fROG Ponybuns TextEdit R.53 DISCOVER THE NEXT BIG THING 'jUsT DoO sOmeThIng, Amin, F, C, G Friday, February PM, Thursday, February AM B C Allegations Joseph Mother. DVD [Calculating]... FRUIT! this: D G D/F#Emin D A/C# (A)D 'A' The Lighthouse A6 F Internet That WAS [Calculating] What L, By NOT What You It's Making So NOT Make The Zs 3D Actually, What wALk aRouND iN InTerEsTinG PatTeRns "The "Unforgettable". "Lester Holt's [Calculating] OR, IF A ITC Officina Sans Pro Bold, COLD HARD CASHews yOu EXTREMELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOMETIMES I WILL DESTROY A WHOLE ROOM VERY SLOWLY WHILE I AM WAITING FOR SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!! ITEM I vbjjgiyhjjfssdxdZds;lmkjk Colleague Tootsie Roll MORE 8D Monday, February PM My Beaver Jason Bateman U FEWER Friday, January PM ALMOST DYNAMICS LOUD SPECIAL YOU DECIDE My Cat Thursday, January AMThursday, January AMThursday, January AMThursday, January AM Pictures Of Abraham Lincoln Looking Really Tall In The White House Toaster War? My Band C, G7 C. D7 G7, C. D7, G7, C. REQUIRED MAKE OR Monday, January AM SIMPLE ENOUGH, Sunday, January AM, FOX ONLY AFTER F This This All EXCEPT That's SO MANY There CAN NOT UTC OTHER NOT If T 2. E, O, R, S A, H, I, L, P, U, W, Y B, C, D, F, G, J, K, M, N, Q, V, X, Z, Yes, Father [Ad Wednesday, January AM, Tuesday, January AM Today ROCKS L, NOT January, Proctor Gamble WET TV MIDI Eb C AP Sir abcdefghijklmNOpqrstuvwxyz B(b5)/F. Doesn't F# C#9sus4, C#9. not-C not-Amin YMCA Wednesday, January PM Eb BLR Logic YOU Emin7 C? G ~~pOwErFuL~~ It INVENT EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F, IS YOU Proctor Gamble ~~YOU DECIDE~~ Or, When [Your Another U Or, If Once Then, Then, Your Now, Continue Then, IMMEDIATELY It Do Trust The You And This Then A B, Ass [Your INVENT EVERYTHING!!!!!!!! Friday, January PM K5 Bmaj67. RS5T G B C(add Amazing Pace Your Bb Father Eb-, Eb-/Db, B7, Bb7 WET Zs, Star Warses. LIFT IT UP WHEN YOU CHANGE CHORDS! Ordinance, Ema7, Ama7, Ema7/B L rEnOvAtiONs D US, YES BUT THIS TIME IT'S TO THE CENTER OF THE SUN (\d|\D)(?=,) Wednesday. (R32), A What Here's If I hOW DID YOU KNOW E F E Bb F# C. Emin A Cmin F WET B# Cb B C B# B-C B# C. B# C" TV Ok, F To COC. People's Nut EQ Keanu Reeves You How To Make Money Off Millennials, Fund Snatcherson 'World Renowned Artist Presents: Crap.' Look You So Paul McCartney Mary. L, Upload You Father You Yes! Comfortable What's I NFL VERY GOOD B A 3D Every ADDICTED AND CAN'T STOP, AND CAN'T EVEN FUNCTION WITHOUT IT X MOSTLY CABBAGE, HOW ABOUT Apple, Mac OS NO! !!HOLD ON; I cliMB THE WATER TOWER "What's INVENT EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!! W D INVENT SOMETHING!!!!!!!!! Fiction. 3D Michael Jackson MSG, wEIRD Beyond Tuesday, December PM F If Q4 TV, Then This HATCHED THAT THAT Best Buy? EXCITEMENT RAGE For Well, And That's The I I So If That After THIS ONE Some "G Gm7b5 G Bbmin, Gb, Db, Ab, REALLY D, NOT IT'S TIME TO INVENT EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! G Bb, F# A DSV yEeEsSsSs Proctor Gamble 67E SHOULD NOT SHOULD DISCLOSE YES, I HAVE TONS OF IT!! AH YES, THAT'S ME, THE BRINGER OF WAKEFULNESS GREAT BIG MEMORY BRAIN Father 2D YES, I'M TERRIBLE As I've The CAN FUCKED UP SMALL EYED SONIC, PARAMOUNT FIRST ATTEMPT Untitled Pet, Untitled Pet THEY ARE ALL THE SAME, EVERYTHING IS THE SAME, JUST TASTE IT AND YOU WILL SEE. EAT THE BREAD. IT'S A BOOMERANG, YOU WILL BARF IT BACK UP FOR SURE Nissan Pathfinder So Time To Because Fm/Ab Ab Fm/Fb REGRET! AVERAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keyboard Maestro Auto Hotkey Starter Finisher. Starter's Finisher Starter Finisher's Starter Starter's Finisher. Selector. Finisher Selection' THAT THAT MAKES SENSE, I AM A FEAR EXPERT B E, C I Wednesday, December AM, STAY AWAKE AND TRY TO INVENT EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Your Brand Here] Master Orientator [Your Brand Here] Tom Cruise YOU Saturday, November AM YOU spEAK WILDLY! Through C: D, F, G, A, F D F A D G F C, G C, NOT PAYING ATTENTION Shrek Bb/G Gmin7, G, C. C7, F# C9#11? C7. L Father Big Boredom Tuesday, November PM ~ALIVE~ Proctor Gamble Tesla OVERTHROW THE SHARKS DANGER CEOs, YOU WHOLE WORLD CHROME. Less C Bb E A C13. AMD ProRender CPU Cycles Radeon Pro Vega 64X) Actually, Friday, November AM suggest G- C- _ or G- D7 or G- C- D7 but options G- _ C- D7 _ or G- (F) Ebma7 F or G- Ebma7 D7 My Life, ME TOO NO WAY Steve C Amin7 3D. 3D Alexa Tuesday, November AM S 3D Update: Additionally, ONE Cycles, If Cycles The Eevee EEEEEE Figuring Out What Hell Going On B Bb. Thursday, November PM ......OBSESSIVE A.R. yOu MIDIserver CPU. LEGAL naaaaaaaaH. National Australian State Australia United States Tom Cruise oH hEll YeAh YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE ABOUT TO INVENT SOMETHING, PROBABLY YEP oK WiLl A HELCK ON F#. Ab, Abmin (B) yEsS mE tOo mE nEiTHeR Is *WHOM LEARN TO ACTUALLY MAKE COMPLETED CONTENT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, THIS IS GETTING RIDICULOUS (document.all||document.getElementById){ document.write('' storetext=document.getElementById? document.getElementById("highlight") Array("00","14","28","3C","50","64","78","8C","A0","B4","C8","DC","F0") var (document.all||document.getElementById) flash=setInterval("change()",speed) } starteffect() INSUFFICIENT DATA FOR MEANINGFUL ANSWER naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH. WAR FIGHTING, HATCHED Naysayers Eevee Cycles BLR mENTAL ILLNESS's, LUFS But BECAUSE YOU ARE ABOUT TO INVENT SOMETHING, PROBABLY LIFE, BEING ALIVE, ETC Goods And Services (GAS THAT DREAM FEELS 3D CAN A Also And FLUENT Oprah Winfrey Highly Intelligent Person Searching Through Esoteric Records Pretende Brasil?.J.All Eevee And To The CASH Your Brand Here YES I AM THEY ARE HUGE C McJames, Smooth C E C 2D Cheesus Luigi OK tRY TO INVENT SOMETHING PRACTICAL For fjfojalifjaoJDFIJAAA, LR BOO YO WHAT UP CLEAT DFTBA A+ Ok, Karabiner Elements But Once "Hot Key" "USB This PC Another Tom Scott Taran Van Hemert D PSAT Monday, October AM The Magic Johnson Friday, October PM URLs BigBird Not Like 3D 3D 2D 3D VR AR Well, Thursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PM Tuesday, October PM O's C# C Dbmaj7. Db, F, C, Ab. Eb Now DID MAP PAM F THINKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,and C G C E C E), G A Bb C D E C E G. F F#. G. B A=55 Matt Lauer Shower Matt Lauer Matt Lauer Shower Matt Lauer A+ NFL IN THE STUDIO C E Bb GPS, WRONG Do yES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C, C F G Paul Wall IT VERY WELL COULD BE Magic Johnson McJones. Smooth McJones AM Cyborg Magazines S Experience A E Paragraph. My Machine(s) VR 3D 2D (CDN) 3D