Battlefield 4

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PS3 Multiplayer Isn't Dead. List Of Active Multiplayer Games.

GTAV: No questions needed.
Black Ops 2: Alive & Breathing, 40,000+ consistently throughout the week. Fri-Sat is about 50,000+. Zombies is still booming, even 8 player Zombies grief mode is popular.
Dark Souls 2: Alive & Breathing, even without the DLC's I see countless "Blood Spots" on the ground
Dark Souls 2 SoTFS: Buy this version for like $20, it has all the DLC's, trust me its worth it.
Dark Souls 1: There's still smooth summoning throughout all areas of the game. Maybe not all day, every day, but I rarely have trouble co-oping. From The_Amazing_i
Destiny: With the eve of Destiny 2 approaching, a new player base is there and you will find your not alone at all.
Battlefield 4: About 12,000 overall, Team Deathmatch is all the rage.
Battlefield 3: Lower than BF4 player base, but you wont have any issues finding matches(maybe about a min or 2)
Resident Evil 5: Still strong even after all these years, you will have people playing from Mexico/United States/Japan/Great Britain and they will help you platinum if you ask them nicely. I recommend the "Gold Edition" of the game.
Mass Effect 3: Just played 4 hours of it myself yesterday and you wont find any issues finding 4 player lobbies. The great thing about it is that its a mixture of "Hard Core Veterans" and "Day 10 Noobs" like myself.
Dragons Crown: Crossplay is keeping the beauty Alive & Breathing.
Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls: Crossplay has this 5 year old game going strong also.
Red Dead Redemption: Hit Or Miss Or Hacked! I played it about a week ago and we had a full roam session(2 ppl were hacking and griefing other players). Personally it's dead with an occasionally muscle spasm, I posted this cause I notice ppl are asking questions about it.
Uncharted 3: Alive and breathing, hell they still give it to you for FREE(the Multiplayer is, not the actual game) if you look for it on PS Store.
The Last of Us: Alive & Breathing, I'm a week 166 veteran of the game and I still get teamed up with week 0 players. If you are new, PLEASE PICK UP YOUR TEAMMATES IF THEY DYING RIGHT NEXT YOU!
Borderlands 1 & 2: Alive & Breathing. I'm very new to the game and constantly see other low levels and high levels carrying the team lol.
Black Ops 1: Alive & Breathing and some hacking.
Modern Warfare 2: BEWARE! Hacked like a motherf*ker......Personally I would avoid this game unless you're a masochist.
COD Ghosts: Alive & Breathing.
Gran Turismo 6: Alive & Breathing.
Fifa 17: I don't play sports game myself, but it's definitely Alive & Breathing.
Ultra Street Fighter 4: After Sleep Fighter 5 being a disappointment(My opinion) I notice that ppl are migrating back to it and have no issues 1v1 people and even hosting lobbies to watch people beat each other down.
Metal Gear Solid V: Is still quite active as well, you'll find plenty of high ranking PF's on PS3.
Added to the list...
Uncharted 2 also seems fairly active as well from blondieloot
Battlefield 1943 is active, always about 20 players in a match during the day from RougeMammoth
Blacks Ops 1 I still play zombies on, never have issues finding a game. From clopclop_til_u_drop
Crysis 2 is still active, just not every game mode. team death match works every try. From clopclop_til_u_drop
Modern Warfare 3 I have little trouble getting into games. Mainly the common playlists though. Also, moderate hacking occurs, i mainly find people who can kick you when they want, and making custom lobbies; although in the main playlists it isn't too common. From HuskyScottishViking
Little Big Planet My daughter plays online almost every night. From WillowUfgood918
Sniper Elite V2: just a small online group, full of hackers. From KoopaTroopa34
Sniper Elite 3: decent lobbies, TDM is pretty much hack free but the other modes aren't. From KoopaTroopa34
Bioshock 2: pretty easy to get a room, just expect to be the lowest rank and get griefed by the higher ranks. From KoopaTroopa34
Far Cry 4: hit and miss. Have waited a bit for other players and then an hour later, more than enough. From KoopaTroopa34
Assassins Creed (2, BH, REV) online: extremely hit-and-miss with the first games. 3 and Black Flag still seem to have a decent amount online at any point (YMMV though). From KoopaTroopa34
Tomb Raider: I recently played the reboot for the first time, jumped into multiplayer games easily enough. Seems active. From simonboulter
Warhawk is still kicking, and is AWESOME btw. From SleepyGuyy
Ace Combat Infinityis still online. It's free to play and has great gameplay. From Doomnahct
ModNation Racers There is a small dedicated community and they run races every night. Up to 200 people on weeks, 400 plus on weekends. I saw it myself 2 days ago, A 12 person lobby full. From Hollywood_WBS
Plants VS Zombies Garden Warfare which is really active but the downside is the majority of playerbase is small squeaking children. From Hollywood_WBS
Minecraft: obviously. From SirSmile
Max Payne 3: Very easy to find room in a large team deathmatches, not so much in other modes. From SirSmile
SSARPBC(Rocket League father): Still many rooms everyday. From SirSmile
Injustice: Gods Among Us: Max 1-2 minutes to get in a ranked match, player rooms depends on time(most active when US players are awake). From SirSmile
Battlefield Bad Company 2. You can find a match in a minute or less. But forget about the Vietnam DLC (dead). From superbacon-HD
Street Fighter III 3rd Strike is fairly active, I'm able to find a match without waiting too long fairy consistently. From Petro1313
Demon's Souls is still pretty active. Not always, but usually there are people around. From Celestiasbeard
Killzone 3 is very much alive and hack free. I'd highly recommend it's multiplayer if you're looking for a great experience. From pvtsoab
Mercenaries 2 still had people on when I played this weekend. From here_is_chris
Saints Row the third co-op is alive. From here_is_chris
Dirt 2 lettmon
Dirt 3 lettmon
Need for Speed The Run lettmon
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit lettmon
If you know of any other games with a healthy online multiplayer post it to the comments and hopefully we can use this a visual the PS3 Multiplayer isn't as dead as some believe. Peace.
submitted by Mur-cie-lago to PS3 [link] [comments]

Doesn't it feel weird to play a game with such a strict expiration date?