Area Vladimir Putin Esus2/G# E2/G# A G ASDR Karabiner, "HotKey" "USB Actually, iT ExOrCiSeS mY InTerPersoNaL cOMmuNicATiOn tAcTiCs Q BLAAAAT Earth panLR NOT 3D 3D 3D, 3D 3D THEN, Boris Johnson, Boris Yeltsin, My Morning Squirrel Universe "Gregg" Discussions Samuel L. Jackson Sudoku AD AI IDEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Winston USSR (B Bb Area Thursday, September PM, 3A C6 Amin7, C" C Cmin6 C? C D. RGB. But 00FF00 0000FF 0000EE FFFFFF 'A' AA5555 C A D, TV JQ I Logic It "Risk." OR OR OR, OR, IF fAST!!!!!!!!!!1 That I G/G# (G G#) Only Places!!!!!!! C [Your Brand Here] It's Mother Tree C B F Or, Michael Jackson Gmaj7 Norwegian Air FM TV My Turtle But, ANY God Or But If But If tHe CoNtRoLls Bb Am, F Hell Heck yES111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 792C THE MOVED LETTER IS BRIGHT GREEN. I MADE IT BRIGHT GREEN DUE TO ME NOTICING The Sun Many Actually, CC September F A. F. A, These X, X, X, X, Even But And And And What Melodies And X Tom Cruise Dmin7b5 Ab Eb Db Bb F C-7. G C F. Vine. iNteLLiGeNcE sMaRTs Jehovah's X, X. ATMs F TBTF, UI UI, ANY L's. Leave ANY ANY UI Pyongyang NO THAT'S THE HOTTEST ISSUE ON MY LIST RIGHT NOW, IF ANYONE CAN FIGURE THAT OUT AND WOULD BE KIND ENOUGH TO HELP, PLEASE CONTACT ME. THE QUESTION IS, HOW DO I RECORD MY ACTIONS IN A MACOS APP AND HAVE IT PRODUCE THE CODE FOR WHAT I JUST DID IN EITHER APPLESCRIPT OR JXA, CORRECTLY. AUTOMATOR WATCH-ME-DO SOMETIMES GIVES ME THIS CORRECTLY FOR SIMPLE DIALOGS, BUT FOR OTHER GUI ELEMENTS IT FAILS, SPECIFICALLY FOR EXAMPLE WHEN I CLICK CERTAIN GUI ELEMENTS THE AUTOMATOR WATCH ME DO WILL CLAIM THAT THE APPLE SCRIPT FOR THAT WAS "CLICK STATIC TEXT" OF ETC ETC WHICH IF I TURN AROUND AND RUN THAT IN APPLESCRIPT IT WILL SIMPLY SAY "MISSING VALUE." THE QUESTION IS HOW DO I FIND OUT WHAT THE CORRECT SCRIPT CODES ARE FOR MY FAVORITE GUI ACTIONS [Your Brand Here] How B/F# C Cmaj7/G, C/G, Take C. C G. C C By C/G, D7, G7sus4, C, G C Fmin/Ab R R). DVD 57B A C7. C C7. F#, F#7b5. Ab, Abaug(add2). F, Fsus4maj7. B, GUI F1 F2 Fsus2, F G C F3 F4 Fsus4, F Bb C F5 F C F6 F A C D, C F7 "F F A C Eb. C F8 F F F9 "F F A C Eb G. C. A F13 "F F A C Eb D, G C. A F10, F12, F14 F11 F9 F13, Fdominant7 F11 A, Eb, AND Bb. Bb F7 A. F7sus4. However, F11 Eb/F Eb, G, Bb, F F9sus4. I'm F11, A I'm F11 F7sus4. I If A Bb, Eb, F7add4. A, F7sus4. F11 A, Makes But Baug/C#. E C/D Eb [Your Brand Here] My Lamp IIe "UI "UI Automator Badd2 E) Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT Δ C, G, Emin, D, A- C, (E G) C Bmin, D, A7 D) A. A, Then, G E7, Bmin (D) A7 D, A. C E Bb C C7 Hi person], I I've Thanks! [newjob F#, C#7, Aaug Aaug F# F# Aaug F# EVER ANY LESS EVER What G7), G G7. G G [Your Brand Here] G C F/A ARKit C4 C5 You Sometimes Usually So King Collab Now C C64 G98 C. G98 C131, C131 E165. E165 G196. LILs C C64, G98, C131, E165, G196, B A? B. A Abmaj9 Eb Eb Eb What's Abmaj9, Abmaj7, Eb/Ab ("Eb Ab") Abmaj7 Eb/Ab Abmaj9 C Bb Abmaj7. G Ab Bb Ab PERHAPS YOU COULD ASK YOURSELF THAT C G B- E-(D) C A- G G Δ CAN'T YOU SEE I'M TRYING TO FAKE MY OWN DEATH C I Last Night Jet, Cmaj9. C fcpX fcpX (iMovie Pro C. Hz Ab Bb233 Bb C D F C C C A, A/E, A/D, A/E I Gb7 Left Gb Bb E Db If OR, Gmin7. Gb7. Gb7 Gb F-11 Absus2/F Fmin F-11(no5). WE'LL SEE This F, F#, G, A F, Fdim, C/G, A7. A Fdim F HAS F#. Sometimes The A7, A7, C#, C. F A F# A7, It C D7 F#s The MIGHT This BUT, C, C, F, G. C C, E G F C F A G D C, G B You I've C C Library Congress A110 New York London, Gene Wilder's mention G7||:CB+7Gmin/BbA9 FC/GAmin D-7G7C CD7 G7CG+7 CD7 G7C E7A-7 D7G7:|| My Cat R160 [Your Brand Here] [Your Brand Here] Shrekleback: Chad Krogre I WOULD HOPE TO IMAGINE SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A DIY James Earl Jones [Your Brand Here], [Your Brand Here], [Your Brand Here] [Your Brand Here] B, C, D, Telephones But Lord(s) Proctor Gamble B C, G, Emin, D, Amin ANY [Your Brand Here] Earth [Your Brand Here] Turing Each TAB What The Hell Am I Doing A B C2 Csus2 C8 C C5 'ASK' Ebadd4/C.... Abma9no3/C Absus2ma7/C Cmin7addb6 C65, G196, Ab208, Bb233, Eb311 Ebadd4/C Absus2maj7/C Abmaj9(no3) Cmin7addb6 UK NOT X "O" Which Cb B BREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C) G ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!! Will Smith 3D 36(F), 2(C) Abraham Lincoln's G, Eb F Ab, G G. Eb Amin Cmin, Eb. Amin C, Bb, Bb G, G YESSSSSSSSSSSS Donkey Kong *OFF* HOT TV Eb, Bb, F AND LESS 3D, 3D A Then, James Taylor, C E C US US 3D ANIMATION ALREADY TAKES TIMES LONGER THAN 2D, WHY THE HELL WOULD I WANT TO INCREASE THE FRAME RATE ON TOP OF THAT lessEN poems. (F)=90 ice (C)=30 YouTube Tip The DAy: My New Unicorn Z be Cma7 F13 Bb7b5 Cma7 F13 Bb7b5 Cma7 F13B-11(no5)Bb7b5 A7b5Ab7b5 G7b5 and C7 AABA FBI. HAS F, C, G, D F, C, G, D F#, C#, G# D# E. If HAS B, E, A, D B, E, A, D B♭, E♭, A♭, D♭ A♭. But HAVE Larry David "That's Not Biology! IS Also Video Also, "Dbmaj9" Ab, G G6 Gsus2 Actually N.C. D A After B, Ab, B Remind Db, World A, TV Db, Stereo/leaves, Bb, Turquoise B, 'Fly E, G, G, E, A, D, B Db. (Eb, F, G.). C, Then C YouTube YouTube QRS, JK F# Ab Bb, Db Eb). Unfortunately, F Very Heard Emin G, Emin B? Emin/G Cmaj G F. G F B E G13 Ab Make C Ab Ab B, DAY A, Bb, E Csus4 C E F CFG. Csus2 Cmajor E D CDG. Csus, Csus4 C° Cdim yES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Up In The Air" Also, C7 Or C(b7) Cmaj9 Cmaj7(9). Cmin9 Cmin7(9). C9 C7(9) My Dolphin C Csus4, A F# Eb F Gma7 F#7#9 (F#7b9) Bmi7 F#(b9)/A# Ami9 D7sus4 IQ C, Also C, happy(Ab), birth(G), day(F#), to(F), you(E) Rhodes D Genius AM AM My New Virus Ab5(maj Eb5, Bb(sus4, F5, C5, G5, D5, E5, B5, F#5, C#5, D5, A(maj B5, F#(maj C#5, Eb(maj Bb Bb5, F(sus2 C5, G5 SONG AM AM, AM ATTEMPT TO FIND ADVANCEMENTS IN MODERN PARTICLE PHYSICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 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Bmin9 C# D Deseret, FEED IT TO YOUR DOG World Wario Sequoyah Lake Superior D7, G7, For Ronald McDonald Bbmaj7 A#maj7 D A D, My New Son CYATQ C D (document.all||document.getElementById){ document.write('' storetext=document.getElementById? document.getElementById("highlight") Array("00","14","28","3C","50","64","78","8C","A0","B4","C8","DC","F0") var (document.all||document.getElementById) flash=setInterval("change()",speed) } starteffect() URL (N.Y.P.D.) (Nice, Youthful, Personable, Daring). Dmin G, G9 Gmin9. G, G9 Gmin9 C, G#. F# D. Ab F TOE Gbsus2ma7 Bb Royal Academy Music 52C EQ C, F, G, Amin7, Dmin7, C. C. N Db7. B (Gb) A F7 A. A°, Db7. F7 A° Db7 F° Adim Bbmin, Fdim7 Gbmaj7 Gbmaj7 Ebmin9. Gbmaj7 50°F 10°C Could Untitled Dog F# D Bbmin (Bbmaj), C#min (Dbmaj) B# Eb D# Eb D# F# Gb F#s Gb F# G#.
submitted by OwOHub to anarchy [link] [comments]