I'm enjoying a cod game since maybe mw2 (meaning I've played none of them in the meanwhile), but I'm by no means a hater, I don't care much about brands, I care about how good a product is. I think this BO3 is a good game and a very good shooter overall, but playing it and spending time in it someway doesn't feel "good". Is it worth it to spend so much money (50€ish plus you name it for the season pass -not that I've bought it-) and time to play and learn the game, the maps, the weapons, improve in a game... when you know it'll be kind of dead in less than a year (me for istance I've bought it a month ago) and, best case scenario, the next cod will be like this one enough to not make you feel a noob and start over but not too much alike to make you angry for spending so much money for a game that's so similar to the previous one (which I understand is one of the main complains from cod players, and I totally can see that). Bottom line... it is something that really can make you hate activision even if they were to publish the best shooter ever. Oh and by the way... how good can you expect a game to be, how much effort should you expect from the developers given that everybody knows that the game won't last as long as any other games do? Many competitive games last for years, even decades someone... just look at bf4 or csgo, just to name some shooters. Not to mention the mobas, that sure are not leaving some sh complaining because they don't earn enough.
All that is to say... Activision should really cut this crap and give more space to their cods, because I believe some of them deserve it and also gamers deserve to play a game that at least should try to last longer than a year. If it is money that they crave so bad (and of course they do) why can't they sell dlcs or expansions like EVERYBODY else does? without making a new damn game everytime. I don't ask for much, maybe 2 years instead of 1 could suffice, it would be a start.
PS. please don't intervene with the "I'm still playing advanced warfare" - "many still play bo2", I know that, it's just the feeling that they are the "old" ones that is discomforting, and also in the competitive scene they are dead as soon as the new cod comes along... so it's all good, yeah, but I believe not good enough.
submitted by rArmage to blackops3 [link] [comments]

June 2016 Census Results

Thank you for everyone who participated in the census. We reviewed the results and they are below. We also addressed some of the responses we received.
If you would like to see the full census results (without names or dates of submission), it can be found here. We want to ensure that there is transparency in the results.
There were 247 total participants.

What is your current rank with Reddit Dads

The current ranking structure can be found here.

I feel that there is transparency from the Reddit Dads moderators.

How did you find out about Reddit Dads?

How Old are You

What is your gender?

Do you know how to contact the moderators if you have an issue?

If you'd like to contact the moderators, please click here or visit the sidebar.

Which games are you currently playing with RDADs.

Are you aware of the Reddit Dads' Steam Group?

Information on the Steam group can be found on the Monthly Moderator Update or, just message the mods.

Which game system(s) do you own?

On which system(s) do you spend the most time playing games?

Are you aware of the Reddit Dads' Minecraft servers?

More information on the Minecraft server can be found here.

Are you aware of the Reddit Dads' Discord server?

Information on the Discord server can be found here.

The moderators are helpful when I have required their assistance.

The Reddit Dads moderators treat all members fairly.

The Subreddit is a good place to go for news about Reddit Dads.

I am familiar with the Reddit Dads wiki and how to navigate the wiki.

The Wiki can be found here.

Do you feel that rank is important in the Reddit Dads community?

What is your overall satisfaction with the /redditdads?

What is your overall satisfaction with the Reddit Dads moderator group?

What is your overall satisfaction with Reddit Dads as a whole?

What is your overall satisfaction with the numbevariety of games/services we support?

How often do you visit /RedditDads?

How often do you play games with other Reddit Dads?

Follow-Up Comments on Poll Questions

a. Re: Do Mods treats member fairly, "Reach out... Not all of us are redditdad savvy."
Mod Response: To be honest we're not sure how to respond to this one. Reddit is our home, but we also have Discord for instant messaging and voice chat, plus PSN communities (XBL equivalent is coming). If the member who provided this feedback would like to message the moderation team directly, we'll happily hear your thoughts on the matter.
b. Re: Is the sub a good place for RedditDads news "I feel that the splintering of the group via Discord, google hangouts etc etc was he downfall of GYBB. Game chat, party chat etc etc seems fine, why bring all these other gaming communication bits into it? Also, how are we to find "fresh blood" for the crew if we're removing ourselves so much fro other players?"
Mod Response: While we understand your concerns, reddit alone doesn't provide the flexibility and instant communication offered by Discord. If we refuse to adapt to the needs of our members, we also risk losing people through our inability to connect to one another quickly and easily. At the end of the day, reddit is our home, Discord and other services are simply there to complement and build upon that. As for fresh blood, we get a new members almost every day.
c. Re: The wiki "I've had a hard time finding the Roster or what each rank means"
Mod Response: You can find the main crew roster on the main wiki page here We also have the Current Players Register -> link, and The PC players roster -> link Crew ranks are currently under review and a crew vote is currently underway/imminent to determine the future of ranks within the crew.
d. Re: The importance of rank. ""I've been here a long time but I'm still a Conscript."
Mod Response: We recently discussed this exact issue and our failure to provide many members with the recognition they deserved in this thread Crew ranks are currently under review and a crew vote is currently underway/imminent to determine the future of ranks within the crew. Please do your part and update your flair.
e. Re: Your overall satisfaction with the mods. "Feels slightly like "too many chiefs" syndrome from an outsider perspective, however y'all are pretty good mods altogether so no issue at all"
Mod Response: We have 18 moderators because we're a large community. Having more moderators with differing views means we have a healthy debate before initiating any decisions or changes, you are more likely to find a moderator in most timezones to answer any questions you may have in a timely manner and the moderation workload is shared more equitably, meaning we still get time to game too!
f. A vanilla Minecraft server for those that don't like FTB or other mods.
Mod Response: We are open to running a vanilla server. However, at this time, our Minecraft admins have had their hands full with the server currently running...and still have to rollout the Long Term Build server for the RDADs that have been waiting patiently for it.
g. I just want more friends to play with... But can never really partake with anyone
Mod Response: If you want to connect to other players, there's a few things that can help you:
Add members from the Current Players Register -> link who are on the same game, system & timezone as you,
Add members from the PC players roster -> link,
Get Discord for your PC, mobile or tablet and connect to members that way -> link to Discord information
Post in the subreddit asking for members! We don't bite, honest! If you're still having trouble, contact us and we'll see what we can do.
h. Maybe I'm not using the sub to its full potential, but I'd like to see more places to find other RDads to play with...or make it more visible.
Mod Response: the Current Players Register -> link the PC players roster -> link our Discord server -> link PSN Communities (Xbox Communities on the way) Anything else you'd like to suggest? We're all ears
i. Most sessions seem to be ad hoc, which is nice, but some more scheduled events would be appreciated.
Mod Response:We encourage members to come up with their own events. We rely upon members to use their initiative to organize, advertise and run events, rather than relying upon the moderation team. If you need help organizing an event, whether it be from having an announcement stickied in the sub for visibility to in game messages broadcast prior to the event (GTA only has this capacity), or just help and advice on how to get it up and running, you only need but ask!
j. Payday 2 please
Mod Response: If we have enough members playing the game, we'll happily support it officially. Until then, it might be worth posting in the subreddit to see how many of your fellow gamers share your passion for Payday 2.
k. Perhaps a space or stickied thread to suggest games?
Mod Response: If there's a game you think others should (or should not) be playing, post about it and create a discussion thread.
l. Throw CS:GO in the mix and I'll be chuffed!
Mod Response: If we have enough members playing the game, we'll happily support it officially. Until then, it might be worth posting in the subreddit to see how many of your fellow gamers share your passion for CS:GO.
m. We need a Battlefield 4 group
Mod Response:PSN Battlefield 4 group -> [link( Xbox Battlefield 4 group -> link NB: Battlelog sometimes doesn't like direct links. If these don't work for you, search for "Reddit Dads" for PS and "Reddit Dads X" for Xbox
n. I may not have seen the thread but would be good to see some group info by game sorted by timezone.
Mod Response: The Current Players Register has what timezone members are in, what games they play, what system they're on and what time they usually play. Current Players Register -> link
o. Community lacks leadership or veteran involvement. When a "Conscript" can come in and create viable weekly event that garner as much attention as PLF then there was already a void needing to be filled.. Way too much "Salt" around petty console wars BS or people not playing older games for newer titles.. The New Car Smell is definitely wearing off.
Mod Response: We don't discourage newer members from putting their hands up to run events, nor pressure "veteran" members to step forth and do so, each member is only required to do as much or as little as they feel prepared to do with the gaming time they have available to them. Feel like running an event? Fantastic! Organizing something not your thing? That's fine too. I've never seen much salt thrown around the whole console vs PC debate in this subreddit, apart from some good natured ribbing of course. We have more console members because that's where this group started and built upon it's foundations. That doesn't mean we don't love our master race cousins (in a non creepy way, of course). Moreover, most of our members have a console and a gaming PC according to the census. When new games come out, you have to expect that a certain percentage of people are going to move on to pastures anew, that's the inherent nature of gaming. After all, no one wants to keep playing the one title forever, do they?
p. I almost always browse reddit on mobile, so I don't have a firm grasp of who the mods are (sidebar not being visible unless pulled up). I wonder if there's a way to connect the layman with the moderation group so that everyone can know who is able to be in charge.
Mod Response: Most mods will put "mod" in their flair. However, if something is being said in an official capacity, we normally distinguish that response or post. If you need to contact us, you can simply message us by:
Sending a modmail to /RedditDads
Want our attention in a post? simply type "moderator" and we're notified, or
On Discord? Just type @moderator to send out the bat signa
q. I am also concerned our xbox one gtav crew is losing members.
Mod Response: People move on. Try creating a weekly event to keep participation up.
r. I have a small concern. Not a huge deal and maybe I'm a little overreacting here so please tell me if it's nothing to worry about but I kind of came here to be around people I had something in common with, kids and being a dad. But lately it seems that we've acquired a couple of girls/I assume spouses of people in here already. When I joined I was looking at this place to be kind of like a sanctuary for guys to be able to get away from the dad lives for a little bit and just hang out and have fun without having to deal with our other halves and all of that. I kind of feel like if we let everyone in we might as well call it reddit parents. I have had an awesome time here since I've joined and met alot of awesome people. I also feel like it'd be wrong to say they can't come in here but it was made for Dads to have a place to hangout and get some playtime when the kids are away or asleep.
Mod Response: I can understand our community name, Reddit Dads, causing a bit of confusion. We did start off in the very early days as a dads only group, but as we rapidly grew the decision was made to open our doors to all adults, regardless of gender or parental status. Some of our most friendly and helpful members fall into the "non dad" category. We could change our name, but since we've got such a good reputation within the reddit community, we decided it was best not to mess with what was working.
s. I think new mods should be voted in annually (by all members) to keep things fresh
Mod Response: Moderators are not selected by a popularity contest. Plus there's a huge amount of information, groups and other resources to hand over. It's not a viable option or fair upon the incoming new mods to dump the lot upon their shoulders - nor fair upon the exiting mods to be constantly fielding questions and offering advice to the new team. In short, for a group this size it's not really practical.
t. We need a better system than relying solely on Reddit's messaging system. I don't know if there are better options online anywhere, but it's worth a thought.
Mod Response: Have you tried Discord yet? It's an instant messaging and voice chat server that's available on PC, mobile and tablet Discord information -> link
u. Maybe an organised event to encourage people who play in the same timezone to meet with more people. This might stop splinter groups forming and encourage more of a platoon.
Mod Response: Here's the roster. Go forth and do good things.
v. Rank ups system is either poorly understood (by me) or just doesn't work. Still a conscript after a year of daily playing with rdads??
Mod Response: The process is under review.
w. The only problem I have with the group is rank. Mods and members distinction makes sense and maybe a distinction for length of membership, but the nebulous promotions for being popular or who knows what it is based on makes the sub feel like a clique to new members
Mod Response: The process is under review.
x. The only thing that I find don't really work so well for me is the timezone difference, since many rdads are american I can almost never synch up to play being in europe.
Mod Response: Consult the crew roster to find goats that play near your time zone.
y. There is a clear divide between new members and existing members. I've joined a couple of different GTA sessions only to be completely ignored, while everyone else talks away etc. I get that there will be friendships there already but blanking people is not exactly how the sub advertises themselves. I've asked for help on heists on more occasions than I can count most of them were also ignored.
Mod Response: We suggest making a few friends on one on one sessions, then getting into the larger groups where someone can attach a voice to a name. When there's a group of 5 or 6 RDADs in a party chat that have been playing together for 2 years, unfamiliar voices tend to get diluted. You can also check the subreddit for new member posts and welcome them to the crew by adding them to your friend's list. Also, be sure your mic is working.
z. This is really just a clique of about 20 players or so
Mod Response: More like 25, but yeah. In all seriousness, this is an adult gaming group, it requires a modicum of effort on your behalf to get out there, meet other players, form friendships and establish a list of members you regularly play with. No doubt that there are some cliques out there, but that's the exception far more than the rule.
Again, thank you all for being such a great group of goats.
submitted by 8Heists to RedditDads [link] [comments]