Things i like to see in CP 2077 (Suggestions and ideas for gameplay)

Hello, good morning, good afternoon and good evening!
I have been playing CP 2077 for a little under 300 hours on PS5 and would like to share some thoughts whit all of you.
I love the game and would like to see it grow in the future.
Even though i truly enjoyed and enjoy the game i would like to see some changes and / or additions that i believe would improve gameplay and replayability.
If anyone have some ideas of their own, likes some ideas already shown or would like to share why you disagree with anything please share your toughts below. i would like to know your perspective as well.
This will be a really long post so i'll try to divide it well for engagement and reading, i'll also avoid all narrative related spoilers for those who still will play the game in its entirety. i will also avoid talking about the bugs, glitches, cut content, balance issues and A.I as those are already well exposed by the community as a whole.
This is mainly focused on direct gameplay mechanics.
Go by the titles if you don't want to read the whole thing and see if any of them call your attention.
So, for those who will read /engage / indulge this nerd, thank you for reading!
1.0 - Changes to skill trees:
In general i believe CP 2077 could have some more active skills that provide new forms of engagement and mechanics to play with. (Like Dagger Dealer, Hidden Dragon, Grenadier and Divided Attention) Those types of skills are the ones that most differentiate between gameplays and incentivize replays from a pure gameplay perspective. Since it's narrative is a little restrictive i believe expanding the stats and skills its the best way for CDPR to keep players engaged without having to release a DLC every 30 min.
1.1 - The body / reflexes Switch:
I believe melee gameplay would benefit if the Devs switched the blades skill tree from reflexes with the Annihilation skill tree from body. This way i believe it would more pratical to engage with blades earlier on given the survival bonus body stat gives, and it would be better to engage with the speed based skills of annihilation with the movement bonus the reflexes stat gives.
1.2 - The body/ melee engagement additions:
In melee i found the least enjoyable moment currently is the initial engagement with an enemy stronge equal to you in a satisfying manner or "realistic". I believe that the addtion of a few new moves acquirable trough skills would largely solve this, turning melee (even) more enjoyable. My suggestions would be 3 additions 2 for unnarmed and 1 in general for aerial. For fists and gorilla arms i believe that a running charge and a superman punch for engagement would help a lot. (Running charge being a hold attack then run and superman punch being a run then hold attack and release to punch). Running charge to knock down a enemy and superman punch to stun the enemy. The general addition would be applicable in melee regardless of weapon type. Being a running charge + jump for a flying kick of some sort to knock down a enemy.
1.3 - The body / melee skill tree:
I believe it would benefit the gameplay if melee were a class in itself inside body. The general (or kind of) melee skills currently in Athletics, Stealth, Cold blood etc (The rock, Gladiator, Steel and chrome, Ninjutsu, Blood Brawl etc.) and others could be redirected to this class and Stat. The moves mentioned above too.
1.4 - The Cool / Cold Blood dispersion:
I love the Cold blood buffs and would like to see a expansion but i don't see a clear path or class to be associated with it, it is a little bit over the place. So i would like to see the class/skills dispersed and it's buffs being realocated to it's most identifable skill trees. (Icy veins and frozen precision could go to reflexes, Frosty Synapses and Quick Transfer would go to quickhacking so on and so forth). The original Cold blood skill would be a native trait of V and would trigger upon stealth kills initialy and new triggers could be added to the other stats (like a decapitation could trigger a cold blood stack in the blades skill tree).
1.5 - The cool/ Stealth Division and expantion:
I liked playing with stealth but would love to see a mechanics expansion to this function in game and a separation between some skills. So perhaps a new class in cool kinda like Stealth and Assassination to separate between the two styles. Stealth focusing on detection, speed and disengaging from combat and assassination on knife play, poisons and damage from stealth. The new mechanics i can see between the two suggested classes could focus on things like dashing undetected, dashing between covers, adding couvert crafting recipes (Silencers, recon grenades, smoke grenades, stealth mods), new quick takedowns (Like hidden dragon) and insta-death triggers from stealth (Like if from stealth with silencer + critical headshot = death).
1.6 - The Technical Ability Expansion:
I liked the idea behind the engineering skill tree and how it related to the use of tech weapons. I believe it would be fun to have the same treatment applied to power and smart weapons, both under the technical ability umbrella. Power weapons could benefit with skills adding higher chances of ricochets and higher number of bounces, adding impact knock down chances. Smart weapons could receive bonus to Smart weapons A.I recognizing covers, recognizing targets and giving choice of preference (First attack high threat or low threat), aiming for weapons to disengage enemies from ranged combat etc. Since the game doesnt have a ammo variety mechanic i believe it could be added as skills for the 3 types of weapons like explosive ammo for power weapons, emp ammo for tech etc.
1.7 - Technical Ability / Explosives and grenades:
This one is more of a personal preference of mine and i don't really have a specific suggestion like in the others. But i would really like to see the addition of a higher variety of explosives and creative grenades. I loved the gash antipersonnel grenade and used non stop with my first character (Also the EMP Homing grenade). If done so i believe a expansion of skills related to grenade use would come in handy.
2.0 - The Quickhacking gameplay style:
The quickhacking is by far the gameplay style i liked the least. initially i loved it since it gave me a power trip in comparison to my first character, but after just a few hours i got bored. Quickhacking is a great ideia but it carries virtually no risks, with a basic build just a few hours in i could defeat everyone without ever exposing myself in any way and the only moment there was any problem is when the game glitched and enemies detected me through walls. That is even before i got the legendary ultimates which completely broke the game even high threat areas were a walk in the park. Which to me feels wasteful as netrunners are the wizards and mages of the CP 2077 game.
So for this one i have a whole bunch of toughts that could help create some tension and/or engagement even from afar at least in some encounters when playing as a netrunner. Some of those are small changes some are large and would require significant changes to current gameplay. Some of those could go together and some conflict with one another.
1 - Changing the ping into two different versions one being a daemon ping with permanent or very long duration and the second being a quickhack ping that would give your enemies your position if in combat or would alert them to danger if done from stealth.
2 - Adding a varied signal range limit to all quickhacks. Measured from player position. Forcing proximity of the player and engagement. (would go really well with a extended stealth build)
3 - Making the breach protocol a real time event. Allowing you to be located and attacked if done in poor timing and/or location.
4 - Adding a variety of penalties to failed breach protocols.
5 - Adding a chance to fail quickhacking. Adding penalties to failed quickhacks.
6 - Limiting application of quickhacks by the enemie cyberware.
7 - Limiting effectiveness of quickhacks based on the enemie cyberware.
8 - Exposing player to more enemies quickhacks based on equipped cyberware. (If you got cyber legs enemies can desactivate them)
9 - Requiring id of enemie cyberware type through breach protocol perhaps (Could be simple archtypes like Heart, lung, brain, eyes etc) before application of respective quickhack. (Reboot optics would require eye cyberware).
10 - Allowing enemies netrunners to breach you, situation in which player would dispute against the netrunner in solving the puzzle if you fail enemie breaches you if you win enemie is punished and the same would be applied in reverse.
The next 2 are more extensive and would change many parts of the current game to work and could go together too.
11 - Add ICE type of defense systems to either all enemies or netrunners (Second being my favorite). The ICE would either limit quickhacking application by type (Ultimate/ Combat etc) or function ex.: Enemie ICE has 3 slots and inutilizes overheat, contagion and weapon glitch. If per enemie each enemie would have their own combo if per netrunner then his ICE would be applied to all individuals of his crew connected to him online, the ICE could also be applied as general impediments ex.: 2 slots on enemie netrunner ICE with + 3 seconds to upload all quickhacks (Slowing you down considerably) and firewall with a +2 ram cost to breakthrough, the ICE could also have counter quickhacks like a counterping so if player hack a connected enemie your position is revealed.
This could also be applied to the player so that his decks would also have a customizable ICE to protect him against breaches and quickhacks and would naturally expand builds inside the netrunner category.
This way a single deck would never allow complete annihilation from afar in all scenarios and could lead to some interesting resolutions where IDing the netrunner and eliminating him before hand would be a unique experience to netrunning players.
12 - Adding a more complex system of classes / archtypes inside the netrunning category based on variations of cyberdecks and quickhacks.
So this one would be the farthest from what we got currently. It would would carry something from the 11th suggestion as in enemie netrunners would protect their crew but this time the effectiveness of any attempted quickhack on any direction would be based on how your archtype works against your enemies netrunner's deck. So i imagine a stealth type, a defense type and a attack type. The types could be associated with the megacorps ex.: Stealth type could be arasaka and attack type could be Netwatch and so we would have a arasaka ping, a militech ping, a netwatch overheat etc. The quickhacks variations would go in line with their archtypes.
These archtypes would work based on information and time so a stealth type would collect info without being detected releasing ping and couvert quickhacks before battle, disarming enemies ICEs.
A attack type would engage directly alerting enemies and starting a search for you and forcing hacks through the enemies raised defenses.
A defense type would focus on your ICE protecting you from hacks and breaches with counterhacks pre-selected to inflict your attacker upon attempted breaches.
So i believe the above can give an idea of how to make netrunning more engaging, active and risky.
3.0 - Design of crafted itens:
One small thing that kinda bothered me is that after crafting new weapons they come with the same design as its original counterparts. It was weird for me seeing my corpo hating Nomad crafting a sword and then stamping Arasaka on it. I think just adding some neutral skins for crafting would make more sense. With the exception of iconic weapon since in-game you are technically only upgrading them.
3.1 - Upgrading itens:
I would like to see the addition of a crafting skill to habilitate adding mod slots to gear through the upgrade mechanic.
4.0 - Reputation and NCPD:
Without mentioning the current A.I. I would like to have to visit a police station to relate and receive my rewards for solving NCPD calls. I believe it would create a more active interaction with the police and feel more integrated with the world.
About the reputation i would like to see a breakdown of the current street cred system into it's respective districts. Currently to me the street cred feels like it should be called merc rep. and should be applicable through NC as a whole and should be used to unlock gigs with fixers. But i dont think it should be use as a gate for localized content. I can't figure out why the guy at Jinguji in city center would care about the fact that i took out maelstroms in watsom. a localized content measure would make more sense to me with a reputation separated per district.
This would also breathe some new life into gameplay in the later stages cause even if you are max level, max merc rep, you would still need to farm a city center rep to get the merch and cyberware in this new area giving an extra incentive and rewards to playout the gigs and calls in that area in particular.
5.0 - Cyberware limitations:
This one made no sense to me from a narrative perspective. The whole idea of implants is to achieve that which was impossible to your natural self. You are weak? no problem have gorilla arms. Can't see well? NP, have new eyes, kiroshi tech, but in CP 2077 cyberware is tyed to your stats and the related stats are the base of whatever you are trying to upgrade. So you want to be strong? gotta be strong already, wanna be smarter? well gotta be a genius already.
So that really didn't made much sense to me in particular.
The way that i see cyberware should not have limitations based on stats. It should be removed completely. Instead i would love to see the use of already present stats and/or the addition of a few others as a balacing act. So when you add new cyberware you gain new stuff but you would also loose something in return. The balance could use the carry capacity, stamina cost, health base, resistances (Heat, Poison, eletric), movement speed and armor. So you add subdermal armor, you gain armor but looses 5% base speed and reduces maximum carry capacity by 5 (The weight of the subdermal armor). You add extra RAM at the base of your skull, cool, but you become more vulnerable to shock. I think that by making this way we will have a enourmous gain in possible builds especially if we also get new cyberware options in future updates.
The addition of a few new stats would also help with this feature. Like a density type resistances to weapon type special damages (Resistance to headshot, tech shots through walls, ricochets)
Perhaps a battery type stat that increases the cooldowns of cyberware when overburdened by a wholy modified player.
This way we could also have advanced cyberware that are weaker but less burdening on the balancing act and advanced cyberware that is extra on the powerful side but also overwhelmingly taxing on the balancing scale.
6.0 - Some random stuff:
Final one, this is already way too long, just some cyberware that i would like to see.
1 - Legs that allow high speed travel but with really low acceleration. For those of us who like to travel on foot. (perhaps a 50/60 km/h max speed?)
2 - Arms that reduce test costs (Tinkerer arms, reduce costs of tech ability by X on tests, hacker implants reduce intelligence cost by X).
3 - Arms for weapon specialization (Gunslinger arm reduce ADS by X%¨and has mod slots for further customization like reduce reload speed of weapon type Y by Z%, Increase ROF by X% for weapon type Y)
4 - Mods for eye customization (What do i want to pop up on my scans, what do i want to hide etc)
5 - A permanent low value sandevistan and berserk (Activate when entering combat but only slows down time by 1-3 %, something like that and same for berserk)
6 - A advanced palm that allows low quality use of both power and smart weapons
7 - Palm for tech weapons (Reduced charge and/or higher penetration)
Obs.: I believe the creative/design teams at CDPR probably had these ideas and 300 million others during the developing years (Very likely better and more thoughtout than anything i wrote here) but i still wanted to put these out there. Maybe we will learn a thing or two if one of them gets to read some of these lines. Once again thank you for reading!
submitted by ShiroHaruk to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

Monthly Merchandise Megathread #3!

Monthly Merchandise Megathread #3!

Hello everyone! This is a mega thread for merchandise sales in which /Neopets members can advertise and find sales of Neopets merchandise with ease here. This thread will not be pinned after today, but it will be added to the sidebar.
(sorry i couldn't do it like last week, because beta, new years, ya)
Please read the following information carefully and trade safely!


  • Sellers must abide by our 90/10 Advertising Rule:
Some Neopets-related promotional posts/comments are allowed if you are an active member of the subreddit. A maximum of 10% of your contributions can be promotional; the other 90% should be meaningful and active engagement in other conversations here.
  • Please do NOT advertise a sales post in private messages/chats, thread comments, or in a new post. Don't treat the Neopets community as your own personal cash cow.
  • If you are selling NC Cards, then please out the following form to be approved. If you have been approved before, you do not need to fill out the form again unless you are advertising a different link.
  • NC Cards/Merch/Codes are NOT to be traded with NP/NC items as that is against site rules.
  • Art, craft, and coding commissions are NOT allowed due to the legal complications involved.
  • Moderators have no liability with respect to any conducted transactions.
  • Moderators are not liable for lost funds or time. We cannot help you get your money back/your merch. It is YOUR responsibility to uphold your end and choose partners wisely. Caveat Emptor.
  • Moderators will step in if we receive multiple reports that a user is abusing the marketplace via not delivering works, not paying or any other breach of trust.


  • This thread is in CONTEST MODE This is to discourage downvoting in order to increase everyone's visibility and make it fairer for participants arriving throughout the day. All posts are randomized!
  • Please observe all rules as outlined in our community and discussion guidelines! (Check out the nifty sidebar!)
  • The plan is to have a mega thread every first Saturday of the month.
  • Reminder: NEVER mention Reddit (or any variations thereof like Read It, Arr! Neopets, Blue Aliens, “that other site”, etc) or this thread on Neopets itself! We are not an officially affiliated fansite and doing so can put your account—or the ones of others—at risk of getting frozen!