[Feedback compiled list] PS4 System Feedback

I made a compiled all feedback that I thought about the PS4 (found on forums, websites, etc), below is the list. I would like to somehow show all these suggestions to Sony (whether sending email, or creating a website with feedbacks to the PS4), I hope they see this list:
  1. Follow/Subscribe Friends.
  2. Favorite Friends Tab (Notify me when they come online).
  3. Show PS3/PS4 Icon in Friend Profile.
  4. Show Region Flag in Friend Profile.
  5. Identify somehow (with an icon) messages from friends.
  6. Ability to group friends together (i.e., make a Killzone group for my Killzone friends).
  7. Options to display only real-name friends login.
  8. Easier to join same game with friends or whole party together on system level.
  9. Friends and messages remain in the same category.
  1. Better profile creation (like being able to fill out a bio, select "Favourite Game" or "Most Anticipated Game")
  2. About me should allow for more characters
  3. Video chat via PlayStation Camera
  4. Viewing a Profile the left side menu options: activity, trophies, about me (Dont do anything, they should go into the designated area when pressed)
  5. Ability to leave comments on friends' profiles/"walls"
  6. Increase party chat from 8 to 12 players
  7. Calendar app on system level, for example in Driveclub, club leader can mark a date for team racing head to head, and it will show on every club member's calendar, every useful on mmo. Also show game release dates.
  8. Automatic trophy syncing
  1. Upload to Youtube/Vimeo for videos and Flickr for photos. The Vita Flickr app is fantastic
  2. Uncompressed 1080p PNG image capturing
  3. 1080p video uploads to Youtube / some other media site
  4. Share items need it's own dedicated folder on the main or 2nd bar.
  5. Share screenshots, videos with PSN friends in PSN feed, not on any external social media account that I do not want to integrate
  6. Share screenshots to image host without tweeting or facebooking it all over the place so you can post it wherever you want manually.
  7. Make Gif option for share button
  8. Screenshot to Twitter Support or Google+
  9. Sync automatically screenshots with Flickr, Dropbox or Picasa
  10. Save Videos and Screenshots to the HDD to allow extraction with a USB stick. more options for sharing videos and screenshots in general, including a save to HDD option and an 'email' option to send to myself
  11. Do I really have to quit the game to trim my videos?
  12. Apps and browser access to saved screenshots and videos
  13. Ability to have, somewhere on your profile, a "Crowning Moment" area where you can upload your best moment. For example, if I set a high score in Resogun, I want to be able to highlight it as my best moment, for the world to see!
  14. Allow us to set different recording times. 15min, 10min, 5min, 1min, 30sec, 15sec and 5sec.
  1. DLNA
  2. Ability to play your own music in games
  3. Media capabilities (mp3, mp4, avi, mkv)
  1. Live on playstation sorting, highlight channel, developer channel, streaming party, follow channel;
  2. See Twitch/Ustream comments while you play but still be able to stream the gameplay full screen to viewers
  3. Better streaming quality via UStream / Twitch, More option on stream feature (resolution, bit rate, layout)
  4. Add a Friends tab to the Live from Playstation app to see if any of my friends list is broadcasting
  1. Support more HTML5 tags
  2. Tabs on browser, using R1 - L1 to change tabs
  3. Touchpad support in the web browser
  4. Browser to not suffer from memory errors (there's no need for that to happen if it doesn't happen on 1GB or less tablets).
  1. More notifications/info about the patches;
  2. Online/Offline Friend notifications;
  3. Play notification, play mysic (display name, artist and cover);
  4. When you receive a notification of a message, it should also show a snippet of that message;
  5. Ability to press the PS button when you get a trophy or something to find out more information., ala Xbox. I like the notification pane but there needs to be more information. Like at least tell people when a game is finished installing if they're not actively in the game. Playing NBA 2K14 if I go back to the UI I didn't know when the game had finished installing I had to go back in the game to check then leave again. Make all achievements context sensitive so if I hit the home button when notification shows up regardless of how stupid the notification is, pressing home will take me there. If we press the PS button when a notification appears, it should immediately open up that menu in the UI (ie. receive a message, hit PS button, opens up that message so you can quickly reply; same for invitations). More interactive notifications (press the home button on your controller to open a notification/be send to that area of the OS)
  6. Upon receiving a notification, push the PS button and it show a popup notification to manage that, it displays the message, answer the friend request, install the game or show rapid information that trophy; Try to make these tasks faster, as a popup, without leaving the game screen.
  1. Remove the jumping out of a game to UI if PSN goes down. Just throw a damn notification on screen and let them continue doing whatever it is they're doing.
  2. Don't make the interface rely too much on the PSN (if things go down -> a notification is enough, don't send me to the home screen with a fullscreen popup)
  3. Playgo smarter. I don't want to start a download and then come back hours later to find out only the first 5 minutes of the game downloaded and the rest has to be downloaded ingame (nfs, bf4)
  4. Optimize some performance (loading content);
  5. Install game manual on console (show on Game Informations);
  6. Touchpad enabled for OS text input, Add touchpad support to other applications( scrolling through trophies, netflix, hulu, etc.), Touchpad for OS control/hotfixing swipe gestures to open up specific tabs;
  7. Save friends trophies on cache, and download only the updates (to compare trophies more fast);
  8. Ability to remember more than 1 wifi location (every time I bring it to my parents I have to set up the internet and then again when I get back home)
  9. Ability to see everything related to a game in regards to storage. Patches, dlc;
  10. Network optimizations (Multipath TCP);
  11. Leave configure wired and wireless at the same time, having a button for quick switch between these two settings;
  12. Just let me queue up and background download the whole game
  13. General hiccups in OS like slow text box loading, etc.
  14. Ability to adjust controlleheadset volume separately
  15. Ability to adjust those volumes in the PS button menu while in game, instead of going into the home screen and then settings area
  16. Cloud saves available to everyone for free (Plus = 1Gb/Free = 100Mb)
  17. Fix bug where sound comes out of hdmi and optical at same time (Bug?)
  18. Install/Patching. Why are we still having to download something then confirm to install? Assume we want whatever we downloaded installed as well....just assume it Sony ffs;
  19. Go standby then boot up = no internet (Bug?)
  20. Pause bluray and hit back = sometimes blue screen and then I can't get out or shutdown (Bug?)
  21. There needs to be a progress bar somewhere for background installations of retail disc games.
  22. Most tasks performed in the background, syncing trophies, downloading friends trophies, install games, download patches / game manuals, etc.
  1. Put all the games in Library Folder and have the ability to pin your favourite games/apps along that top bar instead.
  2. Sorting options everywhere (for friends, trophy rarity, game feed)
  3. Dedicated image or video section in the Dynamic menu (Screenshot folders)
  4. Purchases list for the Playstation store like on PS3
  5. The boxes and text are too large. Display the friends list so the text is smaller and it displays more friends at a time without having to scroll down
  6. Have to do a better job of distinguishing for the user what's an update to a game and what's the actual download for the game. Contrast for example downloads two files when you choose to buy/download it. One is the update, the other is the game. The update downloads faster and asks you to install it. If you try to install it before the game finishes, it just hangs. That needs to improve dramatically. A progress bar and indications for installing/updating game. Sometimes I'm not even sure what's going on with downloading. One games stuck at the spinning circle installing for a long time so I canceled the install, good thing it auto installs now.
  7. UI speed is abysmal when you're installing anything. Take a queue from: Apple, Google, MS, etc. You ALWAYS prioritize UI responsiveness at the cost of other performance. Nothing will annoy your user more than the UI coming to a crawl and they start pressing buttons randomly only to get bombarded with all of those input commands being executed when the UI comes back to speed.
  8. Last played Tiles. Oh my gaaawd as I scroll this long as fuck list of last played tiles I wonder how the hell this was approved. Why don't you guys put two/three rows instead of one long ass row? Who is your UX designer because he failed right here. One long row works on a phone but dear god is it dumb on a TV with a controller.
  9. What's New really should just be a category itself, and renamed (I sent Sony the suggestion of "PSN Life" or something equally cheesy). I'm mostly saying that because I actually had the What's New app crash on me, just make it a full blown social network, they're already half way there. Can I get some timestamps on this?
  10. Your game is being suspended. Okay stop telling me this shit for EVERYTHING dear god. I mean I watch UI videos done by Sony and I rarely see that notification pop up. I see videos by gamers and it's everywhere. Double tap home and go to Netflix...we're going to suspend your game...okay? Suspend it fuuuck man. When suspending a game you don't have to tell me
  11. Game information panel? Get rid of it. Other than file size most of the information you give us is fucking pointless.
  12. Games need to be a category all games you've bought/installed can be managed from there to include managing saves/DLC/install data instead of a library app. I can't be the only one who thinks that. And there needs to be a separate category for Entertainment that would house the video playemp3 player, apps, etc.
submitted by DarthMH to PS4 [link] [comments]

Day One with PS4 - Battlefield 4 (Honest)

Let me start off by saying I love the FUCK out of PC, and it will always be my number one choice for gaming. It's like having driven a Ferrari 458 Italia everyday and switching over to a Fiat afterwards. That's what it feels like, every time. This is an honest review about using Battlefield 4 on the PS4 after having used a PC for gaming over the past 6-7 years of my life, I promise there is no circle-jerking I will keep circle-jerking to BARE minimum, and I aim to keep this as honest as possible as I am simply trying to give insight as a PC gamer.
The PS4 is a very sleek looking console, and it weighs in somewhere around 6-7 lbs. It was pretty simple to set up, and I had my old PS3's account hooked up in a few minutes, as well as linked to my Facebook account. It even came with a few codes for PlayStation Plus, some weird music service and $10 store credit for the PS Store.
I popped in the only game I bought so far, that being Battlefield 4. I do have to admit that the Battlelog server browsing feature is pretty sweet, since it lets you join servers straight from your laptop or mobile device, and you can even view the map on a separate display (although the PC version of BF4 can do this as well). Since I sometimes use a 360 wired controller to play some 3rd person games and indie games on my PC's, I was pretty quick to notice the awkward position of the two PS4 DS4 joysticks, but I got used to it after about half an hour. Regardless, after having used a mouse and keyboard to play FPS games for several years, it was almost impossible to kill enemies. Sniping was a pain in the fucking ass, because you have to flick the joystick in such a way so as to be precise enough to even shoot someone below the waist. A headshot is out of the question. Even using various types of assault rifles to try and shoot an enemy over long distances is incredibly hard, and you have to pray that aim-assist kicks in so that you can at least get your crosshairs in the general area. Medium range combat is a little bit better, but still rather hard, although I may just have to get more accustomed to the controller.
Another thing that has always been an issue with consoles is ANTI-ALIASING. Consoles are never, ever generous with their anti-aliasing, but PS4 has definitely made somewhat of an improvement compared to Xbox 360 and PS3 consoles. I have to say it's pretty annoying when someone runs by in a game and they just look like a bunch of jagged lines, or you pass by someone without noticing because they're standing still and they just mesh into the environmental pixelated mess. High anti-aliasing is not only pleasing to the eye, but also improves the ability to track still and moving objects, this is the TRUTH.
I have yet to try out the sharing feature, although I'm pretty excited to use it since it seems pretty easy to press a few buttons and you can immediately be streaming and recording to a UStream or Twitch.TV channel. We may also pick up a camera and use that, but overall it's a somewhat useless accessory.
On a final note, a feature that really came in handy is the audio out at the bottom of the PS4 controller. My bro was asleep, so I popped in a pair of headphones and all the audio streamed straight through the controller. For those of you curious, there were no latency issues whatsoever and the audio quality was great.
Should you buy a PS4? Probably not, or at least not yet. There are some AWESOME exclusives on their way, such as Uncharted, God of War, and LittleBigPlanet (one of my favorites). For now the PS4 is just my little play toy, and hopefully I'll get better at using that controller because I don't have any copy of Battlefield 4 for my PC, but it will likely be worth the buy in the near future.
submitted by hackitfast to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