  • If you do gift, gift at your own discretion.
  • Exercise caution when it comes to new Reddit/Neopets accounts posting on the thread.
  • Please don’t be rude and steal other people’s sales if they are not intended for you.
  • There is to be no begging or harassment of any kind.
  • Report any suspicious individuals to the mods! This thread is a free-for-all chaotic mess most of the time and not micro-managed in any manner.


Is Selling NC Cards/Merch/Codes Neo-Legal?

Hi, TNT. While I was browsing through eBay, I found Neopets trading cards for sale. There are so many, and I was interested in buying some, but wouldn't that be against the rules? I don't really think it would be, but I'd rather ask than risk my account. I'm not 100% sure, but can't you redeem codes from the cards in the packs and get items? Would that then be considered buying items? ~i_luv_cows12345
No, physical merchandise produced or officially licensed by us is just fine to buy, sell, or trade online. This includes stuff like real life plushies, action figures, TCG cards, etc. Codes are considered a legitimate part of these items. Items you cannot buy or sell online are virtual items, Neopoints, Neopets, or accounts.
Hi, TNT! I have an odd question for you.... about commissions. Now, I know taking them in exchange for anything on Neopets is against the rules, as is doing commissions with Neopets characters. However... what about real-life merchandise? I'm the sort that's willing to take trades, and I was wondering: could someone pay me in Neopets plushies? What about rare item codes, or Neocash? (the cards, not actual on-site NC items) I mean, people sell the item codes on eBay all the time, so wouldn't that be okay? As far as NC cards go, if I'm just going to buy them anyway, why not save a step? Would these be against the Terms & Conditions because they give things on the site itself? I mean, obviously, it still wouldn't be okay to do a commission OF Neopets, but in exchange for merchandise, where do you guys stand? (please remove my username) ~username removed
As you said, as long as you aren't taking commissions of Neopets intellectual property, you're welcome to trade or sell your real-world merchandise however you'd like. According to Lawyerbot: "Trading plushies, rare item codes, NC cards, etc. for real-life merchandise is fine. I once traded my brother's turtle to a friend for a Shadow Uni Plushie.

Can I just send the Space Faerie Code, but keep the items?

Hi, TNT! So, I had a question about gifting rare item codes, Space Faerie codes, site theme codes (like Puzzle Adventure), etc. I know it is against the rules to ask for anything like "tips" or compensation in return for gifting a code, as well as selling codes. However, is it against the rules to ask someone to return the item that they got from the code itself? Say someone receives a plushie from redeeming a code. Is it okay to ask that they return the plushie, or would it be better to say something like, "I would greatly appreciate if you return the item, but it's not required" since non-requested thank you gifts are allowed? I just wanted to be sure. Thank you for your time! Also, a side note: I LOVE YOU, TNT. I HAVE BEEN PLAYING FOR 9+ YEARS NOW AND NEOPETS IS AWESOME. spreads love Please remove my username. ~username removed
If the receiver is kind enough to return the item from the code, we wouldn't consider it any sort of "tip" due to the nature of Rate Item Codes. That said, once you give away the code, it is up to the codebearer to decide what to do with the item. You can ask them as you phrased the example above, but code gifting is an unsupported transaction and we will likely be unable to assist if the person chooses to keep the item.

Where can I redeem codes?

What Neopets Merchandise gives out the Space Faerie challenger?

Products that can reward the Space Faerie challenger are:
  • Old Neocash Mystery Capsules Codes
  • Fun Pak Codes
  • Comic-Con Codes
  • Newer Merch Codes (Overpowered, 20th Anniversary, etc.), etc.
  • TCG, Current Neocash, and Promotional Rare Item Codes do not reward the Space Faerie challenger.
submitted by Fruit_Loopita to neopets [link] [comments]

Monthly Merchandise Megathread #2!

Monthly Merchandise Megathread #2!

Hello everyone! This is a mega thread for merchandise sales in which /Neopets members can advertise and find sales of Neopets merchandise with ease here. This thread will not be pinned after today, but it will be added to the sidebar.
Please read the following information carefully and trade safely!


  • Sellers must abide by our 90/10 Advertising Rule:
Some Neopets-related promotional posts/comments are allowed if you are an active member of the subreddit. A maximum of 10% of your contributions can be promotional; the other 90% should be meaningful and active engagement in other conversations here.
  • Please do NOT advertise a sales post in private messages/chats, thread comments, or in a new post. Don't treat the Neopets community as your own personal cash cow.
  • If you are selling NC Cards, then please out the following form to be approved. If you have been approved before, you do not need to fill out the form again unless you are advertising a different link.
  • NC Cards/Merch/Codes are NOT to be traded with NP/NC items as that is against site rules.
  • Art, craft, and coding commissions are NOT allowed due to the legal complications involved.
  • Moderators have no liability with respect to any conducted transactions.
  • Moderators are not liable for lost funds or time. We cannot help you get your money back/your merch. It is YOUR responsibility to uphold your end and choose partners wisely. Caveat Emptor.
  • Moderators will step in if we receive multiple reports that a user is abusing the marketplace via not delivering works, not paying or any other breach of trust.


  • This thread is in CONTEST MODE This is to discourage downvoting in order to increase everyone's visibility and make it fairer for participants arriving throughout the day. All posts are randomized!
  • Please observe all rules as outlined in our community and discussion guidelines! (Check out the nifty sidebar!)
  • The plan is to have a mega thread every first Saturday of the month.
  • Reminder: NEVER mention Reddit (or any variations thereof like Read It, Arr! Neopets, Blue Aliens, “that other site”, etc) or this thread on Neopets itself! We are not an officially affiliated fansite and doing so can put your account—or the ones of others—at risk of getting frozen!


  • If you do gift, gift at your own discretion.
  • Exercise caution when it comes to new Reddit/Neopets accounts posting on the thread.
  • Please don’t be rude and steal other people’s sales if they are not intended for you.
  • There is to be no begging or harassment of any kind.
  • Report any suspicious individuals to the mods! This thread is a free-for-all chaotic mess most of the time and not micro-managed in any manner.


Is Selling NC Cards/Merch/Codes Neo-Legal?

Hi, TNT. While I was browsing through eBay, I found Neopets trading cards for sale. There are so many, and I was interested in buying some, but wouldn't that be against the rules? I don't really think it would be, but I'd rather ask than risk my account. I'm not 100% sure, but can't you redeem codes from the cards in the packs and get items? Would that then be considered buying items? ~i_luv_cows12345
No, physical merchandise produced or officially licensed by us is just fine to buy, sell, or trade online. This includes stuff like real life plushies, action figures, TCG cards, etc. Codes are considered a legitimate part of these items. Items you cannot buy or sell online are virtual items, Neopoints, Neopets, or accounts.
Hi, TNT! I have an odd question for you.... about commissions. Now, I know taking them in exchange for anything on Neopets is against the rules, as is doing commissions with Neopets characters. However... what about real-life merchandise? I'm the sort that's willing to take trades, and I was wondering: could someone pay me in Neopets plushies? What about rare item codes, or Neocash? (the cards, not actual on-site NC items) I mean, people sell the item codes on eBay all the time, so wouldn't that be okay? As far as NC cards go, if I'm just going to buy them anyway, why not save a step? Would these be against the Terms & Conditions because they give things on the site itself? I mean, obviously, it still wouldn't be okay to do a commission OF Neopets, but in exchange for merchandise, where do you guys stand? (please remove my username) ~username removed
As you said, as long as you aren't taking commissions of Neopets intellectual property, you're welcome to trade or sell your real-world merchandise however you'd like. According to Lawyerbot: "Trading plushies, rare item codes, NC cards, etc. for real-life merchandise is fine. I once traded my brother's turtle to a friend for a Shadow Uni Plushie.

Can I just send the Space Faerie Code, but keep the items?

Hi, TNT! So, I had a question about gifting rare item codes, Space Faerie codes, site theme codes (like Puzzle Adventure), etc. I know it is against the rules to ask for anything like "tips" or compensation in return for gifting a code, as well as selling codes. However, is it against the rules to ask someone to return the item that they got from the code itself? Say someone receives a plushie from redeeming a code. Is it okay to ask that they return the plushie, or would it be better to say something like, "I would greatly appreciate if you return the item, but it's not required" since non-requested thank you gifts are allowed? I just wanted to be sure. Thank you for your time! Also, a side note: I LOVE YOU, TNT. I HAVE BEEN PLAYING FOR 9+ YEARS NOW AND NEOPETS IS AWESOME. spreads love Please remove my username. ~username removed
If the receiver is kind enough to return the item from the code, we wouldn't consider it any sort of "tip" due to the nature of Rate Item Codes. That said, once you give away the code, it is up to the codebearer to decide what to do with the item. You can ask them as you phrased the example above, but code gifting is an unsupported transaction and we will likely be unable to assist if the person chooses to keep the item.

Where can I redeem codes?

What Neopets Merchandise gives out the Space Faerie challenger?

Products that can reward the Space Faerie challenger are:
  • Old Neocash Mystery Capsules Codes
  • Fun Pak Codes
  • Comic-Con Codes
  • Newer Merch Codes (Overpowered, 20th Anniversary, etc.), etc.
  • TCG, Current Neocash, and Promotional Rare Item Codes do not reward the Space Faerie challenger.
submitted by Fruit_Loopita to neopets [link] [comments]

AMA in Clinical Radiology - 23/10/20 at 1900 GMT + 1

Hello everyone! I'm an ST4 in Clinical Radiology!
Here to answer any questions you have about diagnostic or interventional radiology, the latter is not my forte but I will do my best (...or ask for help!)
I hope this AMA will leave you better informed on how to deal with your friendly department radiologist. In the meantime I have made a post which I hope may answer some of your questions.
This post is split into three sections:
  1. Radiology team
  2. Definitions on radiology terms
  3. A bit about me
Brace yourself, it’s a long one!

Radiology Team

A little bit about our team in radiology and some useful definitions for you:
Radiographer (Diagnostic/Therapeutic)
Diagnostic radiographers acquire imaging in all modalities
Therapeutic radiographers administer radiotherapy and work with our fellow colleagues in the other faculty of RCR, clinical oncology, so I have never met one.
Sonographer - medical ultrasound professional almost always a radiographer but doesn't have to be. Can be further trained in ultrasound guided procedures such as FNA and drains.
Nuclear medicine technician - highly skilled, acquires imaging for nuclear medicine scans and hybrid imaging (SPECT or PET/MRI). Administers IV and gaseous radio-isotopes. Many are trained in interpreting basic scans such as bone scans and V/Q scans.
Radiology nurse - theatre nurse for interventional procedures. Runs IR clinics for consent and pre-assessment including advice on anticoagulation. Can be trained to do minor procedures such as lines and pacemakers - rare.
Radiology department assistant (RDA)- like HCAs but for radiology. Skilled at cannulas, observations and patient ID-ing and throughput. Many catch the bug and go on to uni to train as radiographers.
IRR and IRMER - basically legal rules around ionising radiation imaging and why we need to protect patients. Every scan from the referrer (you) which involves radiation has the potential risk of inducing cancer therefore has to be justified by the practitioner (radiographer or radiologist).
And finally...
Radiology - 5-6 year run-through specialty training following FY2. Registrar from first day of ST1. A cutting edge, fast paced, innovative specialty which combines knowledge of anatomy with medical imaging technology (based on physics).
Radiologist - a doctor trained in treatment and diagnosis using imaging. Diagnostic (10+ sub specialties) or interventional (body or neuro) with lots of overlap. All diagnostic radiologists are trained in minor (interventional) procedures such as fluoroscopy for barium swallow and HSGs, US guided procedures such as ascitic drains and FNA, CT guided biopsy. We interpret all imaging modalities mentioned previously and help run MDTs. Can have as much or as little patient contact as you desire eg Breast radiology (performing Breast examination and lots of ultrasound guided procedures) vs neuroradiology (only desk work, CT and MRI)
There are some rare dental radiologists out there but I've never met them.
Nuclear medicine physician - a post MRCS or MRCP doctor dual qualified in radiology and therapeutic and diagnostic nuclear medicine. Treats and images patients using radio-isotopes.

Radiological Terminology

Clinical information - would you examine a patient without taking a history first? Why do you expect us to do the same... the history contributes 70% of the diagnosis. We need that to assess pre- and post-test probability and give an accurate clinical diagnosis based on the imaging in conjuction with the clinical information.
Example: Consolidation =/= infection alone. Consolidation just means airway opacity. This could be due to these four things
It's almost always infection but you can never be too careful...
Q: Why do we ask for a repeat CXR in 6 weeks?
A: Airway opacification by cells - cancer (adenocarcinoma) or interstitial lung disease can look exactly the same as infective consolidation. If the consolidation has not cleared or is getting worse, chances are this is not infection therefore the patient needs further investigation to exclude cancer.
Radiograph - the real word for "xray". Xray is actually the beam. Radiograph is the image. If you use the correct term with a radiologist you will awe them into listening to you. We still use them interchangeably, some old school radiologists may not.
Radiographic density - There are five radiographic densities on radiographs, from least to most dense:
Air, fat, soft tissue, bone, metal/contrast ie Black, black-grey, grey, white, whitest white
Hounsfield units - a measure of radiographic density, the higher the number the more dense it is.
Water = 0 Anything below (negative) contains fat or air. Anything above is soft tissue, bone or metal.
Artefacts - these are anomalies in acquisition (due to physics) which usually cause degradation of the imaging which could lead to limited or misinterpretation. They exist for all modalities. Most common in CT is motion artefact or beam hardening/streak artefact due to metal. We mention them because if someone comes to "sue your ass" due to wrong diagnosis, you have a get out jail free card /joke
Contrast - increases contrast resolution ie makes certain tissues stand out more. It is also used to visualise vasculature. The timing is different for each phase largely speaking - arterial, portal venous or delayed. You're not expected to know this other than to know that some scans make it easier or difficult to assess particular organs and pathologies.
For example CTPA is always done in the arterial phrase so we visualise the artery and filling defects (pulmonary emboli) CT abdomen and pelvis is usually portal venous. The exception is in liver or pancreatic imaging as some tumours show up better in the arterial phase or arterial phase used for aortic aneurysms. Non-contrast for plain CT head, CT KUB or orthopaedic scan - you want 'bright' things blood, stones or bones respectively to show up against a dark background
Contrast is almost never used for MRI unless there is a very specific question which cannot be answered without contrast.
Fat stranding - remember calor, rubor, dolor etc from med school? It is basically that same process of inflammation seen as oedema within the soft tissues. Fat is normally "black", fat stranding (oedema) looks "grey" on top. It stands out like a light bulb going off to a well-trained radiologist, even an ST1 about 6 months in, can spot it.
Free fluid - pocket of fluid without a wall. In females pelvic free fluid may be physiological, in males it is almost certainly pathological
Collection - pocket of fluid with a wall around it, usually an abscess but could be sterile like a post op seroma (only an aspirate and pathology can confirm). Thick wall or gas within (gas forming bacteria) or fat stranding is more specific for infection.
Free gas - perforation of a hollow viscus until proven otherwise. If there's lots of fluid it's like to be upper GI (DD: perf duodenal ulcer) If there's minimal fluid likely to be lower GI (DD: perf diverticulitis) It can be normal post laparoscopy, so please tell us in the clinical details.
Contrast nephropathy - Contentious but theoretically impaired renal function due to IV contrast, usually eGFR dropping by a third. It is more common in those with AKI or chronic renal impairment which is why radiologists always ask for the eGFR. The risk benefit of contrast becomes a more important consideration when base eGFR is <45. Each consultant will have their own threshold.
Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis - rare complication in patients with impaired renal function due to limited excretion of gadolinium-based IV contrast for MRI.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) - A tool radiologists and nuclear medicine physicians will use to improve throughput and diagnostic accuracy. An opportunity rather than a threat. New modalities are on the way such as hybrid imaging and infrared.
Last of all, mine and your favourite...
Clinical correlation advised - all this means is there is no top differential... without clinical assessing/examining the patient, so you guys need to "correlate".