[REQUEST][PS4] Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection

Give me a hug Ali-Sama you're amazing!
First let me introduce myself quickly for the people that didn't read my intro post. Hello, my name is Kyan and I am 16 year old boy from The Netherlands. I play on PC and PS4 and the games I play right now are BF4 and Hearthstone.
Why do I want this game:
I really want this game because I played the first Uncharted on my ps3 years ago and I really enjoyed it. I sold my Ps3 last year because i wanted a Ps4. So Uncharted 4 released like a week ago and I really want it but I knew i wouldn't understand the story 100%. For the people that don't know Uncharted i will tell a bit without spoiling anything. The game is about a treasure hunter, Nathan Drake, that finds the coffin of Sir Francis Drake in the sea. He is with Elena Fisher, a journalist that records the events for a documentary. They find out that the coffin is only filled with a diary written by Francis Drake. The empty coffin proves that Sir Francis faked his death in his final years to embark on one last treasure hunt. After being attacked by Pirates they are forced to flee into the sea. After a little time they met Victor Sullivan, an old friend of Nathan and they are gonna hunt for the treasure.
I think the game still has impressive graphics for a game released in 2007 and I would like to play this one with even better graphics and the other 2 games.
Why can't I buy the game myself:
I can't buy the game because the last year went financial awful in my family, my dad lost his job and my little sister did get a skin decease. With only my mom working full time and me having a job for after school we have a lot of trouble paying for medicines and food. Plus I'm starting on my new school next summer with my Gamedeveloper study I need to buy an expensive laptop and i gotta pay for the licenses. Working as a 16 year old at KFC, you don't earn that much and 50% goes to daily stuff like food and the rest goes to the laptop and licenses. I sold my steam inventory a few months ago to buy my little brother something for his birthday and he was very happy. Right now my only games on my PS4 are Battlefield 4 and the free PS plus games and the subscription ends in 2 months so I lose access to them. On PC i play Hearthstone as a F2P player and sometimes i play CS:GO. If you want to add me on here is my battletag: EU TikiKing#2541. And that's really it.
I really hope someone could help me out with a spare bundle key or gifting it to me.
Where to buy:
I saw a key available on G2A here is the link:
I want to thank all of you for reading this and have a nice day
Edit: Forgot to put my psn here: tikiking68
submitted by Tikiking123 to GiftofGames [link] [comments]

What can be done to 'fix' Origin?

So I got this little questionnaire today and instead of mindlessly clicking out of it or what not I decided to voice my opinion of the service (which I only use for BF4 realistically).
It seems that the folks at EA might actually be trying to fix their 'we wanna be Steam' service, Origin.
But what can they do to actually improve it? I think it is time for some constructive feedback and realize thing mother-fucking affront to GabeN (hallowed be thine name) isn't going away.
My thoughts:
The issue with origin is that it is not a service but a mandate. It was thrown into gaming world as a compulsory addon to games such as BF3/4.
The process for entering games (multiplayer) is a pain and instead of just clicking a simple "play now" button as someone who only plays once every two weeks you have to constantly download plug-ins from a web based launch tool, which often doesn't work. "You have been disconnected from EA online"... what does that even mean?
Having the games auto-update in the client is nice, but the convenience is destroyed if you just have to download a plug-in later.
Plus it just adds another area of failure to the system. In-game matchmaking has been a thing for years. (the best example of a simple solution is probably CS:Go).
Overall Origin is not a service but a mandate that just clogs up my hard drive. which I would delete in half a second if the same games where DRM-Free or on Steam.
There are two main things that can be done to redeem Origin:
  1. One click to enter a multi-player game: If I want to play BF4 or such, I don't want to play find your own adventure through firefox... I want to play BF4... crazy right?
  2. adding Origin as a new platform is annoying; I have about 30 steam friends ~15 of which I play with regularly, if there was a syncing function that could be a saving grace for people who don't want to transfer over: This is to do with providing a service not a mandate.
Overall the ONLY reason I would recommend Origin over say Steam is if the person in question just wanted to clog up their HDD with 100mb of program that was unstable for the first year of its release and sends you to firefox instead of a game client with multi-player games.
PS: I recognize that many games launch from the client and do it well (ME:3, SW:TOR, Dragon Age). My main issue is with multi-player games and the friends system.
PPS. I also realise that this is a query about origin itself. Not the games, the fact of the matter is that the games make Origin, without Origin the games could function as intended; but not the other way around.
submitted by Judgeharm to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

[Discussion] Building a cheap PC to perform similarly to the PS4/XBox One (not an April Fools joke)