About me

Phew! Glad you made it to the end. When I'm not repping the dark side...
I'm a mum of one - I love languages, travel and hacking Nigerian meals.
Binidr is a a compound of
In my spare time, I am learning Yorùbá (my husband's native language) to pass it on to my infant daughter and have become a self-professed language activist in the process. I promote Yorùbá online to prevent its extinction such as these two posts on languagelearning (post 1 on language, post 2 on mythology, food, culture). I also promote the other soon to be endangered 500+ Nigerian languages at my sub NigerianFluency and discord. We welcome everyone who is a friend of endangered languages or Nigeria, whether they are actively learning or not.
If you are interested in Yorùbá, you can check out my free ten part beginners' series here, no previous knowledge necessary.
I also mod for West_African_Food and MedSchoolNG.
I will soon be a self-published author for a African-themed children's alphabet book coming out for Christmas, kindly PM if you would like to be a beta reader*.*
EDIT: Children's book now out on Amazon called J is for Jollof: An African Alphabet
Please feel free to leave your deepest, darkest questions and I hope to shed some light.
Hello from the dark side 😎
submitted by binidr to JuniorDoctorsUK [link] [comments]

Cyberpunk: A Retrospective

i) Beginnings
It started with a title card. In 2012 CDPR, at the time a relatively unknown Polish studio, released a flashy, mature and intriguing animated video to announce it’s upcoming game, “Cyberpunk 2077”. Based on an obscure, but nonetheless, cult pen and paper game it was clear that the gaming landscape was crying out for a detailed and impressive open world sci-fi experience. Understandably so, with almost no options on the market and the success and reception of GTA 5 fresh in people’s minds, the gaming world seemed primed for a definitive and revolutionary open world Cyberpunk adventure. Indeed, a newly pubescent, internet ‘film-bro’ culture was just kicking off; films like ‘Blade Runner’ and ‘Demolition Man’ (among others) had become trendy and subversive to recommend to a friend. The now prevalent and accessible film clips online, in part due to YouTube’s recent meteoric rise, made watching Roy Batty’s ‘tears in the rain’ speech far easier than having to figure out what edition of ‘Blade Runner’ to rent at a video store.
This new found appreciation for gritty Science Fiction was perfectly catered to by the lavishly produced cinematic that would follow in 2013. It was steeped in a serious and foreboding tone, a mature world dripping with the dark greys of a ‘Nueromancer’ and the tech of ‘Ghost In The Shell”. Something that at once appeared so well realised and so committed to an often neglected genre; punctuated by the invigorating drumming chant, “Personal Responsibility” mixing with the ethereal utterance, “Bullets are the beauty and I don’t know why…” contorting and contextualising the brutally violent series of images. Cyberpunk cemented itself into gamers collective consciousness, a place it would firmly remain hitherto its release 8 years later.
ii) Silence
After this came silence. No marketing, no press, nothing. CDPR had a little something called TW3 on their hands and CP was on hold. The medieval odyssey CDPR had created hit the gaming world like a brick... a brick with an engrossing story that also provided robust RPG elements. Garnishing universal acclaim among critics and fans alike, more eyes turned to the studio. What is next the people cried!! And while TW3 was serviced with more free and acclaimed DLC, in the background everyone knew the fresh IP of CP was on the way. Alongside continuous pro-consumer moves, excitement steadily grew as more people discovered CDPR’s medieval adventure.
The silence surrounding the game continued though... and continued... and continued... until a lone *beep\* in the void broke a long slumber, signalling the second coming of CP’s appearance and marketing to a gaming audience who’s appetite had only grown.
iii) E3
It seemed fitting it landed so heavily. With Phil Spencer signing off a surprisingly eventful 2018 Xbox press conference, a bait and switch was not expected. While rumours of CDPRs involvement at E3 that year had been speculated, questions remained over whether they would solely focus their attention to Gwent, a newly released spin-off card game from the Witcher Universe. Yet, a hack on stage and the presentation of a stunning and visceral trailer proved no one had forgotten about the promise of CP.
For lack of a better word, the ‘vibe’ of Night City was on full display complete with dangerous bars, shady figures, corporate espionage and all manner of augmented freaks. Instead of being illuminated in the faint, dim lights of a police drone and the rundown neon signs of 2013’s cinematic, NC was now baked in the oppressive California sun. A major tonal shift from the original teaser, yet, not losing any of its grit or style. The overwhelmingly positive reaction was ubiquitous. Within minutes articles had been written speculating about the game; reaction videos had been posted online featuring exaggerated characters gawking at what was essentially a pre-rendered concept. And consumers, as they always do, flooded to it desperate for their dopamine hit, to find much needed solace in others display of faux awe, united solely by a slick piece of advertising.
This kicked off, what is almost unquestionably, the most effective marketing strategy in the history of gaming. On reflection, it sat within a perfect chronology. The allure of CP still remained, yet, it’s proto-identity that was presented 4 years previously had had the space to satisfactorily dissolve in order for the new look of NC to be welcomed with open arms. The trailer left ideas of gameplay, story and scope vague enough for the ideal snowballing effect to begin it’s descent down the proverbial mountain. CDPR had pushed the snowball now and, God willing, there was no way to stop its growth. And grow it did.
iv) Keanu
The events leading up to this game inexplicably mirror the rich social and internal commentary that can be drawn from the Cyberpunk genre, so much so in fact one could be forgiven for thinking that it was all an elaborate plot from the developers, in which, an unbelievably vivid rebuke on the stifling environment of modernity is laid to bare - encapsulating a global economic macrocosm within the microcosm of the games industry. Nothing better represents such narrative than the announcement of Keanu Reeves. A man distant and unknowable, yet, revered and idolised. Someone who cannot possibly live up to his name, who doesn’t represent any answer, but exists as an icon for an elusive principle strangely clung to by a vague amalgamate of the internet.
I couldn’t fully comprehend what I saw when a robot hand pulled aside a pair of Aviators to reveal the face of action star Mr Reeves in 2019. Was it cruelty? A brilliant joke? Had the gaming industry reached a morose level of self awareness? Or was it finally crumbing under self-parody? Such level of dissonance was astounding from an industry that had masked crunch, union suppression and aggressive anti-consumer practices behind Nathan Drake or Arthur Morgan. These characters, these brilliant games had hid the bloodthirsty, sharp toothed monster of capitalism so effectively. When the chiseled jaw and flowing hair of Keanu was cast on stage I sadly realised the cycle would continue with renewed gusto. Like lambs to a slaughter, the gaming audience would once again march in defence of their favourite company, protecting their favourite unreleased product, featuring their favourite actor, favourite man - a proto-deity extolling the banalities of undefined western virtue. CDPR had been pro-consumer in the games industry, a vegan butcher. Attempts to place itself as a paragon of benevolence had fallen flat to me before, the 10 year anniversary thank you video in particular was horribly pandering. But this had to be obvious, right? The image of Keanu concealing all, a familiar face used by a company desperately trying to solidify itself as our friend, one that could never let us down. No. The faith grew and the thin veneer remained, spread across the E3 stage, hiding only a sneer of cold command.
As you can see I’m no fan of the games industry or gaming culture. The questions this game has brought up concerns abuse, complicity, deception, exacerbation, apathy. However, it is important to understand that my criticisms of this game from the vantage point of a wider cultural dialectic is separate from my succeeding thoughts on the product itself.
v) Wire Me In
As I have just weighed in on the aforementioned ‘questions’ that this game - and everything surrounding it - has brought up, it may now be pertinent to turn and explore the criticism concerning it’s marketing.
It is at the same time warranted and ridiculous.
Firstly, the hiding of base consoles performance is demonstrative and indicative of my, admittedly dramatic, characterisation in section iv (I will explore this more deeply in sections vii and viii.) However, broader claims that the actual content of the game was marketed incorrectly is entirely unfounded as I will now attempt to prove.
Criticisms mainly focus around the distinction between an RPG and an OW action game: ‘CDPR marketed the game as X but it turned out to be Y…’ Before I suggest that this is not the case, even unimportant, I should point out that it is not at all curious that both sides of the same coin have been argued for. Unsurprisingly, people who wanted a fully fledged RPG claim it is just an OW action game, whereas, those that wanted an OW GTA style game have complained these features were oversold in comparison to the RPG story elements. As such, this criticism seems to come from a place of preference rather than a genuine analysis of the marketing material.
Indeed, when examined, it is hard to say CDPR mischaracterised CP’s features or could have given consumers a better understanding of what the game was. This is typified in the next phase of CP’s pre-release rollout, Night City Wires. Never before has a publisher satiated consumers desire for information before a release like CDPR did, likely this was done since an unprecedentedly fervent audience had little risk of reaching burnout or overexposure (rather than originating from the kindness of CDPR’S own hearts). Nevertheless, it was provided. Below is all large scale video marketing material CDPR commissioned before December 10th:
Title Card
Trailer 2018
E3, 48 Minute Gameplay Demo
Trailer 2019
Deep Dive 2019
The Gig Trailer
NC Wire Ep. 1
NC Wire Ep. 2
NC Wire Ep. 3
NC Wire Ep. 4
NC Wire Ep. 5
Xbox One X/Series X Gameplay
Playstation 4 Pro/5 Gameplay
Photo Mode
Launch Trailer
All told this is about 3 hours and 30 minutes to help consumers discern what the game is. Some games are only 5 hours long. This was more than enough to understand what the game was and, as will be a continuous theme throughout the retrospective, the perceived betrayal lands solely on people’s own absurd expectations (aside from the performance/bugs). This approximate amount is also excluding localised versions of each video, countless developer interviews and in-game music releases. No game has given this much information to consumers before launch.
Indeed, information surrounding video-games is always very secretive, mainly in an attempt to drum up hype. Think to TGA 2020, there was no reason why Perfect Dark had to be a surprise announcement, it doesn’t affect the game in any way other than sales. Likewise, the previously mentioned air of mystique that surrounded CP at its inception was to serve a similar purpose. As such, claims that CDPR mischaracterised the game in their marketing mainly comes from, if I were to offer a solution, the very same air of mystique still hanging suspended in the audiences mind long after CDPR had tried to open the window. When they showed a NC Wire all the audience could think about was what they weren’t showing; countless threads were made: “Imagine what you could do here”; “I’m sure the customisation is far more fleshed out, they just don’t want to spoil it”; “Do you think we can go to space?!” What CP’s audience didn’t realise was that this was the game, with all it’s features. As we can now see, this clarity backfired for CDPR - features that weren’t promised but were assumed appeared inextricably linked to people’s own vision of a game that had already shown its full hand.
If we are to dive into more specific accusations levelled at the marketing we can set aside any references to the 48 minute gameplay demo in one swift stroke. This was prefaced with, and constantly enforced by, numerous warnings that what you see might/will not represent the final product. It, of course, then follows that all claims of it adding to an apparent missing list of promised features is entirely baseless. This is similarly the case with almost all developer interviews.
I’m sure there were some minor things that didn’t make their way into the game that featured in the marketing, however, in comparison to the breadth of information that was provided, consumers certainly were not misled.
What was to follow, on the other hand, was a different story.
vi) We’ve sprung a leak Jackie!!
It’s a tale as old as time itself. A game, eagerly anticipated, gets out into consumers hands before release. I won’t spend too much time on the leaks that came before Cyberpunk because… well… it’s not that interesting, but, since this is a retrospective, it should be included.
The leaks were bad, real bad. The warning bells were chimed to the least squeamish who watched the then famous ‘French Gameplay’, featuring a completely broken opening Nomad mission. The lighting didn’t work, there were no NPCs, the driving looked completely off, the chase looked like it could have been from the early 2000’s and a massive bug where Jackie couldn’t park properly was on full display. To the level headed this was worrying and many flooded to comments sections to warn the uninformed. Of course, no one cared. A day one patch would fix it, people were just lying for attention, CDPR wouldn’t release a broken game. These now hilariously ironic rebukes weren’t a minority but the rule. The praxis of CP’s fandom was undying loyalty to a corporation. I wrote two incredibly depressing posts a few days before/ on release, not just because of its content but the community reaction:
Sitting at 0 upvotes, and dozens of comments about the subreddit ‘not being about politics’ it can remind us of what unrestrained marketing can achieve, an unbridled willingness to accept even the most fundamental transgressions. The potentiality of ones dreams can excuse all, only when this potentiality is not satisfactorily met can one criticise the actions of a creator. When the gaming audience are let down, and the gaming audience alone, then a publisher should be held to account, mistreatment of developers be damned!
viii) Release
Make no mistake, what CDPR did by hiding the performance of a game from consumers before release was criminal. It is false advertisement and an overtly aggressive anti-consumer practice which should remove any semblance of trust towards them forever. You can tell a lot through ones priorities, CDPR chose to lie instead of releasing a product of quality. They chose to pressure and overwork their developers in order to get a flash profit before Christmas. They chose this. As all major game developers exist as, CDPR is nothing more than the base and unrestrained id of capitalism in an industry which is so accommodating to its gluttony. As such the release went as follows:
A consumer wakes up prepared for his work and muses excitedly about the game he will soon play. His 7 year old Xbox lays dormant but still functioning, weathered with age. And so he grabs his controller, begins the download, and his hopes and expectations carry him to the clock-in line. He lives in a bad neighbourhood with no prospects, no financial security and disparate social connections.
The focus and appeal of Cyberpunk, if we go by online commercials and speculatory videos drumming up hype, is the ability to make your way to the top in an adversarial, dystopian world - the illusory dream to prosper with vigour and charm in the face of unending corporate control. An impossible dream for every worker burdened with the necessity of selling his labour in order to survive, whose market is transformative of his labour, whose labour alone makes him worthy to be rewarded in the game, and, ironically, to be rewarded by the game itself.
Capitalism has always predicated its ideology on the transcendent power of labor as a cure-all and as a justification for the plight of the disenfranchised. Michel Foucault traces this impulse to the founding myth of Christianity:
“Since the Fall, man had accepted labor as a penance and for its power to work redemption. It was not a law of nature which forced man to work, but the effect of a curse.”
And yet, even constant toil is no guarantee of a good harvest, let alone a place in God's kingdom. We are obliged to work ourselves to the bone, even as we know it is only by the grace of God that we will advance our lot in life. It is the same now as then; only God is dead - his corpse adorns the recessed wall of CDPR’s boardroom. The game is communion, the broken dreams of consumers transubstantiated, a medium between the dead promise and the resurrected actuality. Corporations are the Christ; only through them do we have any recourse to salvation. Dreams condense the history which overdetermines them; in that condensation, they obscure their constitutive forces, and the shared plight of the unseen workers.
I love Cyberpunk. I have played the game for dozens of hours and after each I am innervated, transfixed by a wonderful creation. But the reception to this game had to happen. The year 2020 demanded it. Late capitalism demanded that it be Cyberpunk, a product born of abusive labour practices, enforced crunch time and undue pressure from shareholders to release a product to the detriment of such toil. A game at once universal and particular, embodying the plight of the American worker as well as the corporate disdain for it’s labourers and consumers. Late capitalism required such a game to dream the dream we all have dreamt, and to do it with a smile. A lone offering on behalf of all mankind, an unholy inversion of the atonement, whereby we reap no reward but the spectacle thereof. It might have been a lie. An Illusion. But it kept you going!
submitted by Parzival1234 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