Recently, I've seen a few posts in regards to building a PC instead of buying a PS4 or XBox One. We've all chimed in here and there, but its really been getting me thinking. So here are my collaborated thoughts. Please feel free to correct me. This is an open discussion filled with opinion. Criticism is encourage.
Goals: Low cost, high performance, using new parts, with all the features of an XBox One or PS4, that will exclusively be connected to a TV.
The Build: I'll start with the build, then explain my choices. I used the parametric form filter, so its grabbing the absolute cheapest to those specs. There may be better parts for a couple dollars more.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
Type Item Price
CPU Intel Pentium G3258 3.2GHz Dual-Core Processor $64.99 @ SuperBiiz
Motherboard *Asus H81M-D PLUS Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard $40.98 @ Newegg
Memory *Crucial 4GB (1 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory $26.65 @ Amazon
Storage *Seagate 500GB 2.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive $41.94 @ Amazon
Video Card *Gigabyte GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB WINDFORCE Video Card $119.99 @ Newegg
Case *Thermaltake VL80001W2Z ATX Mid Tower Case $21.99 @ Micro Center
Power Supply *EVGA 500W 80+ Certified ATX Power Supply $24.99 @ NCIX US
Optical Drive *Pioneer BDC-207DBK Blu-Ray Reader, DVD/CD Writer $34.99 @ Newegg
Wireless Network Adapter *Asus PCE-N10 802.11b/g/n PCI-Express x1 Wi-Fi Adapter $14.99 @ Micro Center
Other Xbox 360 Wireless Controller - Glossy Black $37.29
Other Xbox 360 Wireless Gaming Receiver for Windows $15.85
Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts
Total (before mail-in rebates) $524.65
Mail-in rebates -$80.00
Total $444.65
*Lowest price parts chosen from parametric criteria
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-04-01 10:25 EDT-0400
CPU: The G3258. I went with this as the base because I've used it (Overclocked to 4.4ghz) as a game console. It was paired with a GTX 980, and was a beast at everything I tested. Solid frames at 1080p for sure. However it should be noted that there may be limitations in some brand new games, as well as some very large fps multiplayer battles. (64 player BF4 and planteside). Why not the i3 you may ask? Games don't take advantage of hyperthreading, and to get into an unlocked i3 is too much money anyways. In my opinion, hitting 4.2ghz is crucial to gaming.
MOBO: Unlocked for overclocking, and supports much more powerful CPUs for future upgrades. Especially when you consider how cheap the haswell's will be on eBay when the new chips become more popular.
Memory: When all you're doing is gaming, like truly only gaming, 4GB really is enough. As soon as you start opening multiple chrome tabs this will crawl. This is a pick-one-thing-at-a-time build. Also, 4GB is not an opinion. Its a fact. I ran it for 6 months with no issues.
Storage: Yes, an SSD would be better. But in my opinion, Sata3 with 7.2k is plenty fast enough for loading screens.
Video Card: The form filter is set to the GTX 750 Ti, R9 270, or the R9 270x. I've used all three, and they are all competent at 1080p. Some new games got tough. So i dialed them down to 720p. From the couch (8-10ft away) I could not tell the difference between 720p and 1080p in most games. Titanfall is one that really looked better at 1080p, but it played fantastic on the 750 Ti. So that was fine. Also, a few console games aren't even rendered in 1080p anyways. Depending on sales, it would be nice to get an R9 270. But I wouldn't go any lower than the GTX 750 Ti.
Case: This is just the cheapest the filter would get. I've debated this over a bit, and would prefer a slim ATX for form factor. But it just gets too expensive. This is the only compromise that still bothers me. Most people, including myself, aren't okay with having a big computer case on the floor next their entertainment center.
Power Supply: Cheapest that fits and is a decent manufacturer. Because its a form filter, it should be double checked to make sure its good. At the time of this post, it was eVGA, which is fine.
Optical Drive: Yes its a bluray player. This needs to also have HTPC features to keep up with both the PS4 and XBone. IMO, this is non-negotiable.
Wireless Adapter: Same thing as the optical. And even though my house is all wired, and I would never use it, I can imagine many people, including experienced system builders, may not have a network drop at their TV.
Other: Wireless controller and adapter. The XBone and PS4 both come with a controller. From the couch, this will be your primary control device and is absolutely necessary.
Operating System - If you really don't have access to Win7 or Win8 from somewhere else (still hard for me believe an experienced buildapc'er would), you can use the Windows 10 preview until that is free for real. I've used it since they released it. I've had ZERO problems, and I play a lot of games.
Monitor - You will need a monitoTV to setup this build. However, a PS4 or XBone assume that you'll use your TV. This build also assumes that. I will also add that my HTPC has never been attached to a computer monitor. I stage it attached to the TV, and there it will stay.
Keyboard and Mouse - You will also need these to stage it, as well as periodically as you use it. You can borrow this from a workstation during staging, and then setup some remote control from something else. I use unified remote with android. It is very rare that I have to pull out an input device. For ease of use, you could also get that $25 wireless keyboard by logitech that has the touch pad. However it is definitely not necessary.
Cost - Well, it's definitely not as cheap as an XBone or PS4. The XBone especially at $300. And I honestly can't see it dropping much lower. Saving $10-$20 on the build won't get you close, and will only hurt it, so I wouldn't advise it. In the long run, there will be a savings in buying games, as PC games nose dive in price much quicker than consoles. (and humble bundle/steam sales) But if you always buy games at release, this will be equivalent.
Performance - Well, it'll blow away a PS4 and XBone today. That's for sure. If you've ever seen Titanfall on PC vs XBone side-by-side, you'll know its not just a small difference.
Features - It has everything the consoles do and more. Because you now have a PC, the HTPC feature set is immense.
Other Thoughts:
Subscriptions - PS Network and XBox Live Cost money. From what I understand, while you can technically live without them, they are pretty much essential to owning the units. This can be quite the cost savings over time.
Upgrades - This build has HUGE future upgrade potential. Especially with used parts. True the Xbone and PS4 will never need an upgrade, but if all you do is spend the saved subscription fees on upgrades, you'll be in great shape.
Generation Changes - When the XBone and PS4 are replaced, you'll want to upgrade right away. And also is very expensive. Now if you spend that money then on a new PC. You'll now have two working PCs. Even better if you've been upgrading along the way. Comparing the consoles to PCs at their release gives PCs a huge advantage.
Exclusive Games - True that XBone and PS4 have games exclusive to them. Eventually, most come to the PC. And its only been happening more frequently. Now think about the massively huge number of games that are only on PC. Not to mention the easily attainable emulated games of the past. Who doesn't want the entire NES, SNES, GENESIS, GameBoy libraries just a button push away.
submitted by admiralnorman to buildapc [link] [comments]