can i get my real id online in nc video

But not too much longer. Massachusetts is scheduled to start issuing Real ID's at the end of March 2018. Most of the other states will start issuing in October 2018. And in a handful you'll have to wait until January 2019. When is the best time to get my Real ID? Finally the big question answered. You should get your Real ID as soon as possible. Your first N.C. REAL ID cannot be obtained online. It can only be issued at a driver license office, where required documents will be scanned and permanently stored, as required under federal law, in your NCDMV record. Q: I went to the Los Gatos DMV to get my REAL ID. I had an appointment and all the required documents except the application form. Can the DMV put this form online so people can fill it out before To apply for an N.C. REAL ID driver license or identification card, you must visit an N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles driver license office with the documents outlined below. One document (with full name) proving identity and date of birth; One document (with full name and full Social Security number) confirming Social Security number; Two documents (with current physical address) proving If I get my REAL ID now, will I still need to get my license renewed then? A. Yes. Getting a duplicate REAL ID now does not change when your license comes up for renewal. Q. Can I get a REAL ID Learn more about the N.C. REAL ID, how to get one and how it will make traveling more convenient under new federal regulations. N.C. REAL ID Driver License & IDs Skip to main content Two-thirds of the 276 million Americans who have state-issued cards have yet to get their Real ID. “While progress has been made, the real work is still ahead,” acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf Online. To replace your NC ID card online, visit the DMV's online application portal and provide: A valid Social Security number on file with the DMV. Your ID card number and date of birth. An e-mail address. A Visa, MasterCard or Discover card to pay the $14 fee. You will need to request a PIN, which will be sent to your e-mail address. If I get my REAL ID now, will I still need to get my license renewed then? A. Yes. Getting a duplicate REAL ID now does not change when your license comes up for renewal. Q. Can I get a REAL ID Can you clarify why the Real ID is not sufficient enough to cross back over from Mexico when the docs you need to show proof of residency are a specific requirement to even obtain the REAL ID? I have to show my BC to get the Real ID, AND take a copy with me to cross over? I live in a border town and this is just plain infuriating.

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