A Week with the PS4

My number was 22 at my preferred GameStop. 9:30p rolls around and I'm out side eating a burger and fries while KPIX is stationed out front doing interviews in the store. 10:30p happens upon us and the employees start giving us t-shirts and posters for being here early. 11:30p, the line forms. We all find the number in front of us and wait patently for the next 30 minutes. 12:05. I'm back at my car with my PS4. Buckle the thing in the passenger seat and head home. I've been preparing for this moment the whole week. I ordered a larger internal HDD the week before (1.5TB to be specific) bought a replacement power cord and sold the Xbox 360 I never used. The power cable was easy to purchase since the PS4 uses the same power cord as the slim version of the PS3. I kept the box for my 360 which still had the component cables in their baggie. I let the HDMI (and ethernet cable) from the 360 remain and all I had to do was wiggle the "replacement" power cord from the wall to where my PS4 would sit, or rather where the 360 was.
12:30a. I'm home. Opened the box and immediately plugged my console into the waiting cables. It turned on without a hiccup. Proceeded to run through the setup to ensure everything was glitch free. 12:40a. The console was off again. Unplugged and sitting on my kitchen table with the glossy black top part separated from it. Unscrewed the 5 screws, swapped the HDDs and screwed everything back in. Popped the cover back on and hooked it all up. 1:00a. Operating system has been reinstalled. There was an issue at first because my thumb drive was two thick to actually fit securely in the two front-facing USB ports so I short hunt through my cable drawer netted me a 10 foot USB male to female cable and I proceeded to reinstall the OS from there. I started the 30GB downloads of CALL OF DUTY: GHOSTS, BATTLEFIELD 4 & DC UNIVERSE ONLINE. In the interim I tried out "The Playroom" and started other downloads for CONTRAST, RESOGUN, WARFRAME and FLOWER.
I had previously bought GHOSTS, BF4 and FLOWER on PS3. The former two were preordered on PSN in October during the "Spend $50, get $10 PSN Credit" so after it was all said in done, I had $40 to spend on PSN. 20 dollars went to the 10$ upgrade fee for the PS4 versions of GHOSTS and BF4. FLOWER was free because I had bought it on PS3, though when I bought it doesn't matter I had purchased it almost two years prior. CONTRAST, RESOGUN & WARFRAME were free games for PS4.
Now, 7 days into the PS4s life I finally have an opinion worth sharing. It's not all that. This is about the PS4, not the games, remember that. The PS4 takes so many steps backwards from the PS3 that the steps forward that it does take aren't all that important.
First off, is the new user interface. There's no organization.Your games are sorted by last played and any apps you use (VUDU, Netflix, Hulu Plus, Music Unlimited) are mixed right in. On the PS3 You had different places for your games, video apps and music that you could sort pretty much anyway you wanted. The PS4 puts all those into one horizontal list. It does this because info related to the game/app is displayed below. It displays when your friends started playing, earned trophies or shared media (screenshots, video or streaming) from the game. The whole horizontal UI is my biggest qualm. I want my games and apps separated and I want to sort them.
The whole "SHARE" experience is also painful. There's no dedicated share app on the OS but you can open it by pressing the SHARE button. Which, will take a screen shot before opening depending on how it's setup; I had a few pictures of my home menu before I changed this. It would be cool to see the videos and photos I've taken by going to the respective photo and video sections or by selecting an app from the "list." Taking videos is weird too. The console is always recording, yes. But when you start a video it actually stops recording until you press it again. I haven't lost anything important or show worthy - only my buddy and I dancing in DCUO - but it'd be more convenient if starting a recording stopped the current recording and started recording all over again. It'd make trimming videos easier, especially when all you can do is trim videos down in ten second intervals.
The things that work well is the voice control whether from the camera or from compatible headphones plugged into the controller. Hold down L2 on the main PS4 menu and say a command such as "FLOWER" and the system moves over to the game FLOWER. Say "START" and it'll start the game. The ability to stream ALL audio to the headphones is also really nice. I can play while someone is asleep in the same room. Party chat is also pretty convenient. I had the luxury of LIVE for a while on the 360 and already knew how great this would be on the PS4. The PSN Store doesn't take forever to load anymore either. It loads right up which is super. Trophies are unlocked immediately as opposed to the PS3 where they unlocked about 30 seconds later - due to them being patched in to the OS later I assume.
It also supports CEC (like the PS3) which is super nice. My setup is a bit bulky. My TV has 4 HDMI inputs: 3 in the back and 1 on the side. The three in the back are taken up by my cable box, surround sound receiver and my computer. The one on the side is my only free HDMI slot. Luckily, my receiver has 3 HDMI ins, so I have my PS3 and PS4 plugged in here. My TV sees these devices and adds two more "inputs" respectively named "PlayStation 3" and "PlayStation 4." Selecting these from the input screen switched between both. back when I had my 360, I only had an option for "PlayStation 3" which meant I had to turn on my sound system and change the input on that to switch to my 360. Which was a pain because I only really turn my surround on for movie night and the occasional gaming when no one is around to disturb (or when movie night turns in to game night) with lots of explosive bass.
Just discovered a cool new feature with CEC today, when the system is on and your input isn't on the console, double tapping the PS Button will automatically change the input back. The double tap of the PS button in this way still engages the app switching mode, so you'll have to press it again to go back to your game.
In all, the PS4 has major room for improvement. It'll be great to watch the console evolve and mature over the next few years. I also look forward to the imminent addition of MP3 & DLNA support - which is honestly not something I used heavily on the PS3 and used rarely on the 360 during gameplay.
submitted by comicidiot to PS4 [link] [comments]

can i play bf4 without ps plus video

PS4: Why Playstation Plus Membership is necessary to play ... Can I play online on ps4 without PlayStation Plus? - YouTube Play Battlefield 4 Multiplayer for FREE using ZLO [UPDATED ... Playstation Plus a REQUIRMENT for ALL Online Multiplayer ... How to play NFS 2015 without PS Plus easy tutorial.needs ... Do You Need PS Plus for Fall Guys? - YouTube Play Battlefield 5 On PS4 FREE Soon! NO PS PLUS ... - YouTube How To Play Multiplayer On PS4 For FREE NO PS PLUS NEEDED ... How To Play Multiplayer On PS4 For FREE (NO PS PLUS NEEDED ... PS4 HOW TO PLAY ONLINE WITHOUT PLAYSTATION PLUS NEW ...

So I bought the full game of BF4 for $35 NZD about a week ago and I've been playing multiplayer with no problem. However, today when I went on the game, all the online features have been disabled- Multiplayer, solder and store... It says that in order to use the multiplayer tab, I need PS plus. But I've been playing the multiplayer ever since I bought the game without PS plus and now I So in order to play purchased games online (ie. multiplayer), such as BF4, you will need PSN+ to play them. Free to play games have the ABILITY to be played without PSN+, but it is up to the game developer I believe...or regardless, it is a game by game basis. Your standard retail games do not have this option though, and you WILL need PSN+ to play online. PS Plus required to play PS4 games online Sony confirms players must hold PlayStation Plus subscription to take advantage of online features for next-gen games. Do you need a PS Plus subscription to play Battlefield 4 online? 4 comments. share. save hide report. 20% Upvoted. This thread is archived. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Sort by. best. level 1. 2 points · 4 years ago. Yes every game online needs ps+ unless it's f2p or subscription based. level 1. 2 points · 4 years ago. yes. level 1-1 points · 4 years ago. what 7 years ago. Wether or not it will be necessary right away it's been confirmed that most online play for PS4 will require PS plus. All games with a high online player po will require a payed... I am just totally in awe that I have to purchase an unwanted PlayStation Plus account just to be able to play Star Wars Battlefront online on my Ps4. This is absurd. There's really no substantive single-player mode. The ones that are offered are fun for bout 20 minutes. I've always played online wit... However, PS Plus won't be necessary to access all of them: titles such as Blacklight Retribution, DC Universe Online and War Frame will be open to players without Sony's premium membership Do I need PS plus to play online? X__XDAVEX__nn1s. Enlisted: 2014-01-14. 2014-03-11 00:10 Do I need to pay the playstation plus subscription to play bf4 online. Just bought a ps4. Thanks bluecooldog. Enlisted: 2012-02-16. 2014-03-11 00:11 Yes. Toaster and a Potato. MrCrazyAz. Enlisted: 2011-10-29. 2014-03-11 00:12 It's not xbl but I don't think so. PS+ is worth having though. I don't always Battlefield 4™ is the genre-defining action blockbuster made from moments that blur the line between game and glory. Fueled by the next-generation power and fidelity of Frostbite™ 3, Battlefield 4™ provides a visceral, dramatic experience unlike any other. Only in Battlefield can you demolish the buildings shielding your enemy. Only in Battlefield will you lead an assault from the back

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PS4: Why Playstation Plus Membership is necessary to play ...

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can i play bf4 without ps plus

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